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No Zzzzleeep

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Well, long story short, Im back. Day 22 and 1/4. Planning on making this my last ‘day 22 and 1/4 ever’.  


But now I sleep like crap. Remember this from before, and its driving me insane. 

Any tips, how to’s, reassurances about maintaining my sanity would be so much appreciated. Thanks!  🙌


Edited by MLMR
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Congratulations on 22 days


I don't know how active your lifestyle is but I always found upping your activity walking or lifting weights or gardening or swimming or all the above helps me sleep.


If you can't do that maybe get your dr to prescribe you something to help.

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Welcome back!! So wonderful to read your post and to learn you are back on the path to freedom.


The sleep thing sux for a while, then gets better. Radically reducing my caffeine intake helped (turns out nicotine accelerated how my body processes the stuff… it hangs around forever now that I’ve quit), as did good sleep hygiene (no screens in/before bed) and listening to audiobooks at night. Sleeping pills in a pinch, monitored by my Dr.

It gets better after a while. Hang in there!

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Hi and welcome back ..

Losing our sleep pattern seems to be the norm early on when we quit ..

My sleep pattern was non existent…but it was temporary and soon enough it came back and sleeping even better than normal 

Hang in there …it will pass 

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Congratulationns on 22 days smoke free @MLMR  I hope you stick around.  There's a lot of support you can get here.  Make this your forever quit.  You can do it.

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Welcome back and congrats on day 22. Get some soft headphones, the ones you can sleep in, and relax listening to podcasts or sleep relaxation music or nature sounds, so,peaceful and will calm you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Little bit late, mmmm sorry. Sleep is slowly coming back, pfffew. Walks, meditation, trying not to be bothered by sleepless nights all that much. Its working out 🙏

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