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Found the reason for the trigger...


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It's been pretty much smooth sailing for me - until today. 

I have had thoughts of smoking all dang day! And let me tell you, those thoughts were wearing me out.

I went to whyquit.com and started reading.

Ta - Da!  I needed to sit back and reflect on my life these past few days. Anything going on? new? Different?

Stress! I was stressed out about a problem that a family member is having (it also affects me). And of course as a smoker the first thing I would have done is smoke. 

I'm so glad I realized that this was a trigger that I had to face and do it without smoking. And I did :)


(No worries -If my thoughts on smoking would have been anywhere near relapse territory - I would have posted an sos.)



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You hold on, you hear me!!  This is your time!!


Triggers make us stronger. Every one we say no ( f you ) too, makes our quit stronger.  There is no room for relapse in your quit sandy, you got this!! 


Sending strength.



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Nice job... triggers are everywhere.  I though of it as building a wall.  Like drinking was always a big trigger for me.  Everytime I made it through and evening of drinking without a smoke...I put a brick up on my wall.  As I continue to beat that trigger I continued to build my wall... until smoking while I was drinking was not even a thought (most times) because it was on the other side of my wall.. I could not even see it.  I know that is kind of a wanker (that is for you foreigners) reponse... but it is the real stuff.


Keep on keepin on.. it will only get easier.

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I'm so glad to read this Sandy. You have been so fantastic and strong since you joined here, and I love watching your quit grow, day by day.


You are an inspiration to many, and I am glad you got through your crave!


I hope that your family problem is, is not too serious, and can be resolved soon.



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Thanks Marti and Chrispy. I'm hanging on - smoking is NOT an option for me. No matter what happens or what that almost sleeping demon says.

Isn't it crazy how the thoughts just pop up out of (seemingly) no where?

A smoking thought is just that, a thought. It passes and passes much quicker once I realize what caused it.

I control what my body does :)

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Thanks Ross,

I guess stressful days will always come along, and family problems. 

But dealing with them as a non-smoker is new to me, and that's ok, :)

Exactly right :)

And look at your beautiful ticker... 3 weeks tomorrow. Be proud of that :)

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Absolutely brilliant, you recognised the trigger and you dealt with it, each achievement makes you stronger and more powerful against the nicodemon, what a barstool he is!  Keep powering on and each time you hit a bit of stress you will deal with it amazingly well until the time comes that you don't associate smoking with it xx

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San dar.....

I smoked for 52 stupid years.....thinking that a smoke would help and solve all my problems......

What I've learned.....the problems are all still there whether Doreen puffs her head off or not.....

I'm dealing with them now in a whole new way.....

You have a great quit going.....stay strong......


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The last big trigger for me is simply driving my own car. Not stress, not sadness, not drinking. The car. Weird. ....you are doing excellent. You are thinking and reading and learning and resisting. You are going to make it :)

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I had decided that I was going to face all my triggers head on:

Drink my coffee without smoking - check

Visit with the smokers on their smoke breaks - check

Talk on the phone - check

And yes Beacon, even drive my car - check.

I really didn't have a problem with any of those. 

But stress, now that's a whole different ballgame. By the 7th inning, I'll have it outta the park :)

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Sandar, you're doing great and we hear so many times to protect our quit and that's exactly what you did by going to whyquit.com and reading the materials there.


There has been a lot of members talking about triggers lately and it's no coincidence as it's mid August and seasons are getting ready to change and of course, stress.  Stress is a huge trigger for a lot of people, myself included.





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Sandy - you are doing great and getting stronger each time you face down a trigger. My experience was triggers continued to happen sometimes out of the blue - but they definitely get easier to handle with time. You got this - and remember we are all here to support you if you need it :-)

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SanDar, I loved reading this. You're a trooper for facing your triggers head on! Me? I avoided things like alcohol, coffee, and being around smokers for a bit because I was so scared that I would relapse. But I didn't, you didn't, and that's all that matters. The attitude you have towards your quit makes me smile. 


Good on you for identifying the trigger. Stress was HUGE for me as well. Even now, I sometimes feel a crave creeping up when I'm feeling particularly stressed/overwhelmed, but I know I am better than that and I can handle stress without the cigarette!


High 5. Keep it up. You rock!

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Good on ye hun, I started kinda enjoying getting craves and knocking them down because it made me feel great afterwards,

Just looking at your list and it's mad how I use to be the same, first thing in the morning, on the phone etc but they are all such a distant memory now and I never think of them now, the only time I think of smoking a bit is if ive had a few drinks and I'm with a smoker but that is getting easier

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