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Pre Respond to your own SOS


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Jess, Gardener, dancer, Sonic, Wendy, anybody that has not done it yet come on over and write your response xxx

It really helps when you are in the throws of a crave and can't see the wood for the trees to read why YOU decided to quit.

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Hey Tom - this is your healthier self - remember me and how happy I made you. There is no reason or excuse big enough to throw away your quit. Do you remember how bad your clothes smelled and the time and money you wasted - can you even remember the promise you made to yourself about not letting your children down. Do you recall your first post on this site..... here let me remind you


"25 July 2014 - 09:39 PM

Hi guys! My name is Tom and I am 39 years old and have been smoking for 25 years. I have 3 amazing children who have been asking my to quit smoking for a while now. They are coming back from vacation next week. I have set my quit date for Sunday morning so that they will never see me smoke again. I am truly humbled by everything I have read on this site and I am finally ready to become a non-smoker. I quit for over 1 year at one point but did so for the wrong reasons. Now my goals are very clear and my desire to be smoke-free is not in question. I hope that it is ok that I am 1 1/2 days away and that I do not offend anyone that I am still a smoker for this moment and yet I am on here sharing my intentions. I just felt like this was the place for that kind of support. I have told my closest friends over the last week that they will no longer have to out up with my bad habit after tomorrow night and they are waiting to see if I can follow through. I know I will and I look forward to sharing ,y 1st hour, week, month and year etc in doing so. Anyway, that is who I am and this is what I have decided to do. I admire all of you and look forward to being where you are soon enough!'


There you go - do you ever want to go back and start over - no I didn't think so - be proud of your accomplishments and rely on your QT family to pull your head out of your arse if you find yourself in a bad way.

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Jess, Gardener, dancer, Sonic, Wendy, anybody that has not done it yet come on over and write your response xxx

It really helps when you are in the throws of a crave and can't see the wood for the trees to read why YOU decided to quit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jess, Gardener, dancer, Sonic, Wendy, anybody that has not done it yet come on over and write your response xxx

It really helps when you are in the throws of a crave and can't see the wood for the trees to read why YOU decided to quit.

It also really helps us to know what approach might work for you if you hit the wall.

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Hey Karen,

Remember why you quit? Remember the cold you got this past summer, that showed you you weren't invincible? Remember how you couldn't breathe and how scary that suffocating feeling was?


Remember that your worst nightmare is claustrophobia and suffocation? Well, sweetie, that is where you are headed if you go back to smoking. We all will die, but let's not suffocate to death, okay?


Just take a deep breath and ...one....day....at....a.....time.

Love from,


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  • 2 weeks later...


You got this thing woman! How many times did you think it would never be you who managed to quit? Remember how it felt to believe you were the only one who couldn't do it? Guess what? YOU DID IT!

Don't you dare let a hard day or bad mood drag you back into that pit of shame and death.

Think about being a little girl watching grandpa die from lung cancer, think about listening to mom cough and gag all night long and take the burnt tobacco from other people's butts to have a rollie in the morning. Think about grandma smoking with emphyzema and now on oxygen, unable to travel to see her great granddaughter. Think about dad and his strength to quit, all though not soon enough to prevent his emphyzema. Think of the pain on his face when he can't walk to the park with the kids because for him life is like breathing through a straw.

Think of the pride on your sons face when he says mommy doesn't smoke anymore. Think about 30 years from now playing with your grandchildren. Make Damn sure you can be there with them and play!!

If none of that works think about the money you save, the nice clean car, the smell of your shampoo and perfume. Think about clean teeth and improved gum health.

Get pissed off at these horrible companies that trick people into giving up not only quantity but quality of life by selling cigarettes. GET REALLY PISSED!

Then say no Kristin. Just don't smoke. You don't do that anymore. You won't let them take anymore health and happiness out of your life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a tried and tested idea I had a while back.


take a moment to write yourself a response to your own SOS.


no one knows you like you know yourself, and if you do post an SOS we can show you your own words, something that you will really listen to.


do it now while you are strong, as we know that when we are weak we can struggle to fight and to find the fight within ourselves.


