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QuittingGirl is Nine Months Smoke Free Today!!!

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Yaaa…9 months …

Quitting girl we are so proud and happy for you …

your 3/4 of the way there …..Congratulations….

So happy you found us …we love having you here …xx


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Thanks so much!!  I can't believe it's been 9 months.  The months are just flying by! Onward to number 10. I feel totally different now than when I first quit.  It's definitely not as difficult now. I don't get very many urges anymore, but when I do they are just for a few seconds and then they are gone.



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You know the old saying "What a difference a day makes", well, for ex-smokers it's "what a difference several months makes", and it's so true!  All of you helped me so much to get to this point, and I am so thankful and grateful. Only ex smokers know what a newly quit smoker is going through.  Today I was in a shopping center and there was a woman outside of a store smoking a cigarette, I thought to myself wow, that used to be me. Anytime I could grab a smoke, I would be out there, always looking for a place to smoke, and when I couldn't find a place I started to panic.  Did any of you feel that way and panic? Back when I smoked and my husband and I would go on vacation, I would always look for a hotel that had a balcony, because it would be easier to smoke than having to go down the elevator and out into the street. I do love balconies, but for different reasons now.    Also, since most of my friends don't smoke, when I would see them, I would load up on the breath mints/gum and perfume because I wouldn't want them to tell me that I smelled from smoke and offend them.  Although, I tried very hard not to.  Did all of you go through this when you smoked?


As I mentioned in my previous post, I do get the urge once in a while and I do miss it, but it only lasts a few seconds and it's gone.  I am looking forward to the day where I get no urges and don't miss it at all!!


Anyway, thanks again friends!!!  Now, girls, let's go beat the guys in Chicks and Sticks!! LOL!!!😁

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Congratulations QG! 9 months quit is awesome. I experienced a lot of what you mentioned when I used to smoke. We always considered our habit over everything. It affected our choices on everything. I hope that you had fun celebrating today. 

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Congratulations QG!!!! Amazing work ❤️  Yes I definitely experienced those things when I smoked. For sure.  Now I hardly use perfume lolol it’s weird

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