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Way to hang in, Kate! Good job. Now stay close, play silly games with us. Just hang out. We are always here for you. 

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Well done @Kate18 in fighting it off, great spirit and determination.  Perhaps this thread will inspire others to post their own SOS and save their quit.


  On 7/2/2021 at 11:21 PM, Kate18 said:

went to the store for a Hagan Das coconut pineapple ice cream and ate the entire thing. 


Cheese always makes me feel cheery; apparently it acts on the opioid receptors.


Good to know, next time we will recommend it early, or perhaps save it on a post-it on your fridge.  I feel like eating an entire ice cream too :) .

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Ice cream was also my 'go to' when I had cigarette cravings during a Covid lockdown! Even in the middle of winter it seems to help sometimes. Blood orange with dark chocolate or Queensland mango with coconut and white chocolate! Yum! Sorry you've had such a bad time Kate18, I suffer from depression too and it can come over you at any time. Going for a walk definitely helps as it gets the endorphines moving and also calms the cigarette cravings. So glad that you stayed strong, it would be heart breaking to lose a twelve month quit. All the best. 

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  On 7/2/2021 at 11:29 PM, Abby said:

.. go buy yourself flowers not cigarettes .




Hey, I like that. I'm sure someone, somewhere in the forum has suggested buying or said they bought themselves flowers, but it didn't occur to me at the moment. Thanks

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I love flowers ...great idea ....also scented candles .....a much nicer way to splash the cash 

than cigerette,s....

I'm proud of you Kate ....xx

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Posted (edited)

You did it @Kate18 

Hard but doable right . 


What are you fav flowers I'm wondering . Will it be a single 🌹 a sunflower 🌻 or a bouquet , 💐  , a potted tropical plant or something else .

Will they be yellow , or pink , or multi coloured or your favourite color. ( anything is possible these days )

Maybe you will find a simple wilted dried up plant no one wanted at the greenhouse or farmers market and you can bring it back to life with nurturing just as we can do on rough days of our quits . 


If you have chosen a bouquet , will it have babies breath to remind you that this crave you beat is like that of babies breath breathing in oxygen not stolen by a smoke. Will you put that beautiful candle beside it or something else . Candles smell way better than smoke . Will you tell your kids the story of how tough quitting smoking is and how hard depression can be too but you made it through . 


Thank you for posting , for being  real .  I appreciate that , and you helped me and I'm sure others . Quitting is a journey full of surprises isn't it , but not one thing can take our quit away unless we give it a way . 


Be proud of you Kate and if today is still rough reread all of the wonderful comments ideas and suggestions . There is tons love and support . Take what might help . ALL want to help . 


Maybe something has sparked a creative idea of your own to lift your spirits . I would love to hear how you take care of yourself . Many people suffer from depression , I myself at times do as well although mine is caused by a medication side effect that I have no control over along with stress and circumstances . The medication is my life line until something new or a cure comes along . One day at a time is all any of us can take or have . . The good news for me is I believe there are trials now ... believe it or not because of covid .


You own your quit . I own mine and others own theirs but TOGETHER we get through . 


Edited by Abby
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  On 7/2/2021 at 5:47 PM, Kate18 said:

my year+ quit, or seriously depressed without relief in sight.


Oh Kate, don't give in.  You are so worth not smoking that cigarette.  When we are down, we go into self destruction mode and not feeling that we are worthy of anything.  Listen to uplifting music, watch a funny movie or read a good book.  Call your children if it helps.  You have accomplished so much this past year.  What a feat it is to quit smoking.  I do not know where you are reading that alcohol is a mood booster.  The short high you get from both brings you down so quick.  Hang in there and reach out if you need.  You can get through this. 

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Oh so glad you didn't smoke! Great job, Kate! Just stick with us oh and yes the ice cream . You Aussies sure have some bad*ss ice cream flavas yum!

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My coping mechanisms during my quit smoking blues were exercise, mainly cardio, cooking and eating delicious food, hanging out here and, oddly enough, alcohol.

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So glad you didn’t smoke Kate. I have lost a 2 year quit in the past, because I thought it would cheer me up, and bring back the good old day feelings. Alas after so long of not smoking, it was nothing like how I remembered it to be, disgusting taste, and I felt so down, depressed and angry with myself for giving in to the stupid lies. Of course the rest of the pack had to go as didnt want to waste the money  I spent 😖 you would have stunk and hated yourself. You have a beautiful quit going,  pamper yourself, and treat yourself . And I also love the idea of flowers and scented candles, surround yourself with lovely things and breathe that lovely fresh air.

stay determined 😊

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Nothing to worry about, not gonna do it.  Just needed to vent somewhere and say I would love to have a cig....just have to be honest, making me crazy.  Man, I don't how you have all done this.

Does anyone struggle physically or is it just me.

