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silly question....but..

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Why doesnt spell check work when I am responding...or asking a question in a post?..It appears to be working fine when I use it in a PM.. Since my "typing" skills... ( my kids would correct me and say "keyboarding'..lol) are pretty much non existant, I tend to get my fingers crossed up and unless I proof-read the whole post, I will miss A LOT errors...having them underlined in red catches my eye...  ;)


is there an option I need to turn on?






let me try again..I will misspel words and see wat happens...hmm...nothing...no spellcheck  :(  i figure its something i checked...or unchecked..when customizing my settings...I will have to look...


Im on my PC...I have office 2010  (I am using an older PC)(with my email, the spell check wouldnt work one time when i reformatted my computer and hadnt installed office yet..so Im just throwing that out there..)...the spell check works when I send a private message, but not on posts...you know, this might mean I have to learn to type  :blink: :o


well "T", it should be "automatic"...if you mispell a word, before you post, any mispelling should have a "squiggly" red line under it (to bring it to your attention)..if you left click the under lined word, a list of options appear to correct the mistake...(sometimes its not a mistake..for example  "LOL" will apear as a mispelled word..in that case, just ignore and post the way it is)


Clear as mud?..lol


Joe I am in Chrome...


  • I clicked on this reply box and began typing
  • Right click in the box
  • Click on 'spell-checker options'
  • Click on 'Check the spelling of text fields' 

May depend on what browser you are in for specific directions!


just got back here "T"...thanks..i will look at my browser settings..I am using FF


Hmm. in my FF settings, the "check spelling as i type" is checked and i dont see any other options that may pertain to this....oh well...thanks for trying to help. I guess I need to control my fat fingers a little better so i wont have to rely on that as much..lol

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