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Six Months

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Well here I am. Six months quit.


Yay me!


What have I learned?

How do I feel?


In no particular order...


1. Everything is relative.


I remember in the early days looking at people posting "3 weeks! Congratulations!" and thinking "3 weeks? Wow that is so far away. I am not sure I can make the next three hours!" Every single quitter quits one cigarette at a time, one day, one hour, one minute, one second. You may be looking at tickers thinking that you will never get there. You will. I did.


2. It's all in the mind.


A craving doesn't hurt. It doesn't stop you doing anything. It doesn't really exist. YOU are making it up. Don't like craving? Well don't have them then. It really is that easy. (I say it now - if only I had believed it then! It would have saved me a lot of trouble!)


3. Your quit - your choice


I chose not to smoke anymore. No-one forced me. I can start again tomorrow if I want to. Smoking is 100% a choice. No-one can quit for you, no-one can take responsibility for you. YOU ALONE take the decision. Folk here and elsewhere will support you as best they can - but OWN your quit.


How do I feel?


I feel empowered. Enriched.


Colours seem brighter. Food tastes better. 


I have more energy. I am stronger.


I smell better. My teeth look better (for an islander!)


I don't have cravings, I don't have regrets, I can not think of one single thing about smoking that I miss.


If you are reading this - then you have probably quit or are about to quit. 


CONGRATULATIONS! The best decision you have ever made. You can absolutely do this. And to quote a wise man called Paul "Even better times are coming."

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I am not surprised to scroll down and see 4 google users and I reading. 


This is the point so many of us don't realize when we are new to quitting. We have been told it's hard, we believe that because to go to a non smoking place (airports, planes, trains, days out) feels really tough.


What we're not told is relatively quickly, we start to feel better.... then amazing and free....and pretty soon, in quite a short while....it's more than ok....and then fantastic!!  

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"I don't have regrets, I can not think of one single thing about smoking that I miss."


And that's when you know you feel strong about your quit -- when you have realized that smoking does absolutely nothing for you.


Congrats again on your 6 months EB! Thanks for sharing this -- I think it's very inspiring, especially for those who are just starting out and struggling with their quits. 

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Nice post!


Very encouraging for those of us that have just started this journey and still look at the 6 months mark like an almost unattainable oasis in the horizon.


Keep it up and keep making us all smile! Thanks, mate! :give_heart:

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Well this is what i have learned about Stu in the last 6 months!


1)  Very nice guy, Glad you are here!


2) Great sense of humor, makes everybody smile and/or laugh!


3) Big asset to the forum, nobody will disagree with me!


4) Likes Golf!


5) And is a non smoker!!!!


6) We will talk about that one later lol


Congratulations my friend!

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What a great,honest,insperational post......

You have been a massive influence on my own quit......

For all those lurking....it is so possible......

You have nothing to lose.....and soooo much to gain......

And meet great folks like our stu along the way......


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This place is everyone. We are all the same yet all unique.


Post and share! - We have all learnt from each other and from those who went before us. 


Hopefully we can reach and help a lurker make that tiny first step that becomes a big step and help them to save their own LIFE!


Folks - it is doable!


Come join us.

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