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Hello everyone! My name is Sal and I'm 55 and trying to quit Cigarettes. I've tried several times but just can't get past a few months without at the most. I live with my wife who also smokes and is so fed up with my smoking is willing to quit also. I just can't get past the cravings. I've been on the patch several times and just have problem jumping ship so to speak. Please help!!😞

  • Like 9

Welcome @Sal  Good decision to quit smoking!! What a good Christmas

present for you and your family. Read all you can here about the addiction. Stay close

on the train. We have a lot of good people here with lots of support to help you.

Its not easy but it is doable.

  • Like 8

Welcome Sal. Linda got it right saying read about addiction. Knowledge plays an important role understanding addiction but if you really want this you can do it. I quit at 66 after a long time smoking and wish I had done it sooner so it can be done. If you have tried before and failed don`t give up. Most of us are in the same boat. Lots of support here so stick around and stay close. Best wishes.

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Hello, @Sal! I’m glad that you have hopped on board the train. There is a lot of information, from personal quit issues and strategies to articles,books, and videos on this site to help you along the way. Reading the personal blogs and posts helped me the most. Other than recognizing(from the videos) that I am an addict(‘twas an  ugly day) it’s where the most useful help I received was found. I used the patches because of lifelong anxiety issues I have. I started with step 2. I didn’t do the full suggested time requirement before moving on to step 3. Once I became comfortable with step 3 and actually forgot to apply the patch one day, I knew that I was done. The problem was that I suffered through the nicotine withdrawals 3 times! It was grueling, but I knew then and still know today that I would not have survived a cold turkey quit. Every quit is different. The most important thing that you can do is read everything on this site and arm yourself with knowledge and also keep a record of your quit. Listing craves-what triggered them and what worked to end it. Your notes will be useful if you happen to pick the cigarettes back up again. Stay busy, busy, busy and stay hydrated. Unfortunately, still being on the patch, you still have nicotine in your system and your addiction is still being fed. The three days that it is going to take to get it out of your system are going to be rough. I was confined to my bed, curled up in the fetal position with the covers over my head crying and silently screaming for those three days. But thankfully, everyone’s experience is not quite the same. I truly hope that you and your wife can beat this addiction. It is so worth it. It truly is liberating! I am 55. I started smoking when I was 15. I was up to two packs a day(and on occasion, more)when I quit. I just celebrated my 9th month quit! Coming up on a year!!! Without a doubt, you’ve got to want this! It takes full commitment! I’m looking forward to following your quit and hope to see you on here—a lot! 

  • Like 6

Welcome to the train Sal. Congratulations on deciding to quit smoking and taking back your life. Read the articles and watch the videos. Gain as must knowledge as you can regarding this horrible addiction. Knowledge is power and the more you know the better. I'm not going to lie it's going to take so.e work on your part to be successful. You just need to believe in yourself. So, grab a seat and enjoy your ride to a happier and healthier life.

  • Like 5

Welcome aboard @Sal, you've come to the right place to get your forever quit! I found my first support forum at three weeks quit and am sure that without the support I received from people who had gone before me or walking beside me I wouldn't have succeeded.

Stick close, we have quitters from all over the world so there's almost always someone here 24/7 to help you past a bad crave. And if you can make it a few months than you can make it a few more. And we want to help you do it 😊

We have lots of great sub forums here from the SOS board where you'll post if you feel your quit is in danger so we can give you some extra support, to our Social boards for when you want to stick close but get your mind off smoking thoughts for a while. And there's lots of everything in those from exercise and food to music and games.

So lets get this done once and for all ok?😊

  • Like 7

Welcome! So glad you are here. Most of us (including me) have tried numerous times to quit and we always find a reason to start again. I did Allan Carr's book/seminars which really helped this time.

Everyone has a different approach but after using NRT, this time I am cold-turkey. I think it is ultimately easier. The thing that I learned is while smoking, I WAS ALWAYS IN WITHDRAWAL. In other words, our entire smoking history we are craving. Going through a quit and understanding the craving will go away is an amazing shift in thinking. Because it does go away. 

We don't know how we will feel "smober" until we do it. The last couple of days for me have been rough (emotional things) and I have thought about smoking. But blessedly haven't done it. I know that it will only make things worse. 

Again, not saying it is easy but I think smoking is harder believe it or not.

Happy to have you (and your wife) here. Being on line makes a HUGE difference!

  • Like 8

Welcome Sal.  Quitting smoking is a great thing to do and it is very doable.  Knowledge about nicotine addiction and support from other quitters really helps.  You can find both here.


It is great to have you here.

  • Like 4

Hello @Sal..and your good lady wife ....

Firstly finding this place is a great start ,to putting down the cigarettes forever ...

I Was a 52 year smoker ,with countless failed quits ....finding this place and its members shown me the way .

The reason I kept failing is ....I never completely put my whole self in to the quit ...

Half hearted is no good ...it has to be the most important thing 

learn all you can ..we have tons of great information, a good place to start are the post pinned with green on 

The  Main Smoking Discussion Board.....also watch Joel video,s they will cover most of your concerns ...

