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Ok, so a really dumb question and I really hesitate to ask. Why aren't e cigs considered an NRT? I know in places like the UK they actually suggest trying to quit using a vape or e cig. I think I know the answer but wondering if anyone has tried to switch over them quit. Can you tell I am STILL unable to make that first move? What am I doing wrong here??

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14 minutes ago, LeapOfFaith said:

What am I doing wrong here??


You're wayyyyyy over thinking it that's what you're doing wrong.

Once you make up your mind and just quit then you'll go through some sucky days for a bit and then you're done.

It's REALLY not as hard as we have it in our mind to be.

As far as ecigs or vapes,  when they first came out they were thought to be safer than smoking but now that the studies are coming in they are finding just how bad for your lungs and overall health they are. 

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I totally thought the same thing Leap, even like 30-ish days in I researched what vape to buy to help w quitting. Wackadoodle. It’s literally the addiction effing w your head. It’s literally the cigs effing w your head. Once they’re out you get the same “ahh” feelings from real life things even stupid little things lol that we think we get from cigs. The cigs put a chokehold on u to make us think we can never quit. It’s so much easier than we make it out in our heads. Jill’s totally right in that it really sucks for a while and then it gets better….way better. 

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+1 to all that @jillar and @Brioski have said.

NRT works by supplying a limited dose of nicotine through your skin or your gums. You get enough nicotine to shave the edge off your cravings, to support a commitment to quitting. But the hit is gradual. By contrast, inhalation - through either vaping or smoking - is a super potent delivery vehicle for a lot of nicotine to enter your bloodstream and brain very quickly. Because of that, it’s likely to intensify rather than diminish your dependence. Plus there is all kinds of other harmful c - - p beyond nicotine in ecigs and vape juice.

Bottom line: the only way to quit smoking is to actually quit smoking. It will suck for a while, but it won’t kill you. And you’ll be glad you did it. 


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2 hours ago, Brioski said:

I totally thought the same thing Leap, even like 30-ish days in I researched what vape to buy to help w quitting. Wackadoodle. It’s literally the addiction effing w your head. It’s literally the cigs effing w your head. Once they’re out you get the same “ahh” feelings from real life things even stupid little things lol that we think we get from cigs. The cigs put a chokehold on u to make us think we can never quit. It’s so much easier than we make it out in our heads. Jill’s totally right in that it really sucks for a while and then it gets better….way better. 

By the way, how are you doing. I remember reading a post of yours saying you wanted this (withdrawls,etc) to end. How many days has it been for you?

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I’m really good Leap ty for asking ❤️  There are def some moments that I still “want” cigs, but it lasts literally for 30 seconds or I use my straw air cig/deep breaths and it’s gone.  It’s so far and few between now compared to what cravings were in the beginning.  It def sucked, but I’m def wayy better than at month 1. It’s funny u ask what day I’m on bc today’s day 100!! 😂

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/31/2023 at 8:24 AM, Brioski said:

I’m really good Leap ty for asking ❤️  There are def some moments that I still “want” cigs, but it lasts literally for 30 seconds or I use my straw air cig/deep breaths and it’s gone.  It’s so far and few between now compared to what cravings were in the beginning.  It def sucked, but I’m def wayy better than at month 1. It’s funny u ask what day I’m on bc today’s day 100!! 😂

Congrats Brioski - DAY 100! Way to go

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Leap of faith


my siblings both gave up smoking using a vape - they initially vaped then just cut out the nicotine over time. Whatever works for you, works for you! This is your journey and the key thing is to get started.  We are all different and have different ways of getting to the same place ….

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On 6/24/2023 at 3:25 AM, Slow progress said:

Leap of faith


my siblings both gave up smoking using a vape - they initially vaped then just cut out the nicotine over time. Whatever works for you, works for you! This is your journey and the key thing is to get started.  We are all different and have different ways of getting to the same place ….

Thanks for this. I am having such a hard time taking the first step. I know this is addict thinking but I keep wanting to find the thing that makes this easy!