I'll get this started..


Jonny, what ever is going on that has thrown you into this confusion, please stop and reflect on your achievements and restore that belief in yourself.


You know that you are free and that you have always sought and fought for that freedom, and that your freedom or imprisonment are simply states of mind that you control.

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Jess..Jess..Jess... so you're having a hard day..are you craving and romancing that smoke? Are you thinking just one little puff would calm you make it all better. You know better think hard about this. How many times have you said if you have one Puff you might as well buy a carton?

You have some friends that can socially smoke and then be done..you wish you could too but you can't ..Get over it! You can't ever smoke again. You have said this is your last attempt to quit.. if you're unsuccessful you will never attempt again... so don't quit noping. You are a non smoker. You've made it do far girl..be proud.


You have your children and two beautiful grand dtrs who love and need you. Remember saying you dont ever want those babies to know you as a smoker! Keep that thought going. Stay close to your QT family and if reading this doesn't work SOS now... you dont have to always be strong and struggle alone.. let others help hold you up when you don't have the strength.. You are stronger than you know....You got this!

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Jess..Jess..Jess... so you're having a hard day..are you craving and romancing that smoke? Are you thinking just one little puff would calm you make it all better. You know better think hard about this. How many times have you said if you have one Puff you might as well buy a carton?

You have some friends that can socially smoke and then be done..you wish you could too but you can't ..Get over it! You can't ever smoke again. You have said this is your last attempt to quit.. if you're unsuccessful you will never attempt again... so don't quit noping. You are a non smoker. You've made it do far girl..be proud.

You have your children and two beautiful grand dtrs who love and need you. Remember saying you dont ever want those babies to know you as a smoker! Keep that thought going. Stay close to your QT family and if reading this doesn't work SOS now... you dont have to always be strong and struggle alone.. let others help hold you up when you don't have the strength.. You are stronger than you know....You got this!

Jess... If you need anything, just let us know - we are here for you :wub:

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  • 4 weeks later...

My PRE-RESPOND for 31 December for the excuse that I can smoke 1 and quit New Year.  :rolleyes: Is that I was baptised 23 November so 23 December is a PERFECT date to KEEP my quit so cut the bloody crap about quiting on New years' Eve :angry:

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  • 3 weeks later...


You can do this and you will. Light that cigarette and kiss your new house for you, hubs and the kids BYE BYE! Oh and that new baby you want so much odds are that won't happen either. Kill them with smoke good plan!


All the first suggestions you got get to doing them. Deep breaths, go bathroom cry, glass of water, you can do this! You can breathe today light that thing and you won't tomorrow...

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           You deserve better than this.  Smoking is NOT the answer to your problems.  Did you forget that grandpa died of lung cancer? Or that your beloved Mother-in-law died of complications from smoking?  Imagine what your early death would do to your husband and siblings.  What do think your second hand smoke is doing to Todd, Nippy, and Pepper? It's harming them,too.  Don't do this.  You are stronger than you give yourself credit for.  Believe in you.  

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

YOU can only lead a horse to water DD - this is a great place to visit once in a while - I just went back and read my post from October - seems so long ago - we may have to share our posts again to hopefully inspire some newbies to do the same - I agree the relapses are out of control - I really hope if someone does find themselves in a bad place that they reach out instead of posting an excuse and then looking for the rest of us to say it's OK it wasn't a big deal - because it is a huge deal.. I have fun everyday of my life but I hold my quit Sacred to me - it's not a joke. So get serious for just 1 minute people and send yourself an SOS response..