Take the time to look around the board .....

Ask anything you want here ...we have heard it all.....

you can do it ....Oh yes and ...

Never stick anything in your mouth and set fire to it 🐸

  • Like 5

Welcome aboard Sal.  Good call on giving up the smokes.


  On 12/23/2021 at 9:55 AM, Sal said:

 I just can't get past the cravings. 



You get past the cravings by going through the cravings.  There's no other way.


Cravings are temporary.  With the right commitment you can ride out any craving.


Buckle up, knuckle down, and drive on.

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Hello Mr. and Mrs. Sal

I am writing this to both of you.  I hope Mrs. Sal will join the board as well.  She is going to deal with quitting that are not the same as you.  She may feel things diffrent than you do and need support in a different way.  It is an individual journey and I see that women handle things in a different direction that she might need. I have just made it to the six month mark.  I quit upon having a cat scan of the chest that showed the beginning signs of emphysema.  When you know there is no choice then there is no choice.  That is what made it real for me. Most linsurance offer this under preventative care.  You should see if that is covered under your insurance.  If it is, get the scan.  I used nicotine replacement therapy in the way of lozenges. I had used chantix, gum, patchs without sucess in the past.  The lozenges helped me thru the first part.  Knowing I was making permanent bad things really sealed the deal.  You can lie to yourself all you want but that is what you are doing.  You are more important than any craving.  For me I just accepted I could not pretend any more. That helps everytime I get a crave...do I crave to live or do I crave to die.  That is the simple truth. You can do this!!

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Also @Sal, A lot of us found that sucking on candies helped. I was stuck on soft peppermint puffs my whole first year lol. And make sure to drink plenty of water or juice, Gatorade etc to help flush out your system quicker 😊

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Hi Sal.  don't give up on giving up.  it took me almost a year to finally grow a set and put the cigarettes down.  it's a very simple process.  it's not easy, but it is simple.  There are only 3 steps. 

1.  don't put anything in your mouth and set fire to it. 

2.  do something else instead. 

3.  repeat steps 1 and 2 as needed.


congratulations...you have quit smoking.

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First off. I want to Thank Everyone for replying. My wife has an easier time with quitting but enjoys smoking. I on the other hand have a fit anytime I reach he 3 or 4 hour period of not having a cigarette. My cravings have been brutal and have messed up my wife's sleeping because I wake her at night for a cigarette, She usually leaves me 2 over night  but that seems to be not enough. I feel like a real loser and jerk for mistreating her during my craving fits. I need to strongly work on this. I'm Having a craving now.

         Please help me through it.


I am right here as are others that I am sure will jump in any minute.  I am sorry you are having a rough time tonight.  Just keep up slow deep breathing. Turn on the TV to see if there is something to focus on.  Trust me, the crave will pass, I learned that here.  You think it is your body but is really your brain leading you into almost a panic that we think a cigarette will help, it is just a response that your brain is used to so you think you have to smoke.  You do not have to, you have to just sit back and let the feeling wash over you, accept it for what it is, just an addiction, a need you think will solve the problem.  It will not, we have to work our way thru it.


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@Sal  I feel you brother.  I was there only I didn't have a wife to bother.  What kept me from smoking was walking and breathing deep.  I would and still do walk at night if the craves start to get to me.  Also try listening to some self hypnosis vids on youtube.  I think over time they do help.

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I know the craves seem unbearable, but it's the cigarettes that cause the crave.  The more you smoke the more you crave.  You are stronger than any crave if you want to be.  I know it's not easy but damn it feels good to just breathe.

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  On 12/24/2021 at 6:04 AM, intoxicated yoda said:

@Sal  I feel you brother.  I was there only I didn't have a wife to bother.  What kept me from smoking was walking and breathing deep.  I would and still do walk at night if the craves start to get to me.  Also try listening to some self hypnosis vids on youtube.  I think over time they do help.


Thanks Yoda and the rest of the gang. I try to stay busy on a coin forum that I belong to. I also listen to music and go i  my room and listen to waves on CD and lie down. I just succumbed to a few drags. It was only three hours in. I'm trying that candy trick but it doesn't help. The patches help but my Wife is fed up with buying anymore. I agree. I have to do this on my own, right???

  I apologize but then I steal or ask repeatedly for a cigarette acting like a 2 year old. I hate it!!! THE Worst thing is I don't even like her brand. PLUS I have COPD !! What is it goig to take ?? Where are these video's?


also don't beat yourself up to much at the very beginning.  you might have to take some baby steps.  I struggled to get through 3 hours when i first started quitting.  I'm looking for some of those self hypnosis vids now.  gimme a few minutes


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  On 12/24/2021 at 6:25 AM, intoxicated yoda said:

also don't beat yourself up to much at the very beginning.  you might have to take some baby steps.  I struggled to get through 3 hours when i first started quitting.  I'm looking for some of those self hypnosis vids now.  gimme a few minutes



Thanks yoda! I have some meditation CD's a Doctor  gave me. I have to dig them up. I also have a HUGE problem after eating.

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