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Anyone who knows me (and I realize not everyone does lol) knows I’ve come and gone a lot. I wanted to celebrate that I’m on day four which is the farthest I’ve gotten in a long time. Luckily I’m visiting a non smoking relative for another six days. That helps. No access, and I’m in a non smoking environment/culture. It’s my big sister that I’m visiting. She dotes on me like a mom…it would break her heart if I smoked. The challenge starts when I get home.

Though I’m ultimately doing this for myself, thoughts of my lil not-quite-two-year-old, my daughter (her mom) and my son all play into this. My mom died from complications of pneumonia due to smoking at 62, when my kids were only 14 and 11.  I’m 57 now, close to the age my mom was when she died. I’m at risk. Who knows what would happen if I got pneumonia?


prob to much for me to be putting out there but maybe it will help someone else. 

anyway, I’m staying this time. 

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Congrats on reaching Day 4! It’s good that you are reconnecting to the forum… and good that you ate getting in touch with your motivations and fears. Personally, before quitting would stick for me I had to be thoroughly FED UP with the demoralizing quitting-then-relapsing merry go round. Step off that crazy circus ride. Withdrawal discomfort is temporary, and life’s so much better afterwards! We’re here to help.

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Posted (edited)

Congratulations on Day 4, Michelle.  Quitting and relapsing is a really horrible and torturous cycle to go through. I did it for several years before quitting for good and things got far better.


Just adhere to NOPE (Not One Puff Ever), even if it is 1 day at a time.  Maybe do the daily pledge here and devote yourself to making it through the day until the next day's NOPE pledge.  Repeat and repeat.  Over time, it does add up and things get better.


I hope you do stick around this time.  Really, once you do get smoking out of your life, it will make your life better.

Edited by johnny5
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Congratulations Michelle …4 days 

Your body has now rid of all the nicotine 

We are all willing you along and make this your sticky quit .

Try and stay close to the board  !!!

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Day 4,,,,,this is fantastic!!!!


I really loved repeating my mantra to keep me on track.


You can repeat MichelleDoesn'tSmokeAnymore when you need that extra kick of strength!!I think it's pretty powerful!!


Stay here on QT, for years if necessary.


An online quit smoking forum was a huge part of my success.

Read lots and post often!!



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A bout of pneumonia started my quit smoking journey. Even though I’d given up the smokes I got a major cancer and then strokes. Because I’d walked away the cigs I survived.
A bit battered, but still on the green side of the grass not the brown roots. You can survived strokes and cancer but you can’t survive smoking. 
So if health is a good motivator to walk away from smoking…… good!

You’ll discover other motivators in your journey. The sweet freedom from smoking withdrawals is a biggy for me. You may feel like you’re bashing your head against a brick wall with those withdrawals now. But, like bashing your head against a brick wall you really only feel good when you stop.


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Congratulations Michelle! 4 days is wonderful and this site is the place to be for support. I hope the rest of your visit with your sister goes smoothly! 

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Thank you all. Every single reply helped me, really. I’m in the throes of some serious cravings, but I refuse to give in. I don’t even want to chew the nicotine gum I have because that’ll just start the cycle over. I’m trying to just ride it all out. My last vape was Saturday about 10:30 in the morning so that puts me at about four full days if you don’t count Saturday since it wasn’t a full day quit. So Sunday one, Monday two, Tuesday three, today four, so I’m gonna say I’m on day four today not yesterday. I’m finally sleeping better. I had a hard time staying asleep the first few days. I can take a nice deep breath, which is so wonderful. But then the cravings hit like a brick hitting me in the face. At least they don’t last that long. 

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22 hours ago, Cbdave said:


A bout of pneumonia started my quit smoking journey. Even though I’d given up the smokes I got a major cancer and then strokes. Because I’d walked away the cigs I survived.
A bit battered, but still on the green side of the grass not the brown roots. You can survived strokes and cancer but you can’t survive smoking. 
So if health is a good motivator to walk away from smoking…… good!

You’ll discover other motivators in your journey. The sweet freedom from smoking withdrawals is a biggy for me. You may feel like you’re bashing your head against a brick wall with those withdrawals now. But, like bashing your head against a brick wall you really only feel good when you stop.


OMGawsh Dave I’m so glad you’re still here!!! I have an autoimmune disease that affects my lungs so I REALLY have no business smoking or vaping. Other than that no smoking induced health problems (yet) so I’ll consider myself lucky. Cancer in particular must have been horrifying 😕

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Glad to see that you’re still here and still determined. You can do this! Cravings are not commands… they are just noisy commercials for s—t you don’t wanna buy. Change the channel and distract yourself with other activities and projects. Stay strong!

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I’m glad you’re still with us and that you’re riding those craves out Michelle. Your determination to quit will one day inspire others. It’s one of the reasons we encourage ‘newbies’ to post their stories and journeys here. The main one being that it helps you!

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You’re doing great Michelle!!! This emotional bs in the beginning really does subside, you’re pushing through and that’s all any of us could do. Keep going ❤️  The deep breath is rad!!!

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