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rough day


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Its more than normal.  You smoked for years..you have only been quit for 2 months.  Dig your heels in and hold on to this quit.  I was just going down memory lane and found my "I lost my quit" post and how upset I was that I blew that quit, but that I started right back on the next day and have maintained that quit for over 18 months.  This is doable.  You can do this, just don't smoke.  The first year is the hardest because of all the "firsts".  Now I very rarely think of smoking...and its just a thought.  No cravings, no desire.  Its just a simple thought of.. I used to smoke.

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N O P E   N O P E    N O P E

Not One Puff EVER.


Everything is normal.  

It is normal in life to have nervous feelings, nervous crazy days.

This doesn't have to have anything to do with smoking.

In fact, it probably doesn't even have anything to do with smoking.

It is just where we attach the blame...

so, what is going on Floss ?


Are you hungry ?  angry ?  lonesome ? tired ?

( h a l t )

Nope your way through it and breathe intently.

You are doing great.

Nope nope nope nope nope.



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Not One Puff EVER.


Everything is normal.

It is normal in life to have nervous feelings, nervous crazy days.

This doesn't have to have anything to do with smoking.

In fact, it probably doesn't even have anything to do with smoking.

It is just where we attach the blame...

so, what is going on Floss ?


Are you hungry ? angry ? lonesome ? tired ?

( h a l t )

Nope your way through it and breathe intently.

You are doing great.

Nope nope nope nope nope.



I don't know what's going on. I wish it were easy to identity so I could fix it. I've been doubting myself all day. I hate this feeling.

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Sometimes nothing is broken,  

sometimes you just have a hard day that is really hard to shake.  

All you can do is NOPE your way through it.

Be kind to yourself.  

Breathe clean fresh air.  Take yourself for a stroll.

Take a hot hot shower and scrub scrub the day off.

Tomorrow will be different.

Try not to think too much, you are doing really great you know !

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This is completely normal... I had these types of days, as I'm sure we all have. Whenever that happened, I asked our friends here for support, or spend extra time reading through some inspirational posts, and reminding myself why I quit to begin with...


Tomorrow will be better, I am sure of it!!

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I sure hope it's better. I am at the library now reading quit smoking books. Actually I'm at the library talking to you guys cuz I really don't feel like reading. I skimmed thru a few books but can't get Into reading tonight. Kinda sucks that I feel this way on my 2 month anni.

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Sometimes the pressure of Anniversaries makes me kind of blue

and I feel crummy when I am not 'supposed' to feel crummy 

and that makes me feel even crummier.   :P  

It is just another day.

A day soon to be in your stash of smoke free days.

Go do something nice for yourself...you are a beautiful smoke free beauty.

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You still hanging in there Floss ?

Yep. I'm still here. I'm home now and still feeling the same. It's ok tho. I'll make it thru. It's kind of a relief to know its normal even at 2 months. It's weird how just know others are going thru or have been thru what you have can ease your mind. Smoking sucks. Too bad I ( we) didn't listen others when we started smoking. Thanks for asking :)
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Oh. I am relieved.  I know your day sucked when it 'should' have been lovely.

Glad you are home, you can scream or sing in the shower.

Make yourself a nice beverage.

Tuck yourself into your cozy bed and call it a day.

You will wake up SO proud of yourself for living through today pretty much unscathed.

Tomorrow is a new day.

and lots of people here watching your back, hang in there.

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Hey, Dentalfloss, sorry I'm a little late for your first post. You said, "I have been doubting my ability to keep this quit long term." I'm here to tell you that right now, right this minute, you can NOT "keep this quit long term." Nobody can. Happily, you don't have to. All you have to do is keep your quit right now-- today-- this one minute. 


