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I managed to stay smoke-free for almost two days, but unfortunately smoked 3 ciggarettes today, as the brain fog became unbearable at work :(. I threw my pack, lighter and ashtray, and I am ready to jump on the Quit Train! 


My story: Smoked since I was 14, now I'm 23, and decided I should end this addiction for good. I'm happy to find this community and I am confident that I will manage to stay quit with the help and support provided by this forum, and hope that when the time comes I can help others quit as well.


I will no longer smoke and punish myself everyday with this addiction!

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G'day an welcome aboard. 


Take your time to look around, there are heaps of resources here. We come from all over the world so it's very rare to not have someone around if you need support.


There is the daily NOPE thread and we even have an SOS thread. You feel like smoking and think you might cave, pop in there and sing out your sos...peeps will come talk you off the ledge.


Be kind to yourself, you have 9 years of addiction to undo so make sure to reward yourself. Just take it 1 day at a time, before you know you will be a year or more in.

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Hello HappyPassenger :)


Welcome to the train. I stayed logged on the boards when I quit (even if I was not always reading something) it simply made me feel safer and saner to know I could reach out at any time. notsmokjo is correct there a lot of resources available here. Please do take advantage of that and the fun ones too (songs, games ect) Best wishes!

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3 hours ago, HappyPassenger said:

I will no longer smoke and punish myself everyday with this addiction!

Good for you Happy Passenger.  You have the power and strength to quit.  Keep telling yourself you no longer smoke and power through the cravings.  The nicotine is gone after a couple of days and then you learn to redirect those thoughts.  Stay close to the forum, educate yourself, play some games and get to know us.  We would love to help you along your journey.

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Hello and Welcome aboard ...( Great name ...no need to be unhappy here )...

Well done for wanting to rid yourself of this horrible addiction at early age  before all the crap sets in .

Wish I had have been that wise ...

There is so much information here ..a good place to start is the Main Smoking Message Board..

Read all the posts that are pinned with green ....

Stay close to the board ....we will help you arrive at Freedom .🐸

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Great to meet you, @HappyPassenger! It's fantastic that you found this forum and are giving up the smokes for good. Best decision you'll ever make. I, too, was very fuzzyheaded for a little while after I quit. There's something about how the body relies on nicotine as a stimulant that makes your system go a little haywire immediately after quitting. I think my blood sugars also went wackadoodle, too. But the slog does not last forever. You can make it through. This Train is a great community of folks - welcoming, supportive, knowledgeable about quitting, and occasionally zany. Welcome aboard and embrace the ride!     


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Welcome aboard Passenger, congratulations on your decision to take your life back. It's not going to be a easy journey but nothing worth while ever is. Always remember that you deserve to be happy and healthy.

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Just a baby to so many of us. Such a smart person to all of us! YOU ARE MAKING THE BEST DECISION EVER! Might be a little rough at first, but we have been addicts for a long time. (me 40 years). This will be a walk in the park for you. Stay focused and take it an hour at a time. Think of all that money you can spend on better things. You can do it.

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You can do this.  I never thought I would make it a day, much less two days.  I thought losing half of my lung would make it easy to quit.  It didn’t.


I still have to consciously tell myself NO everyday.  I’ve smoked for most of my life; 64 years!  I can’t undo that without a struggle.  

Don’t land where I am.  A diagnosis of lung cancer.  Lung cancer surgery.  Now lung cancer free with the constant worry of it returning.  Not a fun place to be.


Quit NOW.  You can do it.  We are all here for you.  If you fall, get back up; as many times as you have to until it takes… and it will.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome aboard, @HappyPassenger! In the beginning of your quit you are very vulnerable, so read all you can here and watch the videos and post, post, post!!! Keeping your mind occupied by reading, posting and playing games will help you immensely...and so will drinking lots of water and practicing deep-breathing. 😉

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