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Hi I'm Thomas, I just signed up today, and literally quit less than a day ago. I was reading some of the posts on the message board and it really helped me get out of my own head when I was feeling weak, so thanks for that.

Edited by rhone
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Welcome!  There is a lot of support here for you and a lot of knowledge as well.  Start reading the pinned posts in the Quit Smoking Discussions to help you understand quitting.  This is a great decision; you can do this.

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Hello Thomas. This site was a great find for me and will be for you as well. The support you receive is unmatched and the more you hang around and utilize this site the more support and understanding you will have. Joining QuitTrain was the single most smartest thing I did when I quit. Coming up on 3 years this March! You can do this! See you around! 

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Hey welcome @rhone (Thomas)! As already noted, deciding to quit is the best decision you'll ever make and landing here at Quit Train will be a huge help.

Hanging out with other quitters who actually get what you're going through can be a life saver when the going gets tough. 


Read, read, and read some more on this site. There's also video support material too. Lots to do here and stuff to entertain you too when you just need to numb your mind. Have a look around and stay close. Excited to have you on the train :) 

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Hello and welcome , 

Congratulations on taking your life back , 

you have been given great advice to get you going . 
Stay close .i found joining in with the board strengthened my own Quit

Take our daily pledge .. a powerful tool .

Looking forward to getting to know you better as you travel on your journey to Freedom x

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Welcome Thomas.  You are doing a great thing in quitting smoking.  Stick close to this site, there is a lot of support and knowledge you can gain here on your quit journey.

Edited by johnny5
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Hi Thomas and welcome to the Quit train! So glad you decided to make the choice to quit smoking!  You will get a ton of support in this forum and lots of very good information.  Stick around and when you are having a craving just post on here and everyone will be so supportive.  I have been quit for only 7 1/2 months but the support that I got and am still getting from all the people on here is amazing!  They have helped me through some very difficult times.  So please stick around and good luck!!

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Welcome Thomas! You’re doing an amazing thing, quitting…your brain/addiction will eff w u and try to get u back but the longer you push those thoughts off the less power they’ll have truly. You’re already doing great for the time you’ve been quit ❤️

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Welcome aboard Thomas! Congratulations on your new quit. The best decision you’ll ever make. Knowledge is power… read all you can to arm yourself against the wily tricks this addiction likes to play on us. Lots of distraction is also key in the early days. Keep us posted on how you are doing - lots of good folks here on the forum are ready to help. If big cravings happen, come here first, before smoking again, and ask for help. See you around!


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