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It's been years since I've stopped by


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Hey Everyone, 

I'm an original 2018 quit team member of the 






It's been years since I've logged in to see how everyone is and I figured I'd write a quick message to say hi and to give an update.


Well it's been 4 years, 4 months and 13 days and I've not had a single puff. When someone has asked me how to do it I've always said that you need a support system and to find this forum, for me it was the original QSMB but when that went down this place kept me through it. It sometimes is difficult to explain that this place works but I do know that at least one person managed to make the quit stick because of that advice so that is enough. 


It's funny that how we all know that 99% of smokes either wants or has thought of quitting, but when we explained this support system, most don't believe it, at least that is my experience. But what I want to say that if you're reading this and are new to this, know that this works. 


I remember when I started my quit, one of the reasons was that I had 2 year old daughter and someone here said to me that my baby girl would never know me as a smoker. Those words were enough to get me through several SOS situations, so if you're struggling, one advice that I can give is to find THAT! visualize yourself as your better self, a NON-SMOKER, and know that you can make it. 


Hope everyone is OK and if there are any 2018 ex-cig-cutioners still here, thanks for that first half of 2018, we made it.


Edited by Gabes
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Hi @Gabes! Its SO good to hear from you and know that your quit is solid. And I'm stoked that you have the Excigcutioner logo lol. I've been looking for that for a long time for a thread I have with all the other yearly logos so thank you for posting it 😊

Thank you too for taking the time to check in. Hopefully you won't be a stranger 🤗

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@Gabes 4+ years quit! You are awesome and thank you for checking in today! It is so uplifting for everyone when the vets check in. The support system found here is essential to a solid quit. I would not have survived without this site. I’m glad that you are doing so great! Take care!

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Welcome back Gabes, thanks for stopping by and showing us what is possible. Stop in more often so we can all get to know you better and learn from you. You have an awesome quit going. I'm sure there are newbies here that can benefit from your experiences.

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Heh. Howdy! I quit in 2018 also. January 5 actually. It’s great to hear the words come out of my mouth that I’m going on five years quit. It’s crazy. I never would’ve ever thunk it. This place was invaluable to me. I spent a lot of time here in the early days. These days about the only time I ever think about a cigarette as when I get on here LOL. But it’s OK. It always goes away. The urge, it always, goes away!

For me, I wanted to quit on my terms. Not when the doctor told me that I need to quit with tubes running in and out of my chest.

I still feel good today. Active and I work hard. My wife still smokes. I encourage her every day but she’s just not ready. I hope she makes it until the time she is ready. She borderline gets angry with me when I try to speak with her about it. She just changes the subject.
I remember… Sounds like the addiction talking, right? It is.

I don’t post much, actually I don’t visit as much as I used to. I suppose smoking is further in the back of my mind then I think. Good thing…

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Hello @Octain! It’s great to hear from you! I’ve read so many of your comments over the past year and I’m happy to see that you are still quit and doing well! I do hope that your wife eventually comes around and quits. Take care and stop in to check on us a little more often! We’d love to hear from you! At least come celebrate 5 years with us in January 2023?! I’ll still be here! 😎

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