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Me again!

I have some questions, hope you guys can help me answer. Some of them might sound incredibly silly to you, sorry.


I´m incredibly thirsty. Extremely. All the time. No matter how much water I drink. Any solutions? Why does this happen?


The very discussed weight gain issue: I´m very careful with my diet but I feel extremely tired to exercise. Will I gain a lot of weight? I´m too self conscious about that


Family and friends: So far the only one who knows that I quit is my husband. How do I tell my mom, for example, without her getting extremely pushy and like "since this moment you´re not allowed to slip not even once"? How do I tell my smoker friends not to smoke in front of me for a while without offending them? (I remember it bothered me that my non smokers friends did that) How do I react to the "Yeah, quitting is easy, I´ve done it thousands of times" thing? People are so used to me being a heavy smoker that I know some will not believe me I´m really quitting


Can I drive feeling brain fogged? The weather is better and I thought of maybe today going to the mall


Have you done anything symbolic about your commitment to quitting? I´m too scared of tatoos LOL but I was wondering if some of you has done something that remembers them to stay smoke free


How does adding friends here work? Some of you added me (Yei! Thanks!) but I don´t know how to add anyone.


This is it...for know. By this time you should know I´ll keep posting  :P


Thanks in advance




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Hi Natalie, I can't remember being really thirsty on my last quit, I do remember, I kept sighing alot as if I couldn't catch my breath, I had a really sore throat for weeks, and my skin went spotty, try and not over compensate with eating when you get a crave, snacking is inevitable but if you do gain weight you can concentrate on an exercise plan later, my friend told me "you can easily lose weight but you cannot lose lung cancer" I gained slightly but still was able to wear my same size clothes but I have begun an exercise regime from the start this time.  I also kept a log of what I had saved I use mine towards my debts and put some in a savings account to treat myself when I feel like it, its nice to look at the bank and go ohhhh.  Most of my smoker friends understood on the not smoking in front of them, but unfortunately part of quitting is getting used to others smoking around you,  Just tell yourself that you are a non smoker....to be honest this element never bothered me and you may find yourself to be the same.  To add as a friend go to the profile of the person you want to add and click "add me as a friend".  You are doing great xxx

  • Like 2

To add a friend simply go into their name and click near the top add as a friend.


You can absolutely drive with brain fog, it's mental, not physical. Do watch your concentration levels generally though.


Think something in a cigarette surpressed some thirst reflex. No idea why and I don't know if anyone else said but I never drank water as a smoker, now I drink loads most days and really feel dehydrated quickly if I don't. Not something I ever noticed before.


Phrasing to friends, you can try I would appreciate help not smoking around me - but to be honest most smokers get the hump and take it like some personal slight...I went really offensive quite quickly complete with tutting and frantic hand waving haha... maybe you'll be nicer though :)

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Ah weight, yeah I put on a few pounds but that's because I ate shed loads of food. I am dieting and exercising it off now and actually really lovin exercise for the first time in years. It doesn't feel like a chore as a non smoker, I look forward to it. So no real issue, deal with the quit, then with the weight. I will be nicotine free and back to the same weight within 6 months of stopping - not a problem. x

  • Like 2

Okay, I will try to answer.  I don't know why you are so thirsty, but I do know it is very common when quitting.


Don't worry about weight right now...we certainly have no way to predict how much you will gain.  I gained 8 pounds but now weigh less than before I quit.  Right now, eat whatever you want...the quit is most important.


Tell your mother, because you are not allowed to "slip".  There is no such thing as "slipping", that implies an accident and smoking is a decision.


Only you can determine if you can drive safely, but I expect if you are very careful, you will be fine.


I had a bracelet engraved with  NOPE=Freedom on the outside, and Not One Puff Ever, and One puff away from a pack a day on the inside

  • Like 3

Me again!

I have some questions, hope you guys can help me answer. Some of them might sound incredibly silly to you, sorry.


I´m incredibly thirsty. Extremely. All the time. No matter how much water I drink. Any solutions? Why does this happen?


The very discussed weight gain issue: I´m very careful with my diet but I feel extremely tired to exercise. Will I gain a lot of weight? I´m too self conscious about that


Family and friends: So far the only one who knows that I quit is my husband. How do I tell my mom, for example, without her getting extremely pushy and like "since this moment you´re not allowed to slip not even once"? How do I tell my smoker friends not to smoke in front of me for a while without offending them? (I remember it bothered me that my non smokers friends did that) How do I react to the "Yeah, quitting is easy, I´ve done it thousands of times" thing? People are so used to me being a heavy smoker that I know some will not believe me I´m really quitting


Can I drive feeling brain fogged? The weather is better and I thought of maybe today going to the mall


Have you done anything symbolic about your commitment to quitting? I´m too scared of tatoos LOL but I was wondering if some of you has done something that remembers them to stay smoke free


How does adding friends here work? Some of you added me (Yei! Thanks!) but I don´t know how to add anyone.