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When vaping first came out it was thought to be a safer alternative to smoking however since then they've found that it is just as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. And the long term studies are yet to be seen on just how dangerous it is. Furthermore there's no way of regulating how much nicotine you're consuming so many end up with more nicotine than they would have by smoking cigarettes. 

I encourage you to look at our vaping forum to educate yourself on it before deciding to do this. It is not an acceptable form of NRT.

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1 hour ago, jillar said:

When vaping first came out it was thought to be a safer alternative to smoking however since then they've found that it is just as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. And the long term studies are yet to be seen on just how dangerous it is. Furthermore there's no way of regulating how much nicotine you're consuming so many end up with more nicotine than they would have by smoking cigarettes. 

I encourage you to look at our vaping forum to educate yourself on it before deciding to do this. It is not an acceptable form of NRT.

I have read the the info on vaping here and have done some of my own research. I think I’m just grasping at straws trying to take the plunge. I am considering the patch but am nervous about side effects. The gum seems to be only moderately helpful for me but perhaps I haven’t given it a real chance.  

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1 hour ago, LeapOfFaith said:

 I know this is addict thinking but I keep wanting to find the thing that makes this easy!


Quitting Nicotine is not easy, but its not as hard as our addictive thinking make it out to be either. 

Edited by overcome
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1 hour ago, LeapOfFaith said:

I think I’m just grasping at straws trying to take the plunge.


Close but I'm thinking your addiction is grasping at straws to remain a smoker! Why not try what your user name implies?...................

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Just now, jillar said:


Close but I'm thinking your addiction is grasping at straws to remain a smoker! Why not try what your user name implies?...................

Ha!!! You’re probably spot on with that! The craving first thing in the morning is so hard to talk myself out of and once I smoke that one it’s like the rest of the day is a wash…I convince myself “why bother now?”  Any tips to overcome that intense “first thing in the morning” beast?

Ha!!! You’re probably spot on with that! The craving first thing in the morning is so hard to talk myself out of and once I smoke that one it’s like the rest of the day is a wash…I convince myself “why bother now?”  Any tips to overcome that intense “first thing in the morning” beast?

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14 minutes ago, LeapOfFaith said:

Any tips to overcome that intense “first thing in the morning” beast?


Yep, by going through it a few times. That's it. And after you get past that first one it gets easier the next time. Surprisingly enough it was the easiest crave to get past for a lot of us.

I used my air cigarette a lot and it worked so good at tricking my mind into thinking it was getting the real thing. Treat it exactly like you would an actual cigarette,  taking nice deep inhales (air). 

Edited by jillar
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Exactly what Jillar said, Leap….you just literally do something else…sit on the couch w coffee, at the computer, outside, brush teeth, lay in bed and look at phone, use the air cig if u want, it really helps me still.  And then ya just keep going and do something else. O is right too…the addictive mind makes it out to be way more intense than it actually is. 
W vaping, when I went to the hospital for shortness of breath a few times (prob 6 in one year last two yrs), 3 different doctors and numerous nurses asked me if I smoke, smoke what, etc. and when I said yes, cigs, etc., the would ask if I vape and when I said no, they were all like GOOD….if u have to smoke something, smoke cigs not a vape. Apparently it’s way too new for long term affects but what they’re starting to see even in 20-30 yr olds is astonishing.

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Properly administered, the patch can help with the first-thing-in-the-morning craves. Right now, mornings are especially hard because you have gone all night without your fix. So you wake up in withdrawal and the compulsion to smoke is strong. Patches keep a more constant supply of nicotine in your system, which reduces the peaks and valleys a bit. They give your quit a little help till you find your bearings. 

There is no magic bean that will make quitting easy. Quitting takes grit. But it’s doable. We are living proof. Once you flat out refuse to smoke, so many other good things start to grow!


This is an ADDICTION, which means that we will invent many excuses to keep using. We all went through that. Recognize those rationalizations and procrastinations for what they are: stinkin thinkin. 


Haven’t you been controlled long enough? Take the leap, and take your life back!

