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Been away to Tauranga for a while, for training, stayed in an apartment, didn't have to look for one with a balcony so I could smoke. Didn't have to run out every morning to try and find somewhere to hide to smoke.  When talking to people that were training wasn't worried I would smell.  So easy when you don't smoke.  Then how come since I have been back I want to smoke.  (no going to) Just on my mind all the time. Feeling a little blue today. 

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I wondered where you had gone off too.  This happens to us all on occasion and  I was complaining about it to some others recently.  I'm always surprised but really it kind of makes sense.  I think, especially if you smoked for a long time, that it is only natural to have association issues from time to time-even if you are happy to be a non smoker.  I know for me when this happens I try to focus on the fact that I am so much happier not smoking and distract myself as much as possible until it passes.  I'm sending big hugs out to you!  Go easy on yourself.

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Awww missed your little picture....

It's normal to think of them,it's what you do with those thoughts,turn them into positives.

Yaaaa you don't have to poision yourself any more...brilliant....

Go and treat yourself to something special ,with the money saved.....

Your doing great....feel proud....


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Hey Gabby


Good to see you. Sounds like an old trigger saying Hi. I'm guessing that after a training trip, in the past smoking felt less 'bad' and there was less need to find a place to hide etc...


I am having a similar couple of days. My wife is away having a well earned break. So, I'm home alone in the summer. In the past I would have all the doors and windows open, smoke where I wanted to (we never smoked in the house normally) and generally be free!


Last couple of days, smoking has been on my mind. I have even had 'craves'. Natural association I guess. I just go back to basics, rationalise what I am feeling and why...then just get on with life! The feeling passes.

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Hi Gabby, congratulations on 2 months!


It's OK to feel how you feel. Your inner junkie is dying, so it's making a final push to get you to smoke to reignite the addiction/withdrawal cycle. Smoking doesn't do anything positive for anyone. Smoking sucks.


Big hugs, we all missed you :)

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Hey Gabby, Pleased the trip went well.  Re the smoking I think it's probably linked to "returning" to your smoking den for the first time (as in you haven't left since you quit), and like Bandito says it would be a safe place to be a smoker again.  It's frustrating for sure but they are just thoughts and they no longer control you. I found the quickest way of getting rid of them is to acknowledge them as a trigger (as in I would have smoked here) and then say out loud or in my head, but I don't smoke anymore. Accepting the thought and then answering it seemed to make it go quicker then letting it fester in my head.



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Hey Gabby - missed you ! As the other have said this is one of those I" I used to smoke in this situation " moments - face it down and you will be so much stronger afterwards. You can do this - and we are here for support if you need it :-)

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Hi gabby welcome back


When I get those moments now I say out loud are you serious ? Im not that stupid


then I look at why I am sad, mad or tired and sort out the source and it never has anything to do with smoking just a five minute time out was needed


This feeling will pass gabby xx

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Hi Gabby its all normal, all part of the quit, its all part of becoming a stronger non smoker, I have had a worrying few days when I am craving and feel like "i'm missing something" I know its the inner junkie in me having a tiny prod just to say hey don't get too relaxed I am still here and I will pop my head up, but like everyone above, once I realise what's going on and tell myself Hey I no longer smoke, the feeling passes quite quickly, remember you are doing great and be proud of yourself xxx

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Hey gabby, good to have ye back, I have to say the last week was filled with craves for me aswell and I did nearly give in, very hard camping for 7 days and sitting out drinking at night with a camp fire burning, everyone seemed to be smoking and I did feel like smoking, I was terriffied thinking I ws going to have to come back here with my tail between my legs and tell everyone I failed but somehow I got through it and survived each night and I could hear all them coughing their guts up every morning and they were dying with hangovers and I was up before the kids most days having a cuppa and the fry cooking away on the camping stove and I was soo bloody proud that I did it. What I did to get ke through was not think in the present but think in the future as in tomorrow, how would I feel the next day if I smoked? Would I be ok with that, with letting myself, my hubby and kids, my family here on the train down, was it really worth it and each time I told myself no it wasn't worth waking up coughing my guts up, hungover not able to do anything with my babies, so I choose to wake up each day feeling great as a non smoker.

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Aww sue....I loved this post....

When you listen to all that hackin smokers have to do....it really puts us right back in focus....

Your right sweetheart,you don't want to go back to that....

Well done....your lungs are so grateful....

Hugs x

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