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Hello. Not truly sure how to start so I'll start with my name, Zelda Rose. It's not my real name, something I picked up when I was a kid. Anyways, I'm 36 and have been a smoker for almost twenty years. Why did I start smoking? When I was 16 I gave birth to a still born, full term baby girl. I had some other issues as well and was told to not expect children in my future. My heart was shattered and I rebelled. Not a lot, just enough to glue my heart back together and get hooked on smoking. So why is this revelent today? My spouse and i found out August 1 that we are expecting, I'm pregnant. I walked out of the bathroom, picked up all my cigarettes, lighters, and ash containers and chucked them. I haven't smoked in 18 days. It sucks.


I know I will not smoke a single cigarette while this little bean is growing inside me. I know I'm not quitting for me. If I'm going to beat thiso for longer than the next 33 weeks I need support. This is where I found you. Right now all i seem to think about is smoking, and not vomitting, ugh.

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Oh, Zelda. You've had such a tough time. I'm new here myself, so I'll let others fill you in, but just let me say, Welcome. And it will get better, I promise.


I quit when pregnant, too. Gotta get it in your head not to start up again later...


But you'll be good. Keep thinking of that bean!

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First off, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  That is terrific news! 


Second.  Quit for you.  You are starting out quiting for the baby, but once you realize how wonderful it is to not be tied down to that addiction any longer... the feeling is WONDERFUL. 


I'll let the rest of the great crew here give you the tips on your sugar levels and drinking cranberry juice and making sure you keep something on your stomach for the quiting smoking and the vomiting.


And again congrats to you!

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Congratulations on the great news - sitting here reading it with a tear in my eye... ;)


You don't know me, but your post has really struck a cord deep down inside me! I will do whatever I can to help you keep this quit, for your little unborn baby, and for yourself.


Welcome to the train :)

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Hi!! :welcome:


what wonderful news!!! congratulations on your " bundle of joy" :wub:


you just let us know if there's anything we can do to help you..  :D

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Hello. Congrats for the pregnancy and for the fact that you are so strong and you came so far. I think that in this 9 months you will see that you are better without cigarettes. Do it for your baby. But do it for yourself too. I remember me, when i was a child and i was hiding my mom`s cigarettes. As a child i didn`t liked to see her smoking, and after i did the same thing. You are soooo blessed and there`s no need for cigs in your life. The health, the time, the financial part..if you think you cannot do it for yourself then give this things to your baby :) :) Be strong and healthy :yes:

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welcome and congrats on both quitting smoking and the pregnancy. Remember deep breathes, drink lots of water, juice, take time each day for just you......vent here anytime you need to :)

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Welcome! Congratulations on both baby and quitting! 

You will feel so great after a while,you won't have a problem staying quit. Besides, you surely don't want your child to grow up thinking it's normal for Moms' to smoke and smell (stink) like smoke.

You are off to a wonderful start :)

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Zelda, what a wonderful blessing you have received!  Please protect your quit as you will your baby...their well-being is one in the same.  We will be here for you every step of the way...just let us know what you need!

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Hi Zelda - welcome and congrats on both the quit and the baby. You can do this - read up, educate yourself and stay close to the board - you will find great support here a0d0423989cfe63dbac86525c36d6b54_zpsff34

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Hi zelda and little bean....

Welcome on board......

Congrats on your great decision to quit....

You can do it....steady one day at a time....

Hugs xx

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Hi Zelda,


Massive congrats on your wonderful news.


I am very sorry for the sad and lonely place you must of ended up as a hurt 16 years old. I won't skirt past it because it's not my way. Gentle hugs for what was and totally understanding your need to protect this baby/bean.




You're quitting for the baby. Absolutely to be commended for sure!  However I'm thinking we need to shift this quit to the mama too :)  After all, bean is now in protection, there is no doubt of that... so we can support you Zelda.


Could you start by asking yourself what benefits you have seen so far? Has there been any?  At 18 days I think the cough had gone at least?  If you let it your brain won't give you all the bad sides and we can maybe explore some of the good sides together. So you feel a bit more in balance about your quit? Either way massive congrats on your 18 days, that's absolutely fab!!



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God sorry for all you went through at such a young age, can't imagine what it was like,

Congrats on quitting and mahossive congrats on becoming a mammy, those two things are the best most exciting and at times challenging things ever, soo happy for you, hope your pregnancy is smooth sailing and hope you don't suffer much if any morning sickness (urghhh) but the one thing good about morning sickness is it makes you want go to vomit just being around smoke.

Look forward to getting to know you.

Sue x

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So very sorry to read about your past, can't imagine your pain at the time.


Fabulous to hear you are expecting again, mind you the being sick is pretty pants isn't it? ;)


You will find every bit of inner strength I have no doubt to stay quit. Fingers crossed you might find you just sail through it anyway. Either way, all the best and congratulations on your baby news and on quitting smoking.

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and congratulations. I very much appreciate every single one. I'm trying my hardest to be happy but it's hard. I've been a nervous ball of energy, plagued with anxiety, I can't sleep, I can't eat a whole bunch. I'm not as grumpy though, husband is pretty hlad about that. Thank fully I never had a cough. It's these nasty cravinge I keep having and day dreams, they can knock you off your feet. Went for a nice long walk earlier with the dog, that seemed helpful. I will say, this has gotten progressively easier since days 3 through 4, I thought I might implode. I'm not online a whole bunch but I'm looking forward to reading more on your group and getting to know you guys. I see this is a very multi cultural group, that is pretty awesome!

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You will get stronger as you progress, and days will get easier - everything negative about quitting is temporary, and everything positive is permanent.


Cherish the gift that you have been given, because it sounds like a miracle to me ;)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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