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Day 5 going smoke free.  Took the day off to take my car to the shop.  Gas station keeps glaring at me with bad intentions from across the street.  Left my gum in the car. All I have is my coffee and my phone. 


I don't want to smoke. I will not smoke. Gonna be a long couple of hours. Wish me luck!  I got this. 

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Yeah, you got this.  The temptation will pass and you will be glad you didn't cave into it.  


Good for you for posting.  Fight through this and your quit will not only still be in tact but also a lot stronger.

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@JustSomeGuy  Keep up the fight. When I get the urge, I just ask myself If I really want one.  And the answer is yes.  If I could have just one every couple weeks, I would.  But my experience and that of every other person who has quit says there is no such thing as just one.  1 would not stop my craves, nor 5, 10, or a whole pack.  1 cigarette would mean full loss of control of my addiction.  And because 1 year is the soonest I've ever been able to mount another serious attempt at quitting, I know that 1 cigarette would cost me $4000 and require I smoke another 7000 cigarettes.  That is my visualization.  Telling myself that yes, I can smoke one, but I have to immediately pay $4000 for that cigarette and I see myself being handcuffed to a barrel w/ 7000 cigarettes.  Then I remind myself that if I quit my quit now, I'll be right back where I first began.  And when I first began, I was desparate to be right where I am now.  By the time I run this through my mind, the craving has past.  It might return 2min later, but I just do it again.

You've been through this before and know how it goes.  Find whatever works for you and stay in control.
As Red Greene says "We're all in this together".

  • Like 6

Glad you posted I know when I first quit the gas station is like 5 minutes from me, to 

darn close!! It caused me to relapse a couple times.When I finally quit I would fight

those craves and some nights watch the clock till 10 that was when they closed.

Tell myself another day with out. Keep up the good work!!! There is no just one you know that!!!

You got this!!! When you have a crave look at a picture of your beautiful son and use that as the incentive!!!

  • Like 7
3 hours ago, JustSomeGuy said:

Thanks guys. All done. A couple of cravings when I first got there, but just said nope.  


That's good to keep in mind.  The cravings pass, they always do.


Don't make a permanent decision based on a temporary feeling.

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Hey Justsomeguy this is OPAH Some old guy, when you get to My age you will be thanking your self for this today.  you will avoid The heart attracts, the lung disease, most of the bad shit all of us that wait till late in life to make this most precious decision.  Your kids Grand kids and great grand kids will love you for being there, instead of hearing storing about you.

This is a Noble fight,  shine up your armor, Brush your best steed and stick it to your smoking habit.  You are your own knight in shining armor.  

  • Like 9
11 hours ago, JustSomeGuy said:

Wish me luck!  I got this. 

You definitely got this.  Just keep trudging forward and don't look back at that place you buy your cigs.  I bought most of my cigs at the corner gas station.  I became so friendly with the guy behind the counter that it seemed like my day was not complete if I did not stop in.  It actually was my junkie brain telling me to stop.  How exciting it was to stop in after my 1 year quitversary and tell him I was not longer a smoker.     

  • Like 5

Glad you kept your Fabulous Quit ....

There is no such thing as one !!!!....

Think of all the thousands that will follow ....your doing great ...!!!

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