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Its almost 20 hours for me but I keep on thinking about the cigs. Almost went out to buy a pack but then came back and now I'm asking for the help here. I don't want to relapse. Its not even a day for me .

  • Like 6

Good job posting for help @ammj, just stay here and let the crave pass. You can do something that you usually do that you don't smoke doing like taking a shower or bath, eat etc. I never smoked in my car so I would get in my car and take a drive around the neighborhood, and it was enough to get rid of the craving. I also used my air cigarette. It's just an invisible cig that I would pretend I was holding and then I would take puffs just lie I would an actual cigarette and it worked great in tricking my mind into thinking it was getting the real thing

Oh and welcome to quittrain :) Congratulations on taking your freedom back!!

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Welcome @ammj and congratulations on 20 hours smoke free.  It may not sound like a lot but the first few days are the toughest.  Right now you are adjusting physically and psychologically to smoke free life.  It does get better and easier over time.


Read up on quit smoking threads on this site to better help you understand nicotine addiction.  


You are doing a great thing in quitting smoking.

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Hello and welcome aboard . 
Congratulations on quitting and taking your life back  . 
Read Read Read , watch the videos … knowledge is power , 

when you get a crave come here , play games , watch the funny animals . There is a million things you can do and only one you carnt ( smoke ).

looking forward to getting to know you better x

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Posted (edited)


Congratulations your now at 22 hours quit.


It may be hard to resist but if you start again now you will have wasted your quit.


Check out Google for the benefits of quitting there are many guides on the benefits.

For example you are already getting rid of carbon monoxide from your body.

Keep quitting your nearly over your first day.


Edited by despair not
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Craving a cigarette can't hurt you and they pass in a short amount of time.  Take smoking "off the table"; do something (anything) else.  There are lots of pinned information to help you along the way.  As I learned more about nicotine addition, I found it easier to dismiss smoking thoughts.  Keep a good attitude, it will make quitting easier.

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Ammj it’s ok if u smoked and feel weird to come back here, ppl do it all the time and everybody just tries to help, that’s all.  We’re rooting for u!!

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Hi guys, sorry I couldn't stopped myself and was back to smoking again. But I am on this journey again and this time I'm determined to not to fail.

Tks all for supporting 

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Welcome @ammj  Very glad you found us because we can help you stay quit!  We have all been in your situation, some longer than others.  I am a relative newbie as I'm quit only 9 months.  I certainly know the struggles you are going through and it's not easy at all.  But I can guarantee you that the longer you stay quit, the urges will get less and less.  I get very few urges now and when I do, they last only a few seconds and then they are gone.  Keep posting here so we can all help you.  You will get a ton of great advice from everyone here.  They are wonderful people and I am so glad to call them my friends.  There is also a socializing and game section to keep you busy to take your mind off of smoking.  So stay close by and I hope you have a great day!!😁

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7 hours gone . I hope this time I'll cross the last time's 22 hours mark when I failed and relapsed .

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Keep yourself busy that will definitely help.  Also, learn what your triggers are.  For example, that after dinner cig was my favorite, so in the beginning after I finished dinner I would get busy with something that took my mind off of smoking. I did this in the beginning because that is the most difficult time.  Did you know that after about 3 days nicotine goes out of your system.  In the beginning I used a cinnamon stick as a make believe cig.  It really helped me and it tasted good too.  Just hold it and put it in your mouth and then suck air through it and you will get a nice taste of cinnamon.  I think I used that for about a month or so.  Some people also use cut up straws.  Whatever helps you get your mind off smoking.  Good luck and keep coming back! 🙂

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You can do it ammj!! Jillar told me in the beginning of my quit the only way out is through so ya just gotta go through some sh**. (I said the sh** part she said the through part lol). It sucks but it will pass and be over one day. Then stupid normal life things like a clean room or a hot dinner gives u the same dopamine as those stupid cigs did. You’re doing great!!

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Hey, look at you racking up some hours! That’s how every quit starts, one moment at a time.


Withdrawal sucks, but I promise it’s TEMPORARY. Smoking again will only extend the misery and make you have to repeat withdrawal all over again. Oy. Much better to knuckle through this first tough bit, then you’ll be free.


For me, when I first quit my mind got super obsessed with the idea of wanting to smoke. It totally dominated my thoughts. I was a basket case. But then someone here on the Train said, just take smoking off the table. Full stop. Period. End of story. There are a million things you can do in this moment, and just one you cant do - smoke. 

That advice really helped, because it changed the question. Rather than asking, “Can I possibly make it without smoking?” I asked, “How can I support, soothe and distract myself while I get through this damn withdrawal?” That mental shift made all the difference. It shifted my focus away from what I couldn’t do to what I COULD do.

Just keep going, @ammj. You can find your freedom!!

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4 hours ago, ammj said:

7 hours gone . I hope this time I'll cross the last time's 22 hours mark when I failed and relapsed .

you can do it.  i lost count of how many times I told myself today was the day only to be smoking again by lunch time.  then one day it really was the day.  just focus on right now.  don't smoke now and commit to that.  for me it was tough to convince myself to commit to never doing something ever again, but could commit to not doing it right now.  stick with it and soon enough it won't be something you have to fight every at moment.   and use this forum for a distraction.  there's lots of support here

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Yaaa..well done for jumping back on the train ..

When I look back at my early quit ..I can see I over thought everything ..our brains can be our worst enemies for sure ..

What help me is the saying ..Take smoking off the table even if your arse is on fire ..

my junkie brain took that on board …no matter what was going on in my life or how I felt I couldn’t smoke ..

I used to come here instead ,,,sometimes 24/7…as my sleep was disturb for a

The Train was my addiction …

Stay close post a lot ..join in ..play games ..the days will pass …

You can do it ..believe in yourself ..x


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Well done @ammj, one day at a time smile ☺ 

Another thing that was very inspirational in the early days is our tickers for your signature. You'll be able to watch the money saved, time since and cigarettes NOT smoked since you quit. I LOVED logging on ech morning to see mine. You can find the tab for them at the top of the forum ☺ 

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23 hours ago, ammj said:

7 hours gone . I hope this time I'll cross the last time's 22 hours mark when I failed and relapsed .

It’s not about how many hours that have gone by, instead, it’s about that 1 minute in front of you! 

Once you get past that minute, go for the next one! 
set your goals for what you need to achieve… not where you have been. 
we have all been there and at times seems impossible. But, we are proof it can be done.
My strategy was to do things that I could not smoke while doing… 

I was very clean and well rested after my first week, since in the shower and while I was sleeping it was impossible to smoke, so that’s what I did! 😂

Do whatever you need to do to get that next minute, hour, day etc!

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Welcome back @ammj! You’ve got this. Keep looking ahead to your smoke free future and stay busy and keep your mind occupied to get you through to it. QuitTrain is the best place to assist. It’s good to see you so hyped about your quit too. 

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You are doing great!!  It's definitely one day at a time, even one hour at a time.  Just keep moving forward.  It really does get easier, but I know the very beginning is so difficult.  We are here to help you get through it, so keep coming back on the train!!🙂

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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