This is it...for know. By this time you should know I´ll keep posting  :P


Thanks in advance



I am going to break them down below



Some of them might sound incredibly silly to you, sorry.

Nothing you ask is going to be thought of as silly. This is the reason that MQ created the site. :D



I´m incredibly thirsty. Extremely. All the time. No matter how much water I drink. Any solutions?

I had a thirst too. Lots of ice water and juice. Your body chemistry is thrown off by stopping all of the toxins and crap that was being put in. Just keep hydrated, and sugar free candy helped with the dry mouth. 



Will I gain a lot of weight?

Try not to worry too much about this. If you do gain a few they are easily removed when you become more comfortable in your quit. If it is something that really concerns you than keep carrots instead of pretzels...etc. Also go for a walk or a run when a crave hits. 



So far the only one who knows that I quit is my husband. How do I tell my mom

If you are afraid of her being pushy... don't tell her until you've established a few weeks or more. 



Can I drive feeling brain fogged? 

My head was up my butt for a week or two but it passes. If you are comfortable driving then yes you can just be a little more vigilant about paying attention. 



Have you done anything symbolic about your commitment to quitting?

Most of us just treat ourselves to things that we couldn't have afforded while we were smoking. 

  • Like 2

As DD did (smart move) I´ll try to break this down:


Thanks DD for reminding me I can keep posting! You´re lovely


So the thirst is normal. I don´t remember where I read that cranberry juice helped to get through this detox phase. Myth or fact?


Yes Jackie I know!! It´s amazing how much money I spent on cigarettes!!


My friends, will not react as comprehensive, though. I know them. As Marti said, they´re going to take it personal. I think what DD said about my mom makes me feel safer, because I know I´m not allowed to slip, but she can be extremely pushy. 


About the weight, so far we all agree I better take it out of my head for some days. 


If the weather´s nice I´ll try to go outside for a while.


I really like the idea of the bracelet Nancy! I´ll think of something. I´m that kind of person, visual reminders help me. 


And I´ll add you as friends now that I know how! Thanks. 



  • Like 1

Juice gets rid of the nicotine in your system quicker and also helped to manage blood sugar levels which dip for a few days - cranberry is the "best" juice (something to do with acidity) but any fruit juice will work. It's why I asked if you were using the patch. The tiredness you describe sounds like a blood sugar dip but you shouldn't get that on the patch (unless you were a real heavy smoker maybe...). 


Weight, tempting but pointless to get hung up. Compensate with healthy snacks or go for a walk more often. It's only the eating more that puts weight on.



  • Like 1

No such thing as a silly question! ;)


I'm not sure where 'the thirst' ones from, buying am assuming that it is some kind of dehydration due to some of the chemicals in cigarettes - remember that the tobacco companies want to make it as difficult as possible to quit, so throw a load of junk in the smokes to make you feel this way while in withdrawal. I chewed a ton of gum when I first quit (and I means TON, lol).


Tell your mom when you feel comfortable. Tell your friends when you feel comfortable. I didn't tell anyone right in the beginning, because I hadn't really realised that I had quit (I was in bed with a bad case if the flu). By 2 weeks, I was shouting it from the rooftops to anyone who would listen, lol. If you get a smoker friend who says 'quitting in easy, overdone it a thousand times'... Tell them that doesn't make sense, as they are still a smoker, so none of their quits were successful. Of you need to not be around them for a while, then that's fine too. Smoker share to loose other smokers, so don't expect a great reception, and be prepared for the sarky comments that will follow. Just be proud of yourself, and remember that they don't get to smoke, they HAVE to smoke! And if they really piss you off... Come here and tell us, and we can all have a good old moan about them!!


Of you feel safe enough to drive, you should be OK. Saying that, I did knock my wing mirror off in a car park during one of these foggy incidents, lol...


Buying stuff? I buy stiff all the time now, lol. The biggest things I bought were a new computer, and a great piece of art - whenever I look at them it reminds me how great it is to NOT smoke! I also take my wife out for at least one meal every weekend, so she's happy too, lol.


Hmmm.. What else... Oh, weight?! Don't worry about that too much now. I'm the same weight as when I started. Look at Marti, Nancy, frez, Colleen, Sarah, DD, Gemzee, Pip... These are all people (that I know of) that are slimmer than when they were smoking! There are probably others, too, but I don't get too involved with the ladies weight here, lol (sorry if I forgot some people, but you all need to make more of a big deal about it, lol)


And friends? I'm your friend. Not sure if I've added you or not, but will do it now. I tend to forget to use that section, because it's quite a small community at the moment, it's quite easy to keep track of everyone ;)


You are doing just GREAT!!!!

