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Fed Up!! tough Love needed


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I liked most of what everyone said but got to admit I skimmed some of it. Couldn't wait to post myself but wanted to read some of what the others said so.....



go lick an ashtray then come back and say you want to smoke. you wont. If you lick an ashtray, then say you liked it you should just move to Ohio, loose your shoes, have your teeth removed, sit down and wait to die.


so moving on- your bored and lonely, perfect time to ............ f'ning anything but smoke.  Poor Tracey, wants to go back to chemo cause she's bored.....it wont taste good so just lick the ashtray so you don't have to reset the counter.


But your real problem is not going to be solved by smoking. Homesick or just getting dummer by the day because Ohio is sucking your brain cells dry with boredom is not cured by smoking.


Ohio is boring, that's why they only got short buses, England got to be boring at times....

what to do with so much time on my hands????

go volunteer somewhere.

guns are fun

beer is fun

guns and beer is fun for a bit

motorcycles are fun (forget the license- go ride)

exercise is ok

tv gets old

books are fine for some time

fireworks are always fun

power tools can be fun

chores suck

cooking suxs

teasing children is ok till you got to run

shopping get old too

take something apart- could be fun

go diddle yourself- and take pictures, and send to me, lots of fun

get up, get moving, quit thinking. If Ohio is good for anything, it requires little thinking.


Smoking is off the table and just attention seeking for anyone over six months. Ask around, anyone who has tried it felt dummer.


I saw a half a smoke sitting on a table the other day, with a lighter next to it. For about .025 seconds my head went "look at that" then about a milli second later my head went "bet it taste like shit after being stubbed out and relit"   So thoughts can pop up, but like the dog and one ball said- its where you aim your thinking, the attitude, which pulls you past, pushing you to accept that this feeling, this feeling right now, is the new normal, and I am going to like this new normal.  PERIOD

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Tracey, my dear, I know how you feel and go through bouts of it too BUT... you are less than 3 months away from a year...  Sit and think about it do you really want to throw all of your hard work away just to start over again?  For what? A nasty cigarette that you are literally going to get nothing good out of? 

Everyone before me gave you great support, butt kicking, and love... the only thing that I will add because I haven't seen it mentioned....



I would say at the moment 60% of my thinking is junkie thinking as in 60% of my daily 100%, I know its addiction + environmental + me but then add wine and this goes upto 90% or more 

Then you need to step away from the wine (beer, liquor... etc) for awhile. 

You've got this, I know that you do, you have been one of the inspirational posters for me during my entire quit. 

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Tracey, you are so brave!  I certainly understand why you would feel isolated...have you had any luck with the volunteer work?  Is there a YMCA or gym that you could ride your bike to, both to work out and to meet others? 

all in motion nancy just slow in think the english bit will take a little longer but will keep at it xx

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I liked most of what everyone said but got to admit I skimmed some of it. Couldn't wait to post myself but wanted to read some of what the others said so.....



go lick an ashtray then come back and say you want to smoke. you wont. If you lick an ashtray, then say you liked it you should just move to Ohio, loose your shoes, have your teeth removed, sit down and wait to die.


so moving on- your bored and lonely, perfect time to ............ f'ning anything but smoke.  Poor Tracey, wants to go back to chemo cause she's bored.....it wont taste good so just lick the ashtray so you don't have to reset the counter.


But your real problem is not going to be solved by smoking. Homesick or just getting dummer by the day because Ohio is sucking your brain cells dry with boredom is not cured by smoking.


Ohio is boring, that's why they only got short buses, England got to be boring at times....

what to do with so much time on my hands????

go volunteer somewhere.

guns are fun

beer is fun

guns and beer is fun for a bit

motorcycles are fun (forget the license- go ride)

exercise is ok

tv gets old

books are fine for some time

fireworks are always fun

power tools can be fun

chores suck

cooking suxs

teasing children is ok till you got to run

shopping get old too

take something apart- could be fun

go diddle yourself- and take pictures, and send to me, lots of fun

get up, get moving, quit thinking. If Ohio is good for anything, it requires little thinking.


Smoking is off the table and just attention seeking for anyone over six months. Ask around, anyone who has tried it felt dummer.


I saw a half a smoke sitting on a table the other day, with a lighter next to it. For about .025 seconds my head went "look at that" then about a milli second later my head went "bet it taste like shit after being stubbed out and relit"   So thoughts can pop up, but like the dog and one ball said- its where you aim your thinking, the attitude, which pulls you past, pushing you to accept that this feeling, this feeling right now, is the new normal, and I am going to like this new normal.  PERIOD

ouch my balls  :blink: lol

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Tracey sweetheart,

Just reading through all your replies here...,just reminded me of how much each other cares for each other here...

Go back to basic,s.....read all the stuff ....remind yourself of why you wanted to quit ....

Your a lovely out going ,friendly person.....go and join a few classes.....yoga,anything to mix with folk.....

Stay close to the board.....post as often as you want ,we will always be here....

Hugs and kisses work too,as well as tough....xxxxx

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wow!!  what a great thread!  Such great advice and support!  I have nothing to add but...you are right where you need to be girlfriend..and coming here..posting THIS..that is the thinking of a non smoker who is just re-committing cause she's feeling some sort of way.  So proud of you!!!! 

