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Its the silliest thing that pushed me over the edge...........


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Title says it all, no excuses, no whys or wherefores.....I caved, not even going into the story of what pushed me over the edge, its irrelevant now, Im going to let you all read my message come back to read your replies then lay low to get my shit together for a few days. X

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Jackie, Hell fire woman you gave your junkie a way in and you didn't need too :(


Ok, lets cover the basics. Was it amazingly good and did it fix any situation that led you to it??  We both know the answer.


I gave away a quit of 364 days once, 14 years ago!!  Take a moment to process that Jackie. I smoked for another 14 years for one cig. At least you're posting here and hopefully you caved and quit straight away. I would hate for you to end up like I did with more years of damage and financial hardship.


Massive love and hugs to you. xx

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Oh no, Jackie... you are breaking my heart...


I think that what pushed you over the edge is not 'irrelevant', either; you need to look it in the eye and tackle it head on!


Please, please tell me that 'laying low to get my shit together for a few days' does not mean that you are still smoking - please can you quit again, straight away?


Please, tell me what we can do to help you.

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O.m.g.....I'm sitting here reading this with tears....I'm gutted

Jackie sweetheart....the reason doesn't matter,it done with......

Don't stay away .....jump right back in here......

We will help you through this.....please give us a chance......

Hugs and kisses......xx

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So no need to tell us what happened.  But life is going to suck sometimes... what are you going to do next time it sucks... smoking is not an option.  Make a plan for what you will do next time "whatever happened" happens again.


Get you head right and do this quit thing again NOW... before it gets away from you.


Get back to keepin on.. no matter what.

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oh Jackie whatever is going on in your personal life, I hope it gets sorted hun please PM or facebook message no lectures just a shoulder for you and maybe help get head straight


a few days ago this could have been me posting this post i will put up a post about it I wish now i had posted it earlier as it may have helped you :( 


all I can say is now you have to really reflect on what you want, stress and bad situations are a part of all our lives the only difference is what we really want at the end of the day to be a smoker or to be a non smoker


i hope at the end of the day hun you want to be a non smoker and you come back to us ASAP before it gets a hold of you 


please stay close to the board, go back to basics if you need to 


we will always be here for you xxxxx

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Oh dear Jackie.


Difficult to know what to say - 


Are we talking - 


1. Oooops I smoked - I'm really angry with myself but wanted to get it off my chest - and am now beating myself up but quit again...




2. Ooooops I smoked. I can't help myself, I'm smoking as I read this?


Which is it Jackie?


You relapsed. Ouch. What a pain in the arse.


However the world has not stopped turning, life continues - you just get right back up and quit again. No dramas.


Here for you Jackie - whatever you need, just ask. Lots of brackets from me.

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Aw Jackie, I'm gutted for you. I know how hard you worked for this quit. 


But alas, you must pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back to your quit.


I know what it's like to relapse, so I can only imagine how you feel.


If you ever need someone to talk to, as Tracey mentioned, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via PM as well. 


Chin up hun.

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Hi, Jackie-


I quit smoking 5 months ago but I am brand new to this site. Please forgive my presumption.


I did notice, however, that last week you posted: "Last night I lay awake and was seriously considering going to a 24 hour shop to buy cigarettes at 2 a.m." I am a firm believer that a relapse event is not a sudden or "silly" thing, particularly after someone has been quit for several months. Something has been bugging  you, upsetting you, making you fantasize about cigarettes for a while now. You cracked last night, but the real reason wasn't sudden. 


I hope you flush any remaining cigarettes you have down the toilet right this minute and renew your quit. Then think carefully about what has been provoking you this past week and figure out another way to handle it than by smoking. Ask the folks here for suggestions. Yes, you do deserve to feel better but there are other, better ways! Keep your quit!

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Dammit J66 !!!!  … I'll be damned if I'm going to let my QB go down in flames. Pull your head out , get your ass back on the train, and let's get your quit restarted. Don't even think about it, since thinking is probably what got you smoking again anyways. 


There is no excuse to start back smoking, period. 

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So sad for you. 7 months quit and it looked like everything was going fine. I hope you are not smoking like crazy now, because 'oh, what the heck, my quit is gone anyway'. Wish to see you on the quit train again with a strong quit and a positive attitude.

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You were doing great, and you were quit for 7 months.


Please do not let that fall behind whilst you move away from your quit and into sickness and horror. After these 7 months, you will never be a happy smoker again. Believe me. You will not. You will want to quit again.


You can do it. You´ve done it for 7 months just a few days ago. You have fallen but you can get up again, and start again whilst you still remember how good it felt to be free, and clean, and proud, and healthy, and nice smelling....


I hope you´ll respond Bandito´s question, and I hope your answer will be a).


Today is the best day to quit. You have the advantage of having a long quit still fresh in your mind and in your body. Don´t let it wither away....



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Gutted for you Jackie, just gutted.


It's getting to the bottom of why you did it isn't it?


I imagine you have read everything, internalised everything?


I'm not saying you need to, but, if it wasn't a case of just romancing a cig and there is more to it, nureo chemistry wise, maybe the doctor could advise, help?


You'll get to the bottom of it Jackie, have faith my lovely xx

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Oh no Jackie.... I'm so sorry {hugs}


none of us can change whats done, so the thing now is, are you coming back to try again? ....


do you know the "why" of it? are you ready to face that "why"?


as said above, we're here for you, you just let us know what we can do... {{{{hugs}}}}

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My favorite name,

how is it? did it taste bad? did you stop or are you trying to like it again?


No kisses ever again to smokers. So you pick, stink breath or kisses....






PS I told this to my mother in 1978, elementary school age- leaving out in morning. Refused to kiss coffee/cigarette breath. Maybe why I don't drink coffee, ever!!!

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Jackie! What? If you are reading this, i ask that you quit again now so you don't build up more nicotine in your system. Please don't try to smoke all you can before you quit again in a few days. I look forward to your posts here so I need to see you with us on the train,


There is a seat here by me, come sit

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((( Jackie )))). - so sorry to read this.- but you can do this. Look at why you smoked , promise yourself you won't do that again and then get back on the quit train. We are all gutted for you but we also want to be your support for your new quit !

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Oh my god I'm shocked and gutted, jack please get stuck back in, don't smoke for another day more.

Do your boys know, if not try quit again before they find out cos they will be heartbroken,

I don't know what to say

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