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Early mornings and late nights were the toughest times for me during the early days of my quit.  I'm a creature of habit who tends to build up rituals around day-to-day activities.


This seemed like a curse but turned out to be a blessing.  It took a few weeks for my new behavior patterns to become normal.  However, as soon as the new habits and rituals were set in stone, I had an entirely new set of habits and rituals that didn't involve smoking.


The transition from from the old ways to new ways was a bumpy ride, but in a matter of weeks the ride became straighter and smoother.


Your smooth ride is straight ahead Layla.  You just have to hang on during the bumpy sections.

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Thank you, Boo.  I love what you wrote about sticking to the new,  good habits instead of sticking to the bad ones...that gives me hope, because I am creature of habit like you.

I'm finsihing up Day 6. I need to make sure I hang on when the ride gets bumpy....I feel stronger with each day, but every now and then feel like "can I really do this?"  I need to remember to just hang on tight during these ups and downs like you said.

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Jill said it perfectly, @Layla 


You are doing this.  Just keep going pushing through these ups and downs.  Most quitters go through this.  It is worth the early struggles.


Keep up the great work.


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Your whole being is changing Layla so there's bound to be some period of feeling unsettled and not sure what's going on or how it will all turn out. That will slowly end as you become more and more accustom to the nonsmoking Layla.

The metamorphosis will be stunning and you will look back on this time of struggle as the best thing you ever did for yourself! 


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Keep it up Layla, you are doing great. 1 more hour and hell week is over. You are doing so great reward yourself for this accomplishment. 

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Thanks so much you guys for such kind supportive words!  I'm finally done with hell week.  Yay!!!  I did well last night--cravings were earlier in the evening instead of at "3 cig ritual before bed time"--which was a relief.  In fact, this morning was the 1st morning I woke up and didn't think about smoking or the fact I wasn't smoking--I almost forgot to put on my patch because thoughts of cigs were not in my brain--kind of amazing.  

Reciprocity, I LOVE the butterfly analogy...it seems we go through a lot of changes and turbulence when we quit and that is such a hopeful analogy of coming out the other side with a more beautiful and healthy self :)

Thanks again for the support everyone!

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