Thats how it's done! 


PS--I always, ALWAYS found that following an episode like this...I was met with the greatest day ever.  Because it's through our struggles that makes us stronger.


You rock!


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Yup, best thread ever!  Tracey did what she's supposed to do and the gang here did too!


I don't have anything to add here either as it's all been said :)


I'm not surprised your feeling this way though what with being in a different country, new experiences.  You'll get through it kid.



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Hey Tracey - just saw this and have to say I do know how you feel - there must be something in the air at the moment / change of seasons something - cos the addict in a lot of us seems to be playing up ! Speaking for myself tho - posting here and reading the responses really helped me - and I can say facing up to my thoughts and then telling them where to go really helped me - after a bad weekend last week I really do feel so much better and love my smoke free / stink free life ! I can promise from experience you will feel better! In the interim - keep posting - just don't smoke - cos I am not sure Ohio is ready for a whole bunch of us from the train descending to give you a slap! a0d0423989cfe63dbac86525c36d6b54_zpsff34

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Sometimes it comes and there are harder times with craves. I had issues at six months and at 11 months. Not sure why. I spent some time recently thinking about the invention of a harmless cigarette.


You know there is no relief out there for you in a cigarette. iIf you smoked you would not get a feeling of relief because you are no longer addicted. Instead I imagine it would taste bad and you would feel the crashing of nine months of dedication come to an end. You would feel sad and dirty.


We are tested. We can overcome. Some days, some weeks we grind it out, embrace the suck. Other times we breeze through.


Are you maintaining your quit? Are you reading, exercising, deep breathing? Have you watched the below lately? Have you started your running program? Is there a class at a local community college like painting or cooking or yoga? Bootcamp? Church? Dogs and cats shelter?



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Hi sweetie, sorry i wasn't here,(Poppy's surgery yesterday),but oh so happy to see you're do'n  ok  :wub:


now as for "Tough Love".. you know damn good an well whats up with my life over here,.. an i'm hang'n on,  (bearly, but hang'n on none the less)  ...don't you dare let nicotine suck you into the lies, you stomp  yer feet, you turn the air blue with cuss words, you come here and post nonsense "lakhfreueto3922urifn " to keep yer hands busy,...get an old table from a second hand store and take it apart AND THEN try to  put it back together.... anything but giving in....


I have a car now, ya know, I'll get directions from Rez and come up there and sit on your hands all FREAK'N day if i have to young lady!!! ... don't think for one second I won't  :angry:


.................. i lov ya hun :give_heart2: , hang in there with me - 'K?

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Hi sweetie, sorry i wasn't here,(Poppy's surgery yesterday),but oh so happy to see you're do'n  ok  :wub:


now as for "Tough Love".. you know damn good an well whats up with my life over here,.. an i'm hang'n on,  (bearly, but hang'n on none the less)  ...don't you dare let nicotine suck you into the lies, you stomp  yer feet, you turn the air blue with cuss words, you come here and post nonsense "lakhfreueto3922urifn " to keep yer hands busy,...get an old table from a second hand store and take it apart AND THEN try to  put it back together.... anything but giving in....


I have a car now, ya know, I'll get directions from Rez and come up there and sit on your hands all FREAK'N day if i have to young lady!!! ... don't think for one second I won't  :angry:


.................. i lov ya hun :give_heart2: , hang in there with me - 'K?

I know you would Thelma  :D  :P


:wub:  you hang on in too sweetie xx

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I hope you are doing better today..... hang on girl... its only a temporary feeling... beat it down and no looking back.... kick that junkie thinking out!


You are free..... free from being controlled!!!!! You took that control back so hold on girly....


it will pass... trust me. :) Hugs to you!! You know you can do it!

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I hope you are doing better today..... hang on girl... its only a temporary feeling... beat it down and no looking back.... kick that junkie thinking out!


You are free..... free from being controlled!!!!! You took that control back so hold on girly....


it will pass... trust me. :) Hugs to you!! You know you can do it!

thanks hun and lovely to see you, how are you? x

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thanks hun and lovely to see you, how are you? x

You are very welcome!!....please know you are doing amazing in your quit..  :) I am proud of you!!  I am good. Busy as heck,, but I'm pushing,, one day at a time... Been a mild summer here, thankfully because the school i work in is very hot... so its been more manageable. How are you liking the states?

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You are very welcome!!....please know you are doing amazing in your quit..   :) I am proud of you!!  I am good. Busy as heck,, but I'm pushing,, one day at a time... Been a mild summer here, thankfully because the school i work in is very hot... so its been more manageable. How are you liking the states?

its good still hot here so that suits me :) only 2 more weeks though and then its going to cool off cant get over the sheer size of everything here even the milk is sold by the gallon lol hoping to start driving around soon its driving me nuts not driving so far i have driven a golf cart and tandem bike illegally :) hoping to get to a few games i want to see a live football, baseball and hockey match :) wont understand a thing and will drifve rez nuts keep asking questions but i can cheer and eat hot dogs and look the part :)

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