  • Like 1

Thanks to all!


So...cranberry it is!! If it helps, for sure I´ll drink it. About what you mentioned Action, yes, it´s disturbing and amazing, like this whole tobacco conspiracy. For what I´ve been reading they do everything to keep people hooked. 


I think I´ll do that, as DD and Action said, I´ll slowly tell people when I feel comfortable. Smokers don´t want to lose one of their members, I know because (ashamed) I was like that.


I´m glad your wife is happy too Action. My husband is a bit skeptical still, but supportive. 


I like having you as friends! This can be a lonely process...

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I'm at work and don't have time to read through all the responses so it might already be mentioned but you are very early in your quit so think of your body healing like it does when you have the flu. You need extra water and you are tired all the time. Give your body what it wants and the thirst and fatigue will go away soon enough.


I have never been overweight and I've never had to watch what I ate but since I quit I am always hungry. It's getting better but I still eat a lot.

I have started cutting down on pop and eating a lot of veggies and some fruits. They are low calorie and keep my hands busy. I also use a straw in my drinks and that helps with eating too. You will regain energy soon enough and then you can start to add exercise. Don't put too much on your plate right now. Quitting should be your main concern. They rest will settle on its own.


I never had the brain fog so I can't help you there but be very careful. Can someone else drive you for a few days?


I still haven't told my family that I quit. I don't know why but I just haven't. Just be blunt with your smoking friends. If they are true friends they won't get offended and if they do then it's their problem.

If they won't comply then you need to get up and walk away from them. Do what you need to to save your quit.


Just tell people the truth about quitting. Some days are good some are not but you are doing what you can to make it.


I didn't/ haven't done anything special but I would like to start saving my money for my dream vacation. Gotta stop spending it first ;)



  • Like 1

I'm at work and don't have time to read through all the responses so it might already be mentioned but you are very early in your quit so think of your body healing like it does when you have the flu. You need extra water and you are tired all the time. Give your body what it wants and the thirst and fatigue will go away soon enough.


I have never been overweight and I've never had to watch what I ate but since I quit I am always hungry. It's getting better but I still eat a lot.

I have started cutting down on pop and eating a lot of veggies and some fruits. They are low calorie and keep my hands busy. I also use a straw in my drinks and that helps with eating too. You will regain energy soon enough and then you can start to add exercise. Don't put too much on your plate right now. Quitting should be your main concern. They rest will settle on its own.


I never had the brain fog so I can't help you there but be very careful. Can someone else drive you for a few days?


I still haven't told my family that I quit. I don't know why but I just haven't. Just be blunt with your smoking friends. If they are true friends they won't get offended and if they do then it's their problem.

If they won't comply then you need to get up and walk away from them. Do what you need to to save your quit.


Just tell people the truth about quitting. Some days are good some are not but you are doing what you can to make it.


I didn't/ haven't done anything special but I would like to start saving my money for my dream vacation. Gotta stop spending it first ;)




Wow! I´m amazed you still haven´t told people. I think I´ll take it at my own pace, for now.


"Do what you need to save your quit" sounds like a great motto for me now.  :)


Stop spending it! LOL Go to Hawaii or Paris or Disneyland!  :P


I believe the cranberry juice is just a rumor. Any juice will do.


what method did you pick? if using nrt then juice wont pull anything out while your still putting it in.


I believe the cranberry juice is just a rumor. Any juice will do.


what method did you pick? if using nrt then juice wont pull anything out while your still putting it in.


Well darling, everybode here voted for cranberry! LOL So I think it might be true.


Started with the patch, safety net, but now I took it off. 

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I´m incredibly thirsty. Extremely. All the time. No matter how much water I drink. Any solutions? Why does this happen?


Unrelated. You just happen to be extremely thirsty.


Coincidence does not equal causation.


Get that through your head and you won't be thinking every little issue is related. HINT: Most are not.


Most ...


The very discussed weight gain issue: I´m very careful with my diet but I feel extremely tired to exercise. Will I gain a lot of weight? I´m too self conscious about that


You don't have to gain a pound if you don't want to.


Sarge lost 36 pounds in first 6 months of his quit. Down just about 50 pounds off his highest now (204 at highest to 154 currently) - slimming down for the Fall Race Season (2 half-marathons scheduled)


Weight gain is ALL diet. Exercise is just icing on the cake. Blow a workkout at the gym? Maybe a 200 or 300 calorie surplus. Maybe. Blow a day by binge eating? Could end up with a 3,000+ or more calorie surplus (the sky is the limit, depending on severity of the binge).


