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Eight Years Smoke Free Today!!!


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Memorial weekend eight years ago today I decided I wasn't going to buy anymore cigarettes and quit. I had a pretty rough first year and I googled a lot of my symptoms the first three weeks and each time I did it led me to my first forum. I couldn't believe all the people willing to give their time to help another person succeed. It was truly awe inspiring so I signed up. It was the best decision I could have made to win the battle with this addiction.

Now I get to offer my support along with the many others. I've made great friends from all over the world and have had some great laughs along the way. 😊



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Huge congrats Jillar on 8 years smoke free and for all the support you have given freely to others over those 8 years in order to help them also succeed in quitting (myself included). You have truly incorporated giving valuable guidance to others into your own quit journey :28_hugging:




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Jill, Congratulations on your 8 years smoke free!!!!! You have done an amazing job!!  I hope to be at 8 years and in your shoes!! You have give me so much help in the past year that I cannot thank you enough, my dear friend!! 😘 JILL, YOU ARE AN AMAZING PERSON!!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!  All the best to you!!!



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Great job @jillar and congratulations on 8 years smoke free.  Also, thanks for sticking around and providing support for others.  I know that is a tough task.  I hope you celebrate big today.



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Jill.                                                            Thank you so much for all you do here and the wonderful mentoring, along with the support for myself and this forum. You are the bestest bunny!!



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@jillarcongratulations on 8 years quit.  you've been an inspiration and a guide to many who have come here for support.  I know you helped me get through the long rough patch I had at the start of my quit and I thank you.  I hope you have a wonderful day today and everyday.  Happy Quitaversary!!

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Time to paarrr-taayyyy!!!! 🥂🥳👏


Congratulations to one of our sage conductors on The Quit Train!!!! 

What a long way you’ve traveled from the early days, huh?  Wow!!! 

Thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement to all.


Take time to celebrate YOU and enjoy your continued freedom!


Buttkicker kicking butts since 2016 and still going strong!! Woo- hoo!!! 




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My Dear Sweet Friend..

I’m so sorry I’m late to your Anniversary  ..

Life has got me busy just now with Nicky home ..

Where to start …

Congratulations on your wonderful 8 years . 
Im am so lucky to have found someone to be by my side in keeping this board in check , and me I have to say ..

Your friendhip is something I will keep in my heart forever  . 
Thank you for all you do for us all 

Well done Lovely Lady 



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Congratulations Jill! I’m so sorry that I missed the party, but I do want to take a minute to say that your decision 8 years ago helped me in my own decision 5 years later! Thank you for being here. You are amazing!

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Sorry to be late to the celebration (on a work trip), but I couldn’t miss the belated chance to send love and gratitude your way! Congratulations on 8 years, and thanks so much for the support you offer to the rest of us. 


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Congratulations friend!!  This is an amazing accomplishment dude. I’m proud of you!  Look at all these ppl that look up to you and appreciate all you do for them (me included) 💛 I hope you treated yourself ❤️


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