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I can´t wait to quit


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Hi Susana,


I read your post and wondered if it would be ok to offer some thoughts. I hope so, we have some similar traits I think and maybe something will resonate with you :)


Quit date by 15th via the moon.  I'm assuming you refer to the full moon on sat 12th and the strength from that being 3 days, thus taking you up to the 15th? It's a capricorn moon and I see your taurus, so it's in an earth sign like you are and should flow nicely. However the energy lends itself 3-5 days either way, so if you feel ready, you would still be within the energy of this influence :)  I get some people think it nonsense, but the same people believe in the power of positive thingking/mind over matter etc and ultimately, it's all the same thing anyway - just using energy to help an existing will you have.




Yep. That´s exactly what he said... so maybe it is not that much nonsense after all ;-)


Lows - yes! A fellow emotional yo yo right here.  Hugs to you, it's so hard when you're fighting yourself. Have you considered meditation? I see you have exercise already and you're right, that's fab for craves but for calming my brain I used cigs - now I sob like a baby


I can relate to this... I always say I don´t get "cravings", I get CRY-VINGS! Hahahaha :-). I didn´t know what "meditation" was until I went to that coaching seminar on Saturday. I know it can help in many levels and I have a couple of tutorials to give it a try. I´ll report as soon as I sit down to it.


Thank you for your kind message. I´ve been following you and you are mastering your quit. Not an easy one, but hey, you are fighting like a lioness and building a mega-strong quit. Well done!!!!!! :-)

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Susana, you should pre-respond to your own SOS.  Write a note to yourself in your own words from your own heart that you can read when you fall into "nothing matters".  Carry this note with you everywhere.  Read it so often that you only have to think about it in your pocket for your words to come back to you.  Cut off craves quickly (this helped me a lot).


Note taken. I´ve never done this before. I will do it this time. Thank you :-)

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Hello Susana and welcome.


I can relate completely to your approach and can understand you wanting to do the mental groundwork, getting that solid and secure. May I suggest a book that I really believe will help you remove the gremlins (the thoughts that lead you to lighting up). It isn't a quit smoking book but a fabulous tool to sort the wheat from the chaff in your mind. It's called The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters and from reading your posts I really think it would be the last piece of the jigsaw for your sticky quit. You sound very much like me 'strong minded' yet the strong mind can be our worst ruddy enemy at times? The book has changed 'everything' for me as I'm now able to happily control/tame my mind, my chimp.




From the description of the book on that link:



You can tell if your Chimp is hijacking you if you:

  • Have unwelcome thoughts and feelings
  • Struggle to live life the way you want to .... hmmm ... tick
  • Sabotage your own happiness and success .... TICK
  • Act impulsively and regret it later
  • Procrastinate or can’t stick to resolutions.... TICK, TICK, TICK!


Sharon, you are an inspiration. I may have even been nasty to you in a previous "life" as I was completely anti-vaping. But you have proven me wrong and I appreciate you for it and apologise for my closed-mindedness. Keep the good work!!!! :-)

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From the description of the book on that link:




Sharon, you are an inspiration. I may have even been nasty to you in a previous "life" as I was completely anti-vaping. But you have proven me wrong and I appreciate you for it and apologise for my closed-mindedness. Keep the good work!!!! :-)

No worries had forgotten all about that lark...life's too short ;)


I really would be suprised if the book didn't help you to first understand your mind, then learn the tricks on how to tame it (the chimp) If you do make a purchase Susana let me know how you get on with it, will gladly have a chin wag with you.


Take care x

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Yep. That´s exactly what he said... so maybe it is not that much nonsense after all ;-)


I can relate to this... I always say I don´t get "cravings", I get CRY-VINGS! Hahahaha :-). I didn´t know what "meditation" was until I went to that coaching seminar on Saturday. I know it can help in many levels and I have a couple of tutorials to give it a try. I´ll report as soon as I sit down to it.


Thank you for your kind message. I´ve been following you and you are mastering your quit. Not an easy one, but hey, you are fighting like a lioness and building a mega-strong quit. Well done!!!!!! :-)

Of course there's a possibility we're both nutters and not energy workers ;)  I hope not, I quit within 4 days of a full moon, with crystals and intention work - seems to be working, touch wood!


Cry-vings - how true! It's got much calmer now I think, only really kicks in when people get on my nerves now so it does get easier. 


Meditation is wonderful but can take some time to settle to it, and there's no right or wrong.  Try and keep at it though as it honestly is so worthwhile.  Babs also meditates I have seen :)  



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Quit today. Scientists have proven the moon is not made of cheese and the cow never jumped over it.

They also proved cancer is a real disease and chemo sucks even if you like being bald.


Are you the chick from Spain?


My only advise is nope and reward yourself daily with small items for the work you put in. Don't make quit a negative. Attitude is everything.

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Are you the chick from Spain?


Yep. Me.


Quit today


I may. I can´t believe I feel this crap (hungover) and still smoking. Addiction. I can´t wait to finish work (the inheritance of a man that died from smoking), ride the bike to the beach, and jump in the sea. I may cool down a bit and regain the energy to kick this bastard nicodemon right in the butt with all my strength. Nasty horrible piece of work :cray:

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Susana! Good to see you again.


Welcome here.


Lots of great advice above.


When it comes down to it, just stop sticking things in your mouth and setting fire to them.


You absolutely have the strength to do this.

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Glad to see you back, Susana!  Let's get it done this time.  Keep this quit separate from everything else that goes on in life.  Life continues to have it's ups & downs whether we smoke or not but when we smoke, it affects all things good and bad.  It will ruin everything good in life and will make the bad even worse.  In other words, smoking causes stress and doesn't relieve it.

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Glad to see you back, Susana!  Let's get it done this time.  Keep this quit separate from everything else that goes on in life.  Life continues to have it's ups & downs whether we smoke or not but when we smoke, it affects all things good and bad.  It will ruin everything good in life and will make the bad even worse.  In other words, smoking causes stress and doesn't relieve it.


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How goes it today?? x


Hi Marti!!! Thanks for thinking of me!


For the last two days I´ve been down with some cold. Normal at this time of the year when there is 30 C outside and on the bus they have the aircon at -15 C


Other than that... I´m 6 hours INNNNNNNN! :dance2:


:give_heart:  Thank you, guys.

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