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Hi Susie,


Don't feel embarrassed at all.  Even though you haven't quit yet, you can still read our strategies and tips for quitting smoking.  Quitting smoking is not easy, that's for sure, but it's definitely doable as there are so many on this board who quit, as you know. We can give you all the tips and tricks but in the end, you are the one who has to be ready and determined to quit. I can tell you that the longer you stay quit, the urges will get less and less.  I barely get an urge now and when I do, it's not a physical urge but if I smell the smoke, it reminds me of when I smoked.  Sometimes it smells good, and sometimes it smells horrible.  You are still very young so you can prevent long lasting damage to your lungs by quitting.


When you decide to take the plunge, we will be here for you! 👍😀

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@susie14quitting is a hard row to hoe, no doubt, but you can do it.  before you beat yourself up to bad for a few failed attempts remember that scientists spent decades hybridizing tobacco plants to make them more addictive.  They spent decades tweaking their formulas for chemical additives to make them more addictive.  The advertising is done to make them psychologically more addictive.  I myself spent a decade or more trying to convince myself to quit before I actually did.  Don't be me and wait that long because it won't get any easier.  The least amount of pain you will endure is to quit now.  The longer you wait the harder it gets. 

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Take a leap of faith and believe that you will succeed.  Attitude will make quitting much easier.  Your body can heal itself from much of the damage that smoking causes; that's a positive thought that helped me.

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Hi Susie 

Never give up trying to give up . 
It’s difficult because it’s an addiction , giving up cigarettes is the same as any other drug . 
You have to decide never to take another puff , even if your arse is on fire 🔥 

Stick around and keep reading and learning 

By all means throw the odd number in 😁

You are stronger than you think 🐸


  • Like 5

Thanks everyone. I feel better reading what you have all said and it makes me more determined to keep trying. A few times in the last year I felt like it was too hard and maybe I've already hurt myself so what's the point. But I know that's not true and I have to stay positive. 


I didn't realize what you said @intoxicated yoda about the scientists making the tobacco plants more addictive. It's crazy they were allowed to do that! 


I am going to do this!


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Hi Sizie

it is great that you stay around here and keep,reading, and keeping it fresh in your mind that you want to quit, and you will only do that by being around us quitters lol.

you will quit when you are ready, it took me a while to finally take the plunge and give it a go, it’s a lot less scary than what you think it will be. Yes the first few hours, days, weeks and even months maybe a bit uncomfortable, but if you want something bad you will get it.

i found lots of treats helped me stay on course, I loved having all the little treats, or saving it till the end of the Month and having a big treat. Think what you could buy if you saved your ciggie money for a month. For me it was nearly £300 a month! I had some very nice treats 😊

Stay with us and Stay determined.

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Thanks @catlover. The support in here is amazing. I just need to put more effort into quitting and I know I can. I quit for a week so there is no reason I can't keep going after that.


I like the idea of treats lol

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Yes the treats were great, even a day of not smoking is a tidy sum, over £10 for me,. Over £70 for the week, and around £300  for the month. 
I enjoyed spending it on little or big luxuries, things I wouldn’t have bought if I smoked. I liked all the extra money in my purse too, and not going to the cash machine for yet another withdrawal for you what !

i also liked getting my headphones on and listening to hypnotherapy and relaxation sounds on YouTube.

chilling out is crucial when you first quit, as it can make you feel agitated.

honestly when you get into it, you get a buzz for it , to get through another day smokefree, becomes addictive 

go for it 😊


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Posted (edited)

We all have been in your situation @susie14… ambivalent about smoking, ambivalent about quitting. Don’t give up. 


Apart from the health benefits, when you quit you gain such a powerful sense of freedom - freedom from hiding, freedom from shame, freedom from all of the complexities it takes to manage an active addiction.


Our nicotine-addled brain focuses on what we’ll lose when we quit. But there is so much we GAIN, too. There’s a big dose of bright and beautiful freedom waiting for you with your name on it, dear. Come and get it any time! 



Edited by DenaliBlues
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  • Thanks 1


Take the time to watch 

The Tabacco Wars 1 and 2 on our main 

Discussion Board … it’s pinned in green 

These were a big leap forward in my early quit 

Talk about angry 

I swore never to give them any penny if my hard earned money  .. Knowledge is power 🐸

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Posted (edited)

Thanks @DenaliBlues. I know you're right.  I just thought - I wouldn't have to wake up early to smoke! I kinda forget some things I do just because I smoke.


And thanks @Doreensfree I think I watched some of the tobacco wars when I first came on here but I will watch them again 

Edited by susie14
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Hi @susie14 I'm glad you're back here regularly and focused on quitting again. You never have to be shy or embarrassed about speaking up or sharing information with all of us here about how you're trying to quit or how you're feeling about your quit. No one here will ever judge you because we have all been right where you are now. Struggling in the early days of our own quit attempts. We also understand there are many different approcahes to quitting and it's not a one size fits all kind of thing.


We're all just here to help where we can, share information you may find helpful and at the very least, we're here for moral support. It's an important time when we decide to take on such a challenge and we have all benefited from the information & support that is available on this site so by all means ... dive right in and feel at home as part of our QUIT Family :) 


We're allways here to support so don't hesitate to reach out when you need to.


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Posted (edited)

Welcome back

Quitting is easy I've done it loads of times over 30 years but staying quit is the hard bit.

it's a lot easier to quit when your young and better to do it before you have done irreparable damage to yourself. 


Quit while u can


Good luck. 

Edited by despair not
  • Like 4

Thanks everyone. I did listen to some of Joel's videos last time too but not all. There was so much information and tbh I got a bit overwhelmed by everything. It wasn't easy for me to understand everything either. But I'm a bit older now and I know a lot more. I hope that will make it easier this time 

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