It is normal to want a cigarette from time to time even after several months. I do sometimes, and I'm almost 6 months quit. But I tell myself to say, "No" JUST FOR TODAY. If, when I'm having one of those craving days, I was to tell myself, "No. Never again. You promised not to smoke again for the rest of your life." I'd probably throw in the towel immediately and go back to smoking! Who can make (or reaffirm) a lifetime commitment to N.O.P.E. right in the middle of crave? I can't. But I CAN reaffirm my commitment to N.O.P.E. for just this one minute, this one hour, this one day. Tomorrow maybe I'll smoke, but for today it's NOPE.  


So stop scaring yourself with thoughts of long-term quits. You can't quit long term; you can only quit for today. Go get some exercise. Make yourself a soothing drink (tea, wine, warm milk, your choice) and tell yourself that you are not going to smoke TODAY. You will worry about tomorrow when it comes.

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You know Floss,

I was just thinking...around the 2 or 3 or ? months  things can feel kind of harder.

The initial rush of quitting is over...all that good adrenalin  is settling down.

Now,  it is just slogging through and it feels arduous and not exciting as it was at the beginning.

A kind of malaise,  even.

I think it is called 'no mans land' and there should be posts here you can search for.

Tomorrow, I will look for you.  Too tired now.  


The important thing is to forge ahead.  Brighter days ahead...and not too much longer !


Pretty soon it won't be a slog.  Soon it will just be your life.

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On and off over the last year the urge to smoke returned for a visit. Each time the visit was different. In the beginning months, it was relentless. At midpoint, sneaky, a liar. At 11 months, surprising. Now, wistful, romancing, nostalgic,, easily recognized and dismissed as baloney thinking.


Give yourself time, work through it. Be strong.

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You know Floss,

I was just thinking...around the 2 or 3 or ? months  things can feel kind of harder.

The initial rush of quitting is over...all that good adrenalin  is settling down.

Now,  it is just slogging through and it feels arduous and not exciting as it was at the beginning.

A kind of malaise,  even.

I think it is called 'no mans land' and there should be posts here you can search for.

Tomorrow, I will look for you.  Too tired now.  


The important thing is to forge ahead.  Brighter days ahead...and not too much longer !


Pretty soon it won't be a slog.  Soon it will just be your life.

I've read about no mans land. It may be that. It may be a rough day. Who knows. Either way it's not fun.
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We are all thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way.

Sometimes days are just crap de la crap.


The craziest part about it all...is that after a while-and it probably took me longer than others- that even the worst days that come along, you know-I mean flat out know- that smoking would not do a thing for you. So your mind stops going to cigarettes in the times you'd have previously ran for them.

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Hey D - Chrysalis nailed it.




is a big big word. It scared the bejesus out of me. Days like yesterday - I would just focus on not smoking for the day.


A day, I could do.


It is normal to feel that way once in a while. I just reminded myself how great it was that I didn't feel that way every day, like I used to before I quit.


Today will be better

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Hi, late to the party, sorry DF.


Yes, another, "that's normal" coming from me too. No mans land can feel like the rinse and repeat part of quitting. Odd days would feel like a bit of a mental assault, but I found a bad day was always followed by a good day. Some days it was easy, some days I clung on, other days you'll just feel tired of it all. BUT it does end!! I also found it helped to remember that whilst it felt hard today - it was nothing compared to the early quit where triggers were plentiful. 


Just a bad day, non smokers have those too. I hope today is fabulous for you. xx

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hi dentalfloss how are you today?


I cant really add to whats already been said


but bad days will come and go its what we do that makes the difference and its all normal no matter how long you have been quit its a process and a journey and we keep learning on the way


keep posting hun, reach out and open up, send pm`s everyone here can be trusted and will help you


when you work it through and understand it, you can then move on


don`t feel bad for feeling like this you are not alone here


sending you a hug x

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hi hun, sorry i'm late.. but you've had all great advice above,... and you know it is true there will be hard days-times-situations and so on....killing our self  smoking won't change that...that "one" cig won't make anything better... so I tell myself (now) I  just have to NOT have that "one"....it's just one cig that I have to say no to....as long as I say no to that "one" I don't have to worry about the rest.


I hope yer feel'n better today {hug}

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