It really has very little ... maybe 15% to do with exercise and 85% eating.


Mind the diet/eating and you won't gain an ounce. Blow the diet/eating and you'll blow up into an inflatable version of your former self.  


Family and friends: So far the only one who knows that I quit is my husband. How do I tell my mom, for example, without her getting extremely pushy and like "since this moment you´re not allowed to slip not even once"?


Let her get pushy if that's her way.


If it gets overbearing, tell her to "F_ck off, Ma." - it works for The Sarge.


(BTW - she's right: you are NOT allowd to slip. Not even once. )








How do I tell my smoker friends not to smoke in front of me for a while without offending them?


You don't.


You let 'em smoke - and deal with it.


You'll have to some day. Why not now.


Avoidance is not a good strategy.



(I remember it bothered me that my non smokers friends did that) How do I react to the "Yeah, quitting is easy, I´ve done it thousands of times" thing?


Say it with The Sarge: "Easy Peasy."


Quitting is easy.


If you want it to be difficult, you're gonna make it that way no matter what Sarge says ... but he still says: Easy Peasy.






People are so used to me being a heavy smoker that I know some will not believe me I´m really quitting




Are we still in grade school and really care about what all the Kool Kids think of us?


Can I drive feeling brain fogged?




No. Really?


Have you done anything symbolic about your commitment to quitting? I´m too scared of tatoos LOL but I was wondering if some of you has done something that remembers them to stay smoke free


There's only one thing you need to do, namely: remain smoke free. You don't need anything else.





Easy Peasy

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nah orange is poop, cranberry is wee :) Oh to be a parent and have this oh so useful information stored internally :)


Anyway - if you've done away with the patch then this totally explains the tiredness!! At the risk of upsetting the "fruit cart" the acids in cranberry are marginally higher than other juices, so it will speed up the removal of nicotine by a few hours over any other juice - so I say drink one you like! Sips, every couple of hours will ease that tiredness right off. xx


To Sgt. Sausage: 

Maybe it´s easy peasy for you, probably because you´re a non smoker since 2011. But I´m going trough a rough time. Not so easy. 


Yes, quitting can be scary. Yes, quitting can be lonely. Yes, quitting can be hard... That's why we're here sweetie - at the beginning, we're here to hold your hand, and tell you that everything is going to be OK - because it truly is.


You feel uncomfortable right now? Now try to imagine, that by putting up with this for a few days, weeks, months (don't worry, it gets better quickly), then you could potentially be adding 5, 10, 15, 20 (or more) years on to your life - those years that you can enjoy, and spend with loved ones. A few weeks of uncomfort for 20 extra years of happiness? That's a no brainer ;)


Also, try to look at other people tickers - that's what I did in the beginning - looked at someone who was a few weeks ahead, then a few months, and I watched them grow, and learnt from their experiences... That was what I did. And ALL of these people (with absolutely no exceptions, whatsoever) ALL stated on day 1, then day 2... Just like you ;)

  • Like 5

Hey Nat.


Hi there - a belated welcome.


Fantastic work out of you so far! Brilliant. Every day is a victory and you are going to have to trust me - it does get easier. The benefits keep mounting up.


You are doing great!


Yes, quitting can be scary. Yes, quitting can be lonely. Yes, quitting can be hard... That's why we're here sweetie - at the beginning, we're here to hold your hand, and tell you that everything is going to be OK - because it truly is.


You feel uncomfortable right now? Now try to imagine, that by putting up with this for a few days, weeks, months (don't worry, it gets better quickly), then you could potentially be adding 5, 10, 15, 20 (or more) years on to your life - those years that you can enjoy, and spend with loved ones. A few weeks of uncomfort for 20 extra years of happiness? That's a no brainer ;)


Also, try to look at other people tickers - that's what I did in the beginning - looked at someone who was a few weeks ahead, then a few months, and I watched them grow, and learnt from their experiences... That was what I did. And ALL of these people (with absolutely no exceptions, whatsoever) ALL stated on day 1, then day 2... Just like you ;)


Yes, I know it´s worth it. For a million reasons. 

You´re as lovely as always, thank you. 

  • Like 1

Hey Nat.


Hi there - a belated welcome.


Fantastic work out of you so far! Brilliant. Every day is a victory and you are going to have to trust me - it does get easier. The benefits keep mounting up.


You are doing great!


Thanks! You guys really cheer me up! 

  • Like 1

Action and the Bandit...


we're a double act.


Ross and Stu's Saturday Night Takeaway - our new TV show.


Your ticker is showing 80 dollars saved! Them is expensive cigarettes!

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