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1 hour ago, DenaliBlues said:

Properly administered, the patch can help with the first-thing-in-the-morning craves. Right now, mornings are especially hard because you have gone all night without your fix. So you wake up in withdrawal and the compulsion to smoke is strong. Patches keep a more constant supply of nicotine in your system, which reduces the peaks and valleys a bit. They give your quit a little help till you find your bearings. 

There is no magic bean that will make quitting easy. Quitting takes grit. But it’s doable. We are living proof. Once you flat out refuse to smoke, so many other good things start to grow!


This is an ADDICTION, which means that we will invent many excuses to keep using. We all went through that. Recognize those rationalizations and procrastinations for what they are: stinkin thinkin. 


Haven’t you been controlled long enough? Take the leap, and take your life back!

Hahahaha! Stinkin thinkin. I love that! What I think I need to do is use a lozenge or piece of gum before I get out of bed and then get on with the shower and morning routine. I guess the thing I need is a solid plan instead of fear and loosey goosey hope! Honestly the more I have contemplated and dreaded this the more I am craving and thinking about cigarettes! I should probably leave you all’s alone until I can get on with this!

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Leap ..

You have had some great advice .

The only way you will become a Non Smoker is ..Dont Smoke ..

That first one in the morning is the worst for any quitter ..your body and brain have been starved all night for your fix ..

Your a addict .

There is only one way to get over this and that is to face every morning  head on .

This is your life..your fighting for 

Believe me ,getting a smoke related ilness is far worse to live with ..

Lets get this done and get you to Freedom ..


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My "go to" for that first thing in the morning cigarette -


The night before, (every night) I planned a small chore (and it was something small, roughly 5 - 10 minutes)


When I got out of bed, I brushed my teeth, then did the preplanned chore. It worked for me.


Thinking about the quit makes it harder to start. Honestly...just do it.


It's up and down, yup it's hard, but you know that going in.


You will find lots of tools along the way, but if you don't start you'll never use them.


Jump in. You can do it!

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On 6/26/2023 at 9:23 AM, beazel said:

My "go to" for that first thing in the morning cigarette -


The night before, (every night) I planned a small chore (and it was something small, roughly 5 - 10 minutes)


When I got out of bed, I brushed my teeth, then did the preplanned chore. It worked for me.


Thinking about the quit makes it harder to start. Honestly...just do it.


It's up and down, yup it's hard, but you know that going in.


You will find lots of tools along the way, but if you don't start you'll never use them.


Jump in. You can do it!

You are absolutely right that thinking about it makes it harder. I think I need to get into the “try and if I cave, try again”. ALL of you are so supportive and empowering! 

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On 6/26/2023 at 12:02 AM, LeapOfFaith said:

Hahahaha! Stinkin thinkin. I love that! What I think I need to do is use a lozenge or piece of gum before I get out of bed and then get on with the shower and morning routine. I guess the thing I need is a solid plan instead of fear and loosey goosey hope! Honestly the more I have contemplated and dreaded this the more I am craving and thinking about cigarettes! I should probably leave you all’s alone until I can get on with this!

Hi Leap, Just reading thru this. Lots of great advice on here!  Addicts are the best rationalizers!  (I don't even think that's a word is it?) It's part of the disease and very sneaky.  I  recognize when my mind is trying to play that game. You will know when its time. There is so much support here. Stay close.

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I know you can do it LOF!  We all have.  I'm only smoke free for a little over a month and I have survived...LOL!!  The first week was bad, I will be honest, but most of the time I was not climbing the walls.  I had a few meltdowns but then I would come on here and everyone would help me through it.  You can do it!!!  I know that first one in the morning was the most difficult.  I would be having my coffee, sitting by my computer and then I would go and smoke.  But I got through it and it's really not too bad now. The longer you go without a cigarette, the easier it will become.  At first I would think of smoking every single minute of the day, now I don't think about it nearly as much, it keeps getting less and less.  When I do get a craving they don't last more than a few seconds. If you need the lozenges when you get out of bed, use them.  Whatever will help you!! 😃

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