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Just been reading the board, to learn everyone and everything.  First off on this virus thing, it has horrible on everyone, I am a homebody so that part of me was not bothered.  The problem for me was that I could not go into the doctor for regular check ups, much less special problems.  I managed to see the GP on somewhat a normal schedule, went for months for pinched nerve in right hip. Finally referred to an orthopedist who identified the problem. Given the diagnosis and that I would need a hip replacement. oh joy! May have been able to avoid with earlier treatment. Oh well, had the surgery and recovered well for the most part.


I am jealous of Katgirl taking the road trip of a lifetime.  I also am not much for flying but will do it for one destination trip.  When my husband was living, if we did a road trip he did all the driving and got to sit back and relax. It breaks my heart we won't be able to ever do it again.


I am vaccinated but still wear a mask in public, don't want a variant or to be carrier of the virus where I don't get sick but I pass it one and make someone else sick. There is just to much stuff to worry about, it is exhausting! 

ABBY, I will confirm that Scottsdale is a very nice area for vacation.  Great food and scenery.  To me the highways in Arizona are great, easy to drive and take day trips in the area.  Weather is beautiful morning and evenings but can get pretty hot the rest of the time.

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Glad to hear it's not as serious as it could be @jillar. . Hoping for a quick recovery . 

Two weeks from now should show us if our opening was wise or not , but I'm grateful many are still keeping with the restrictions , just as I will because there has not been enough research into how much protection or how long protection will last . It's not hard to wear a mask for as much as I need to . 

Hope ths won't spread to other family members , I suppose they have to quarantine now ? 



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Yes @Abby, they are quarantining until Monday. Unfortunately they had gone to church mask less because its allowed here if you've been vaccinated. Luckily, no one else has fallen ill. Thanks for asking 😊

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have just started another 5 days of strict lockdown statewide. I'm not 'SOS' craving but thinking about smoking again on and off...definitely that old comfort thing again. Also felt like smoking after my Covid vaccination last Wednesday. It's probably because I do all this stuff on my own and it's tough. I was quite anxious about the Covid vax as one person I know was sick after it for four days. Anyway, I've been mostly ok with minimal side effects so far. As for smoking, well it's just a thought that comes and goes....so last night I went and bought ice cream again and ate quite a lot! Ha Ha! Strawberries and cream this time...it seemed to help. 


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I was apprehensive about getting vaccinated, but knew it was the right decision, if we have any hope of stopping the pandemic. I wish everyone, who is eligible, would get vaccinated. Statistics are showing that recent deaths are almost all unvaccinated folks. Sadly, politics seems to play a role in choosing not to get vaccinated. Why are some people so effing stupid? 

Edited by Katgirl
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There is a lot of community pressure to get vaccinated here I find. People ask each other if they have had it all the time and discuss their experiences with side effects etc. I have only come across one 'anti-vaxer' so far and he will probably find it difficult to get employment without it, down the track. There is some concern about blood clots with the Astra Zeneca but the risks are low compared with the health risk of catching Covid. I don't think I would survive Covid if I caught it as my lungs are damaged from years of smoking. Another good reason to be avoiding smoking....must add that to my list!

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If I contracted COVID, I am at high risk for serious complications, too. I have heart issues, so got vaccinated as soon as I could. My cardiologist was instrumental in getting me to quit smoking. He was so sincere and passionate, when he urged me to quit, that I actually took his advice. It took me a couple of weeks to convince myself to comply, but I knew he was right. Smoking doesn’t just affect the lungs. It damages the cardiovascular system, too. 

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Vaccinated but still afraid of new strains.  Still wear a mask when I go out.  Don't know for sure how bad the lungs are but I am of an age that I know I need to be careful.  Just don't know what the future holds.. Never thought we would face this kind of thing worldwide.  Hate to say it but I am afraid of everything.  How this will keep increasing the cost of living, groceries, housing and healthcare.  I would down size but a one bedroom apartment would cost me more than staying in big house that is paid off.  Makes no sense to me. I am ashamed to say I have started to say I am building a stockpile of dried and canned food, just in case.  I am going to go look at getting a freezer for meat and produce.

Am I the only one thinking of these things.  On the brighter side I am saving $300 a month with my quit. Have I lost my mind?











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I have both vaccines but as mentioned unsure due to lack of testing ( tho underway ) on the immunocompromised as to whether the vaccine protects as much as others will be protected or not . 


Wearing a mask here now is optional . I abide by the rules . Every business handles it differently . Some require masks still while others not . Many are afraid to go without them , I am not , but will wear one to protect others . My concern is now for those under 12 . We have to protect these children . People who don't vaccinate have had plenty of time to think about this , it's the children now I worry about and want to protect . They sacrificed for us . 