Every muscle tight, chest burning like you can't breathe and I am 2 weeks out.  Does this ever stop, the physical part? I am fine with the mental part, I am doing it, I am tired of feeling like crap. When will the physical part be over?


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Every quit is different @Kris so no one can say when the yucky feelings will end for you. But they will end and you will start feeling so much better. Just takes time...


 There are a couple of that might help.

I agree with the ice cream, made a special trip yesterday to get some. I am happy to report they do not sell cigarettes. I now have  a choice, chocolate marshmallow or cherry pecan. They are helpful.

The next thing is that I have a good size home, 4 bed, 3bath. and it is just me.  Even though I am not connected to my husbands family any longer there are a couple of cousins that have been thru a tough time. They have lost everything when they lost their spouse. I have this big home paid off, they might like to live here and keep me company.

I know I sound nuts but what do you think of that idea?




I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be as amusing as Golden Girls. It is not something I would do. I enjoy my own company,  and maintain my own home, even though I spend most of my time with my gentleman friend. Every once in awhile, I go home for a week or so, to remind him, I’m fine on my own, and to remind myself of that, as well.


I know it would not work I think but we would not be the golden girls (I loved that show)as one of the girls would a be a guy.


  • 2 weeks later...

I am about at my one month mark, the physical part is going good, just wish I could turn off my brain. it keeps telling me it is time for a smoke and I just breathe deep and say stop, stop, stop. I leave the house one day a week to do all the errands same day.  Then I am in the house in my pj's so I will not go out again. Seems to stop me wanting to go buy the smokes.  I know I feel better without but would be more relaxed with. You all have taught me this is a brain thing, I am an addict to something that makes no sense. I just have to retrain my brain and it will go away. Thanks for your support!

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This addiction is tough but you're tougher @Kris 🤗

Unfortunately the mental part takes the longest to get through. And considering how long we smoked, its to be expected. But each crave you get through makes the next one that much easier 😊

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Almost a month is pretty awesome @Kris.  Why not get ticker to see the numbers counting up.  It's actually a great motivator.  It's really great to get through the initial weeks.

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Thankful that things are going so great! Keep a journal and write what has worked to get you through your craves because later on as the craves lessen and time begins to erase your battle memories it will be very helpful to refer to when a crave comes out of nowhere and hits you broadside. It does get easier but is always lurking in the dark corners. 4 months quit today! 🤗

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Posted (edited)

@KrisYou won't be more relaxed . That's a lie . It will cause you more anxiety , more frustration , more having to fix the cravings by fixing the cravings and being anxious when you run out , anxious you have to go out, sad because you smoked , sad because the cigarette came first and you lost a quit . The way out of this is through these thoughts and feelings. 

If you are agarophohic there is treatment .  If you can't leave your house and it's your choice to stay in or prefer to stay in your house can you take up a new hobby ? Buy a uke maybe , or learn an instrument you like on line . Take a painting class , or writing class .  A Ukelele is relatively cheap . It will keep your mind busy and hands busy on something besides smoking as you learn .  There are so many things on line you can learn . Do something to entertain your thoughts that is creative , fun , and challenging for you. Something else more productive than smoking because smoking gets you nothing and learning is more fun .  


Smoking doesn't relax you it causes just the opposite because once you start again you have to feed it .


Take some deep breaths , exhale the thoughts , do  something different . Don't dwell on those thoughts or become obsessed by them ... you can turn them off . Change the habit. Thought pops up then grab your new hobby . Good habit vs bad one . One that's healthy . 


I almost passed this post thinking it was an old post . Glad I looked in . Change the things you can . One month is awesome . Really awesome . They are the hardest fought days . It gets easier , l promise you . Don't give smoking a way back in to your life . You can do that . 


I do encourage walking. You will love it . Life is short , don't let it pass you by . You don't have to see anyone but see the beauty of nature and smell the fresh air . It will make  you smile . Those smoking wrinkle lines will be smile lines in no time . See it's beauty outside before you see a hospital room from smoking . It's so gorgeous outside on walks , a masterpiece every day . 


I don't know your history , so if something helps , use it , if not clarify wha my error of understanding is so I / we can understand and know you better . I want to be as supportive on your journey as I can be and to help all my fellow quitters through . 


I know you want this and so happy to see you posting when you are having a difficult time . That's awesome ! Be proud of you . You are doing this . 


Sorry if I'm confused . Kris you are struggling ?  Katie you are ok now ? Both ok ? Lol ? 


Edited by Abby
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Thanks to all, I am doing fine. Quit is still going good. Don't leave the house much as I find it a temptation to smoke. Just want to do recognize what triggers and why, learning about myself.

I do stay busy at home. Next new hobby will be crochet. Did not put in a garden this year due to hip replacement.  That normally keeps me busy. I think of you Gus and hope the new job is going well! I do struggle Abby but don't we all, just having somewhere to vent is comforting and calming. I do love to walk but the older I get the more I can't take the heat. Thanks for the company and encouragement.



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