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Preparations are done! Today is the big day! It is now August 7 in Liverpool! We love you, Doreen!


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  • Nancy changed the title to Preparations are done! Today is the big day!

Doreen, I could not be happier to celebrate with you, dear friend!  So proud and happy for you!  As I've said before, I could not have made this journey without you and never dreamed I would have a best friend in Liverpool!  Please take time today to celebrate not only your quit, but all of the other quits you have supported and saved.  You are a wondeful moderator and friend to all here!  Once again, so proud to call you my friend!!


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  • Nancy changed the title to Preparations are done! Today is the big day! It is now August 7 in Liverpool! We love you, Doreen!

WOOHOO! A whole decade of kick-ass-ery down. Amazingly well done Doreen! Thank you for your existence on this forum. You’ve helped me so much. You were a rock to cling to in my time of need. I think that you are just brilliant. I hope that you enjoy this monumental anniversary! Again, thank you!




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Congratulations Doreen!!!  What an amazing accomplishment you have achieved!!!  And thank you so much for being on this forum and helping me through some very difficult times in my quit only a couple short months ago! 🥰 I look forward to sharing many more happy accomplishments with you!  Have a great day, my friend, all the best to you!! 😁




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Congrats for reaching this awesome 10 year quit milestone Doreen!


Isn't it incredible how the one choice you made 10 years ago has so positively and profoundly affected not only your own life but the lives of so many others? Hope you enjoy a great celebration today Doreen!



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Happy anniversary to my wonderful fellow moderator and friend. Thank you for taking me under your wing, your friendship means the world to me and I can thank your decision to quit for giving me that. You've touched so many lives and helped so many people over those ten years and I just hope you know how special we all think you are. Thank you for being you! Now lets party!!!!



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Woohoo Doreen 🤗 Big Congrats on being 10 years quit today, that’s an amazing achievement.

Thank you for all you do here, for all of us, and I hope you have a Fab day celebrating.

get yer glad rags on girl….. it’s time to Parteeeeee





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Thank you Nancy Sweetheart..Love you so much Lady xx

Big Thanks to Jillar for being by my side through thick and thin ,my lovely Moderater buddy .

Thank you oldies not so oldies ,and Newbies ..

I find it hard to believe it ten years 

At first ,we count every minute  every hour ,every week ,then months .

Once you reach years,they fly by .

Over the year,s ive met lots of quitters...and made some wonderful friends  who i will never forget ..

I still get a massive sense of pride i reached Freedom ..its a great place to be .! ! 

Never give up getting yourselves there ,its a Magical place xxx 

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