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It's been so long I have serious doubts I will be remembered! But, I wanted to pop in and give thanks. I was an old QSMB quitter. There, I made some amazing friends. A few I am still in contact with today. Why is that important? Because quitting, and yes, I am still solidly nicotine free, quitting gave me my life back. I'm here to have those relationships.  Although I'm now diabetic,  I'm healthier and happier than I have ever been. I have lost all of my quit weight plus, almost 80lbs. I can hike, and breathe! I can dance, and breathe!! For everyone in doubt, those first few weeks are hard, yes they are, but keep going and growing! Love to all!!


Edited by gonfishn21
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@gonfishn21!!!! Oh it's so good to hear from you :) Your ears must have been ringing, (or is it eyes watering?!) because you've popped into my head several times over the last few days :) 

What a great update too, say hi to little sis for me 😚

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Ahhhhh! My friend Jillar!!! So nice to see you! I have thought of you often. I hope you are doing well. I very much miss the old days at QSMB. It was a perfect environment to quit.

I am in fact seeing my sis next week. Her and her husband are also still nicotine free. Denali, I quit cold turkey after 40+ years of smoking. I can say this: The method does not matter. The best method is the one that sticks. I never wish anyone luck on a quit, I wish you strength, support, commitment and diligence . The beginning is never easy, but the result is glorious. I am almost 8 years quit now, I think. After a while it's easy to lose track. That is when you know you have won. 

Jillar, I will thank you for being a part of my quit as well. Support is so important. And even though we met after I believe I conquered the demon, the continuing support is crucial. I am proud of you to see that you are still fighting the fight as well. 

As a smoker I felt picked on. And even though I am not a nicotine nazi now, I know the whole world would be a much better place if smoking had a worldwide ban. 

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It's great to hear from you @gonfishn21. You were very helpful and supportive of me and many others in our quits.  I'm glad you are doing well and thanks for checking in.

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I remember you from the QSMB....I was a floating Butterfly back then ....

It's really good to see you ...you were a great support to all....

Why not stay a while ...😁👍


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@gonfishn21 Like @DenaliBlues, I love it when those who have quit before us pop in for a surprise update and give a pep talk to those still early in their quit. But best of all, I’ve yet to hear one of you complain about quitting, how much you miss it, how miserable you are. Everyone always mentions being active and engaged in life, and how they have real relationships with people! You know, instead of all the ducking and hiding we did before, when we let nicotine control our lives! Thanks for the update!

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Thank you Gus. And you are correct. I have yet to meet the person harmed by quitting.  I truly think one must be in the right mindset.  You must be quitting for yourself. Beyond that, once you are quit, the world is yours. No more looking for a place to duck out for a smoke. No more missed moments when you do. No more being ruled by an inanimate object designed to slowly kill you under the guise of being your friend. No wool pulled over anyone's eyes. Quitting is tough. And it should be. Nothing worthwhile comes easy.

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