The price of groceries and other things is going up . I watch for sales and buy extra now but not because I'm afraid of covid but because the cost  of living will be on the rise as people try to recover their losses . We are in the middle of a drought now as well , which will not help this situation . It's been a rough couple of years to say the least , but if we work together we can get through . 

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Prices on everything have increased 5% over the past year. A microchip shortage has driven the price of cars up, including late model used cars. I just sold my 2015 Mini Cooper for $1500 more than what I paid for it 18 months ago. I leased a brand new Honda CRV Touring. It’s much more practical for our cross country trip. I was able to find a leftover, several months back, so got a good deal, considering what is happening in the automobile industry. Gas prices are up, too. Food prices are rising.  It is not looking good. I hope things settle down. We desperately need to return to normalcy. I now go out unmasked, but always prepared to put one on. CDC guidelines say no need for mask, if fully vaccinated. They claim the vaccine will protect us from the new variants. I guess we shall see.

Edited by Katgirl
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Our county is recommending wearing masks indoors again even if vaccinated because of the rise in new cases. 

Almost every state in the US is again seeing a resurgence of cases 😞

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No, I don’t think it will, unless they make vaccinations mandatory. I have read that it is actually being considered, and,  even then, the virus may always be with us. Hopefully, it will be less serious than it is now. Unfortunately, the virus keeps mutating, to stay alive, and keep infecting people. There have been a significant amount of fully vaccinated people contracting the new variant, though usually with   less severe symptoms. 99% of recent deaths and/or hospitalizations, from COVID, have happened to the unvaccinated. This statistic is why it is so frustrating that some people still refuse to get vaccinated. It remains a very unsettling, even scary situation.

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It has become bad here again in Australia too. Lockdowns everywhere. We have had our lockdown extended by seven days...some times I find it almost unbearable as it's freezing cold with heavy rain, so can't even go out walking. Also, the days of not communicating with another human being are soul destroying for those of us who live alone. I speak to people on the phone, but it is just not the same. Depression and anxiety rates must be very high in these situations, I have experienced both during this lockdown and I fear that there are many more lockdowns to come. It's as if we have to invent a new 'lockdown life' but I really have no idea how that looks....

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@Robbie, we did zoom meetings and had a great time. We had  two friends from England, one from Scotland, one from Australia and even one from India plus me during the full lockdown and it was so fun. Try that, you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel after one 🤗

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Robbie ...

My Daughter lives in Canberra.....This Virus has stopped us seeing each other every year ...

To stop us getting depressed and unhappy ...we facetime each other ..every day .....

Just to make sure we are all ok ....

Maybe you could do this ...just to keep in touch with folks ...

Doing a Zoom here was brilliant ....so much fun ...all the different accents.....

Come here and chat ..play games ....💕


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People are living here like we are out of the woods . I hope it doesn't increase and we get in the same situation as last winter . I personally won't be able to take another lockdown , seriously . It is already going to be too much now with price increases . It's taken a toll emotionally , physically and financially on me now along with all my other stresses . 

I lost a couple years now making some life changes and I will soon be forced to make them because prices have skyrocketed to account for others losses and my income doesn't go up . Ie deferrals were made to those who couldn't manage now they are collecting on that and I will be paying now for other people who got that deferral who couldn't pay but putting stress on my own finances now . Governnent  help is not the help it appears to be and wants you to think . 

A move may be the next thing I have to do and I never should have had to 😞 but not only did we get surprised by covid , the world runs on a money and class system.  People w businesses need to recover . Government Gand outs are now on our shoulders . 

I don't have it in me for another move tbh I'm tired .

 Hearing from you folks this is coming back is disheartening and scary . I'm tired . Can't and won't manage another lock down . I am done . I still think they are opening our borders far too soon which is also now driving prices up as people try to take benefit , but with that locals are also paying . Covid variants may soon be the cost of that mistake as well on top of it . No breaks for us 😞 




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@Abby, you are always so supportive of others, but this post shows you are in need of some help. First, let me say, you should try not to fret over situations you cannot control. Of course, it is stressful, but you cannot change the fact that COVID is here, and probably for the foreseeable future. It is not going away. As long as there are a significant number of folks, who refuse to get vaccinated, the world will remain in danger, and life will remain different from how it was, before March, 2020, or before COVID! You have to wrap your head around that. Here, in the U.S., a variant is running rampant throughout, causing new restrictions. I suspect that will be the case, worldwide. We have to accept that. So far, the virus hasn’t really affected my finances, but if it has affected yours, that must be scary. The thought of moving is daunting, for most people. I sincerely hope you won’t have to do that. But, if you do, I’m sure you can handle it, based on the strength you exhibit, when you preach positivity to others in need. Hang in there. We are all helpless, when it comes to changing what’s going on, during a global pandemic. We are not hopeless, however. Stick around here, reach out to your friends and family, for support, as you always reach out to others, who are in need. 
Keep the faith! 


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