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So, it's now 24 hours since I lit up my last cigarette ever! i didn't note down when I put it out, so I use this time to mark the turning point.

It's been surprisingly easy, actually. So I suppose Allen Carr was right: it IS EASY to quit smoking - provided you do the mental preparations first. After 25+ years as a slave to the NicoMonster I have my fair share of failed attempts behind me, so I know some might find that statement a bit offensive and why. There are many roads leading to Rome, and for me it seemed like this was my only option. Whatever the case might be, I have put a surprisingly easy 24 nicotine free hours behind me!

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Thank you, @jillar!

I will admit I've thought about taking one puff over the last hour or so (there's another smoker in the house, so it can be scary!), but it's not really been a serious thought and only lasted a couple of seconds before I put it aside!

And yes, my savings will explode!!! I live in a very expensive country, in particular when it comes to cigarettes and alcohol. Won't miss putting all that money into the treasury, that's for sure!

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It's gone so quickly today, @Gus! Still, I do feel a bit relieved that I can finally go to bed in about an hour 😜 Get a break from the cravings and the body can work on eliminating all the foul stuff in peace

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Congratulations @Shymaid  That first day is the toughest.  You are doing a great thing in quitting smoking.  Keep up the awesome work!



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Congratulations on your progress thus far. Remain diligent because the nicotine monster is forever going to test you. Just remain vigilant to your quit and to yourself. Nobody deserves to be smoke free more than you.


Thank you, @Mac#23!

The monster is definitely still there! Every day it starts whispering "You are doing great! So you can have one, just one. You really want one. Just one won't hurt. Just pick up again from that, as you are doing so good. So good you can handle just one. Do you really want to live a cigarette-free life? They are really good, you know. You KNOW!" etc etc. Hardest to resist at night, though I'm getting the hang of it!

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Stay strong Shymaid and watch out for that "just one won`t hurt stuff" I spent a few years doing that and it did not work for me. Always ended up smoking 10 to twenty a day as a result of this thinking. It is an addiction and you have to abstain from the use. Best wishes and keep at it.


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