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Hi my name is Jackie and I'm fighting for my Freedom


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With heavy heart I need to be honest with everyone, I smoked again last night, I spoke to my Doctor this morning and he has decided to place me back onto a course of Champix, I took my first tablet this morning, as I know from before it can take 7-14 days for the medication to start to work and he has asked me to set a quit date within that period, but hopes it may not take as long due to the fact I have only smoked for 3 days.  We spoke about what tipped me over the edge and he thinks he would be a good idea to speak about it!  So here goes, my son had a baby boy last year to a very nasty person, my son held him once, I have never seen him or held him or be allowed to love him, as I have so much love in my heart, its his first birthday soon, my father was in hospital in Liverpool, long way from Scotland and on the day of his operation no-one in the hospital could find out where he was or if he was ok, both parents are in their 70's and have a volatile relationship as well, found this hard to deal with, the final nail, I was put in a situation with my best friend regarding my wedding and I didn't deal with it correctly, creating a huge mess which took 3 days to sort out, told a friend I craved a cigarette and they said well light mine, and here I am with a 7 months quit wasted through my own stupidity, with a partner who can hardly look me in the eye xx

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I said everything in the pms, just want you to know we are all here for you and won't stop til you are back on track and happy, can't imagine how hard it is not seing your grandson, start looking after yourself, make this weekend about you, get your head together,

Here always for ye pal xxxx

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Jackie - listen you beautiful, tough, caring beauty...you've got this.


Life is a bar steward at times - with or without smokes. Sounds like a rough time - but you know better than anyone that smoking has not helped one tiny bit.


 If you need a wee hand, or a personal cheerleader - you came to the right place. ;)


If Champix is what does it for you - then great - lets crack on. You tell me what the plan is - and we can all walk the walk together. It's your life and your quit. You will get it done.

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I wish we could help you with all those problems but we can't.  I 'm sorry that you found out that a cigarette couldn't help you with any of those problems either.  It sounds as if it added to your problems if anything.  We will stay with you as you restart your quit and be there for you if you need us.  I know you can do this Jackie!

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You don't need Champix. You need a kick in the ass an sit on your hands when talking out problems. 7 month quit and three days smoking you need to go exercise. Go run till your face is red and sweat is everywhere. Lungs on fire. Go do this everytime you want to smoke. You wil be over it in a few days instead of messing up your head and body with that drug.

What was big deal with friend an marriage? Sound like something steamy!!!

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Oh, dear Jackie, I just can't understand how continuing to smoke for twice as long more as your 3 days can possibly be a good idea? It is like a seven day get out of jail free card, and it has to reawaken the addiction even more!   Whatever you decide you will of course, get our loving support...

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Aww sweetheart,

Life can sure throw out some crap.....I have my fair share.....

Get back as soon as you can.....lean on us.....we will support you.....

I have learned ,to quit you have to be selfish ,and put yourself first......

This takes some practice.....when your a kind caring person.....

Love and kisses xx

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Jackie, I quit smoking using Chantix-- 3 weeks before my "quit date" and 3 weeks after. It worked great and I have been quit for almost 5 months now. Two weeks ago I ran into some very stressful situations in my life. I started craving a cigarette all day every day. After 4 or 5 days I couldn't stand the feeling anymore and was on the verge of relapsing. I didn't WANT to smoke but I couldn't STAND the craves! So I put myself back on a low dose of Chantix-- 1/2 pill (i.e. 0.5 mg) per day. I also did everything I could think of to reduce stress-- regular exercise, better nutrition, making time for fun, etc. It worked. I didn't smoke. My craves are gone. And overall I am feeling much better.


I did talk to my doctor about this yesterday and he was fine with it. He, like Bakon, recommends exercise to reduce stress. But if exercise is not enough, he's fine with the low-dose Chantix. Anything rather than go back to smoking.


So that is my advice to you. Take a low dose of Chantix (1 "starter" pill or 1/2 "regular" pill per day). Get out and exercise as vigorously as you can for at least 30 minutes EVERY DAY. Do whatever else you do to reduce your stress. And stop smoking RIGHT NOW!! It is stupid and unnecessary to continue to feed your addiction even one more day much less for another week or two. Chantix does work right away; its effect is subtle at first but it's there. Trust it. 


You have to want to quit smoking more than you want to smoke. Is that true for you? Do you want to quit more than you want to smoke? If so, then take the Chantix and stop smoking NOW. Yes, you have problems and frustrations in your life. Go see a psychotherapist for those. But smoking will solve nothing and will rob you of all the good things you were accomplishing by not smoking. 

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Jackie, read this post by IamDoingIt. If you already read it, read it again...



I do not care who you are! You do not just 'Get off the Quit Train....' You throw yourself head-first off a speeding train to land in the track bed below the train. You bounce down the railroad ties, bumping, flipping, twirling after the train... (read more)

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Jackie, I am sorry to read about your troubles. I know you are going to quit again whether with chantix or some other way. You just keep posting. Not everyone gets a smooth ride but everyone can quit and be a nonsmoker. You have a big heart. You get to have something good, ie a healthy life

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Hi All you wonderful fantastic, caring people, my little haven, on day 3 of Champix and can feel it working, spoke to my GP again yesterday, and talked through what my options could be, as chrysalis suggested a low doseage of champix is good for 7 days then back on the stronger dose my quit date is next Sunday and I am working towards this, I have a story to tell to all you people thinking of relapsing so please watch this space, sit back, popcorn ready and read...................

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Jackie, you've done this so you know what you are heading for.  But, the good news is that you are willing to get back up and dust yourself off.  We are all human and as humans we do make bad judgement calls.  I was not put here on this earth to judge you or anyone; I support you and your new quit.  Many people fall several times when attempting to quit smoking.  So yours happened to be a few days apart.  You know you can do this, and me and everyone here are holding our hands out to you to grab on to.  I understand stress and frustration and I understand the crave to smoke.  We fool ourselves into thinking that smoking that cigarette is going to make everything okay.  It's a lie, and we fall for it.  Just keep that in mind next time you are craving; smoking doesn't help anything and the problems are still there when you finish smoking it.  


Know that I support you in your quit and that so many here want to see you be successful forever.

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Whatever it takes, Jackie is what you need to do.  I'm so sorry for the things you are going through.  Know that NOT smoking will make you stronger and smoking will make you weaker.  Be strong for YOU.  Sounds like you need the strength right now.   We are here for you.  

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Hi Jackie.


Sorry to read about your family circumstances, hope you are ok.


Good job getting yourself to the doctors, anything to protect your next and sticky quit.


Cheering you on from the back. I've no doubt once the champix does it's stuff and gets your mind peaceful you'll stomp through this, your sticky quit.

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