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Good work B

Hang in there ..this too will pass..Try to imagine how gutted you would feel  if you threw your wonderful  Quit away ..

This is one thing you can control.

Life,s curve balls you carn t..

I know you have got this Sweethesrt xx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another wake tonight, funeral tomorrow…hubs’ grandma, I feel bad for him. I’ve known her for 18 years. Waves of the illusion of smoking/relief have been strong 😕. This is hard y’all.   I know others are going through it, too.  

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So sorry to hear this Brioski. You've been through so much in a short time. Yes!  About smoking being an illusion of "relief". There's no magical relief from difficult emotions or situations (without severe repercussions), and you will push through smoberly as you have been doing amazingly! Xo

Edited by robin0212
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I’m sorry for your loss, Bri. Just keep turning your mind away from those pesky thoughts. The old Bri may have caved but not this strong new Bri we see! I mean you’ve kicked Nicodemons butt, laughed in Big Tobacco’s face and slammed the door shut on it. You’ve got this!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tough times for you Brioski but I know you won’t smoke! You helped me so much at the start of my quit - always cheering me on ….

you have done so well - I know you don’t want to start again at day 1 so please, do anything you can to keep off those cigarettes - you have been just so strong so I know you can do it!

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I’m still chugging along - have been suffering more in the way of random cravings lately - trying to just ignore it as I can’t get complacent and slip ….

hoping that once the snow hits I’ll just be happy not to be freezing my ass off outside.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Today kind of sucked in terms or urges, idk why. There’s a guy that smokes downstairs outside of our shop and I get whiffs of his breaks (still smells amazing to me sorry lol) so idk if that was it or the seasons coming up to a change again if that’s it or just that I miss it. I’m home now and ok, chilling on the couch (I should go for a walk).  Oh and tye dr gave me not great news, that I’m past the point of prediabetes and have actual diabetes and now on new meds. It seems to happen that way, quit smoking and get other health ailments blegh. 
Anyway hope everyone’s having a good day ❤️

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Hey Brioski, I just read through your thread. You have come a long way. Please, do not give up! I did that after 3+ years and before that ive messed up a 5+ years quit. Still sorry about that… it makes me all the more determined to do it right this time. Smoking is not worth time, money or effort.


I remember from previous quits the lasting sadness and mourning. I swear by Joel Spitzers ‘acknoledge the negative, but dwell on the positive’. I started to magnify every positive little thing a thousand times, it really works. I gave myself chores, distraction, rest. Each phase had its own solutions I guess. 

Every time I beat a craving, I was soooo happy and proud and relieved. Celebrating these moments is important! They are huge and literally mean the difference between freedom and slavery. 

You are doing your brain a huge favour by quitting, imagine all these new pathways. I wish you strength in your quit. Hang in there!



Edited by MLMR
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Sorry to hear about your diagnosis Bri. Not smoking will only help fight that. Per the CDC:

“Managing diabetes is challenging, and smoking can make it even more so. Nicotine increases your blood sugar levels and makes them harder to handle. People with diabetes who smoke often need larger doses of insulin to keep their blood sugar close to their target levels.”

***Don’t know why I’m posting this gif other than to remind you that even if a cigarette still smells good to you(every so often it still smells good to me too) it most certainly does not look good. haha



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Quitting physically and emotionally is one thing but quitting mentally is something some never get around to or even think about, We all need to stand back at some point in the quitting process and examine smoking and the truths & lies we ALL experienced as smokers and now leave behind as quitters.


Understanding the realities of smoking as a quitter is very different than what we believed the truth to be as a smoker and I believe seeing that truth in a new light is the key to staying quit for life! 

Edited by Reciprocity
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Hi Brioski, I am sorry to hear about this but I agree with the group. Smoking will cause WAY more complications, further medical compromise and more wrinkles!!! Diabetes is manageable. So many other  smoking related diseases more difficult to manage, and likely lead to an earlier more potentially uncomfortable painful death. Reason enough not to light up.

Edited by robin0212
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Sorry about your news @Brioski. Your cravings are probably a combination of both the changing seasons and the diagnosis. Remember, you smoked for years so its going to take some time to get past triggers. Realistically you may get a craving after a year or more quit. The difference is that they have no real power anymore and are easily swatted away.

You're doing great Bri so be super proud of yourself 😊


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Yest was interesting….we were swimming all day, all weekend, pool beer pong (I haven’t really drank since Feb, used to be a heavy drinker) and I told hubs I was really wanting cigs (to top off the nice relaxing day, after drinking, etc). He said “you know you have like half a carton of soft packs in the spare bedroom bottom dresser drawer right” and I was like WHAT!? He didn’t want to tell me but he did so he/we could destroy them.   I didn’t know how to feel, I didn’t want them but I so did. Still. (Which bummed me out, why did I actually get excited)….he took them out and I opened a pack and smelled it, took one out and took a drag, unlit, and it felt both indifferent and good. Ugh did I just set myself back or what. I was fine rest of the day. Wtf is wrong w me lol. Btw they are destroyed in the garbage. 
oh and then my brother in law (who has a lot of problems) stopped by and he smokes, puffing away, it made me so angry lol. 
have a nice Labor Day all ❤️❤️

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