Here is mine from October:


Hey Tom - this is your healthier self - remember me and how happy I made you. There is no reason or excuse big enough to throw away your quit. Do you remember how bad your clothes smelled and the time and money you wasted - can you even remember the promise you made to yourself about not letting your children down. Do you recall your first post on this site..... here let me remind you


"25 July 2014 - 09:39 PM

Hi guys! My name is Tom and I am 39 years old and have been smoking for 25 years. I have 3 amazing children who have been asking my to quit smoking for a while now. They are coming back from vacation next week. I have set my quit date for Sunday morning so that they will never see me smoke again. I am truly humbled by everything I have read on this site and I am finally ready to become a non-smoker. I quit for over 1 year at one point but did so for the wrong reasons. Now my goals are very clear and my desire to be smoke-free is not in question. I hope that it is ok that I am 1 1/2 days away and that I do not offend anyone that I am still a smoker for this moment and yet I am on here sharing my intentions. I just felt like this was the place for that kind of support. I have told my closest friends over the last week that they will no longer have to out up with my bad habit after tomorrow night and they are waiting to see if I can follow through. I know I will and I look forward to sharing ,y 1st hour, week, month and year etc in doing so. Anyway, that is who I am and this is what I have decided to do. I admire all of you and look forward to being where you are soon enough!'


There you go - do you ever want to go back and start over - no I didn't think so - be proud of your accomplishments and rely on your QT family to pull your head out of your arse if you find yourself in a bad way.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...



Come on. Really?!? Quitting this time wasn't painful enough? Seriously, think about how GOOD you feel not being a smoker. No more wheezing, no more shit breath, no being embarrassed all the time about how you smell, about strangers looking at you and judging. Do you really want to go back to worrying about a stroke or heart attack all the time?

Did you forget how it sounded when the respiratory therapist was suctioning dad while he was intubated? How the therapist said he could tell dad was a long time smoker even though he's been quit FOR 25 YEARS??? How about when dad couldn't walk fast enough to get to the boat because of his emphysema. His pained, red face and raspy breathing.

Why would you throw in the towel when you've made it so far?? Been through the hardest part? Just remember. If you smoke, it will not be just 1. You. Are. A. Freaking. Addict. And if you smoke, you will not enjoy it because you don't smoke. It will not taste good. You will probably cough. It will feel repulsive. You will not enjoy it!!!

Please don't smoke. PLEASE DONT SMOKE! Love yourself enough for the first time in your life to respect your body. Think about Sydney crying the last time you relapsed.


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It will not taste good. You will probably cough. It will feel repulsive. You will not enjoy it!!!


It won't just not taste good, it won't feel good - nothing like the way you remember. You'll have to smoke a whole bunch in succession to reestablish the addiction to the point where you can "enjoy" the relief a cigarette will again provide. But certainly not the first one.


You hear about people that have had amputations, and have "phantom" pains and "ghost" itches in parts that are no longer there. I think that's us. Each one of us carries a memory of an itch we can no longer scratch, not without becoming actively addicted again.


Which is a lot like cutting off your nose to spite your face, if you see what I mean.

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...my dear, you don't smoke!  so, lighten up...read something funny, BREATHE - AGAIN , AGIAN,  AGAIN and again, again, again


nothing could be worth going back to a fear based life  filled with all manner of nastiness (self-concept~loathing, smelling of ashtray, brazening out what can't be hidden while judging yourself constantly, and knowing people in positions of authority with power to change your life will act based on their perceptions of smoking~You).




keep breathing... LIFE YOU DESIRE IS  happening with FREEDOM....


  • you have more endurance and walk joyfully and easily with the cats daily....
  • you have confidence walking into business meetings, trainings - sans smoke scent
  • you are not a slave to addiction   YOU ARE FREE
  • you like & enjoy who you are and how you spend your resources (time, attention, intention, money)


Thank you, thank you , thank you for BEing and  staying FREE.


Always all ways, just, darcy*



* FYI QT People - darcy is my given name. Kendra is a character in a book ... I admire the book, character and writer, so chose to emulate Kendra here. B) :)









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