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Hi everyone. I've been on the site for a few weeks but I finally decided to quit. I smoked my last cigarette last night. I'm not feeling very good today but I knew that would happen. I hope I can keep going.


I didn't want to post here but someone convinced me that it would help 😬

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Glad to see you started your quit Susie.  Things may be tough and not feel good for a while but things will get better, as long as you stay smoke free.  You are doing the right thing and definitely keep going in your quit.  Putting smoking behind you is a great thing.


28 minutes ago, susie14 said:

I didn't want to post here but someone convinced me that it would help 😬


It is best to post about what you are going through and officially introduce yourself to the board.  You will get some good advice to help you in your quit.




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Hello @susie14. So glad you have decided to quit! There is a lot of support available here on the Quit Train... good info, encouragement, and some games and giggles to lift your spirits. Hold tight to your resolve and let us know if you're struggling. We've ALL been there!  


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Yay @susie14, congratulations on quitting! Like Johnny said. You will probably have some pretty big craves but if you get your mind thinking about something else you'll get past it pretty quickly. And once you're through that trigger that caused the crave it'll be easier and easier so going through them is a good thing ☺ 

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You’re already doing fantastic Susie ❤️ Your mind will play these weird games w u but it’s all bs. It’s addiction and it effs w ur head. You posting was a huge thing for your quit ❤️


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Thank you everyone ❤️


I know it's going to be difficult. It already is! And I know it will get worse. But I'm going to get through it. This site is amazing. I've learnt so much and laughed a lot! And cried a lot lol

Edited by susie14
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So glad to hear you made that first step @susie14! Far as I'm concerned it all boils down to an unwavering commitment to stay quit and improve your life. Also, patience is key. You will be learning how to live life again without the smokes ... the way life should be but that takes time. Rinse & repeat, rince & repeat. The magic will happen but you must put in the hard work to see it through. Your mantra needs to be N.O.P.E (Not One Puff Ever!). As long as you don't light up, you'll make it and you have a whole legion of peeps behind you who actually get it!


You Go Girl :) 

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Susie. Great for you...

Yea that first few weeks are a little tough but keep your conviction to staying clean. Come here to let off steam and burn some time instead of the other. Open your front door and just scream.... that helped me immeasurably the neighbors maybe not so much.....  

You will consistently gain your self confidence and that will help you battle the horrible addiction that we all have experienced. Wander around this site read, read, read.

Maybe, Allen Carr's Easy Way to quit smoking? It did help me.

Remember not to listen to the nicodemon if it's trying to play those games on you, of course the only thing it wants is to convince you to cave and let the addiction take over. It will say it's ok you can quit again tomorrow, or next week or like me 6 years later.

It is very shrewd and knows your answers before you do!!! Its like it has an inside track to your thoughts.443467626_smiley1.png.a744828f89fd6f1f142e20ef59e221e5.png 

Time and being clean is the only answer.

Pledge that NOPE everyday, it helps keep you honest to yourself.



Oh by the way you might want to stay away from that Chick's or Sticks game ,, just sayin!!

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Quitting is easy I've done it loads of times.

Staying quit is the hard bit if you can get to 3 weeks your halfway there .The worst thing you can do is fall into the nicodemons trick of getting you to have just one coz then you have to go through the first 24 hours all over again

Good luck you must be over halfway through your first day by now.

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Thank you all for your ideas and encouragement. It makes me so determined. I think it's now about 30 hours without a cigarette which is the longest I've gone since I started I think. I'm proud of myself but I know there is a long way to go. I didn't sleep very well last night and I woke up early. I don't feel very good. I still have a headache and my body feels bad. I feel a bit sad too. But I'm not gonna smoke. I will do some exercise soon and hopefully that will help. After I do some word games lol.


4 hours ago, despair not said:

Quitting is easy I've done it loads of times.


Ha ha. I hope I can do it first time!


5 hours ago, Stewbum said:

Oh by the way you might want to stay away from that Chick's or Sticks game ,, just sayin!!


Maybe my brain is fuzzy but I read this as i should get more involved in that game. That's a good idea!!  😆

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WAY TO GO Susie!! The first three days are the hardest, so you’re making good headway. Just think, if you stick with your quit you’ll never need to feel this way again!


Your body will feel strange and it is also normal to feel sad and anxious. Exercise is a good tactic. Stay strong, stay busy, and keep us posted on how your day goes. You can do this!!

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4 hours ago, susie14 said:

Ha ha. I hope I can do it first time!

I did it first time; cold turkey so yes, it is possible. It was not pretty but it worked and that is the main thing.

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10 minutes ago, susie14 said:

I haven't had a smoke though!  


I'm sorry to hear about your horrible morning, Susie, but the most important thing is that you didn't smoke.  Smoking will only make things worse.


Keep up the great work.

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Hi Sweetheart, 

So pleased you have made the decision to quit and joi us .

Sorry I’m about late to your welcome party .

Alke Carr the Easy Way is a great read , it has helped millions to Quit , me included .

Stay close .., Post often , supporting others strengthens 

your own quit , 

Take no notice to those sticks , the chicks need you lol . 
We are proud of you , here is a big pat on the back x


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Good for you Susie!  So happy to hear that you have gone forward with your quit.  It might not seem so great now but down the road, you'll be glad that you put this horrible addiction to sleep.  Just take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time and you'll be OK.  Reach out as much as you need.  Read, read, read, and post, post, post.


Best wish to you and your success!!

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Good for you @susie14 , this is a terrible addiction with horrible health consequence's.

Do what ever it takes just don't smoke, I have quit many times and it does not get easier. 

Agree with some others, Allan Carrs book, The Easy Way was a help to me as well. 


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Remember that just because I and many others have multiple quits this certainly doesn't make the quits easier, in fact they actually become harder to start because you have previous exposure. Keep the respect of your first quit and you crushed it. Don't let that nicodemon talk you into believing it's not the right time.. When you decided to quit that was the right time!!!! the rest of the addiction is just SMOKE and mirrors. 

Don't give in even if a weak thought or moment happens and you catch yourself stepping out the door just jump back on the train. I remember so clearly after battling the decision of failure, and then the dreaded day, how much I wanted back on the train. Almost daily for YEARS looking at that smelly thing and wishing my situation was "different" so I could start my quit again. Luckily there were still Friends here that checked in with me over time and I knew the comfort and unlimited support was always here for me.

I was a smoker for almost 50 years and soon given enough time I will happily and confidently say I am a non smoker.. Thats Powerful 


Stay Happy

Cheers Stew.

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Quitting equals FREEDOM!


I never realized this until I stopped smoking. Never realized that smoking was in fact controlling pretty much everything I did in daily life.

Take back your life and live it free of having to light up every hour or so. You'll never regret that you quit!


The struggles you're going through right now are real. We've all had to travel that road but each one of us will tell you it's totally worth the struggle.

Remember ... the only rule is N.O.P.E. Do what ever you have to do to fight the nicodemon. The Nicodemon is your addict brain at this point. It will do it's best to seduce you back to smoking but YOU are in complete control - always!


Keep fighting @susie14!

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Thanks for all the nice messages. Today has been so horrible. I'm just trying to get through one hour at a time. It seems like every hour I feel something different. Sometimes my head hurts, sometimes my lungs feel weird, sometimes the cravings are crazy, sometimes I'm tired, sometimes I can't sit still and sometimes I can't stop crying lol. I feel sorry for my pillow. I think I've killed it. But I still haven't smoked. I don't know what I'm gonna do next week when I'm in school. I hope it's not as bad as this.

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