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Had these thoughts this a.m.🤦‍♀️  You can smoke just one or a puff of one.  You can start back and quit another day. Might as well smoke

I am a beekeeper and smoking kept me calm.  How can I be a beekeeper if I dont smoke🐝?. How can I remain calm.

I probably wont enjoy it now.  Nothings going to be enjoyable now. Just smoke and get it over with.

Nobody believes you can quit.  Look at how many times you've tried. Might as well smoke.

Just a bunch of crapola thinking that gets me sad.  

Need to check on the honeybees and make sure they still have food stores but just dont have the desire to do that or anything. Crapola I miss my smoking. 

Crazy thinking...no!

Junkie thinking...yes!

I will not smoke, NOPE

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You will get to know the real BeachMom.

The nicotine free BeachMom.

She doesn't poison herself anymore !

She is revealing trust in herself and a new self respect.

Confidence is available.  

You Quit Smoking.

The world is yours, bebe.


You want a smoke ? Don't be ridiculous.  The addict wants a smoke.  

Defy.  Distract.  Think of a v. good reward for beating this crave.

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Don't smoke Beachmom!  It will just take you back to that vicious cycle.  Breath deep and keep thinking about the fresh air filling your lungs.  Force yourself to stay busy.  Do anything but smoke!!!!!!  Each day you will get stronger and more powerful.  I smoked for 42 years and never thought I could quit.  You can do this!!!

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Oh beachmom, you don't want to smoke that's why you posted your SOS. You have gotten past the hardest week of all. Why go through that again?! Hang in there, deep breathe, have a snack and stay with us! You CAN do this, we all are proof of that :) 

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Hi  Sweetheart...

Well first ....you posted SOS.....you didn't just run off and buy cigarettes.....

Deep down you don't want to smoke ...it's just that Nicotine monster testing you ....

Your stronger than he is ...he's just a thought ...turn the thoughts into positive ones ....

You know deep down ,if you even have one puff ...you would hate it ...and be so disappointed....

You've come so far ....it gets better ..but you have to fight for it ..

Hi and tell your bee,s one by one your a fabulous non smoker ...

Make sure you keep reading all the information and all the videos.....they will help you through  the rough times .

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1 hour ago, Beachmom23 said:

I really want to smoke yall


That is pure junkie thinking.  If you smoke, you will feel miserable not only physically but also about throwing away a great start to a quit. 


Nothing good will come out of smoking..  It is all negative.  Do yourself a favor and keep the quit.  I know it is tough early on but you will be glad you stuck with it.

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Remember how you hated smoking ...the cough...stinky hair..smelly fingers ...and more 

Spending your day around now many times you could have your fix,and panic when you could,nt

Spending all your hard earned money ...on something you hated doing ...

Look at the bigger picture ...Freedom ...

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Here are some resources addressing some of the issues you brought up.

You and others reading may find them helpful



2 hours ago, Beachmom23 said:

I really want to smoke yall


I Want One


Fixating On A Cigarette



2 hours ago, Beachmom23 said:


"You can smoke just one or a puff of one. "


Just One Little Puff


"You can start back and quit another day"


I Know I Will Quit Again



2 hours ago, Beachmom23 said:


 "smoking kept me calm."


 Smoking Does Not Help You Overcome Stress


2 hours ago, Beachmom23 said:


"Nothings going to be enjoyable now. " 


Everything You Did As A Smoker You Can Do As A Non-Smoker




Hope you conquered this crave, Beachmom.  Let us know how you are doing.

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4 hours ago, Beachmom23 said:

Nothings going to be enjoyable now. 


Taking the cigarette out of the equation does not render anything enjoyable less enjoyable.


There is no truth in the idea of smoking adding to our quality of life.  It is a lie we agreed to accept to justify our addiction.


4 hours ago, Beachmom23 said:

Nobody believes you can quit. 


Everybody here believes you can quit.  We know for a fact that anybody can quit.


4 hours ago, Beachmom23 said:

Look at how many times you've tried.


Leave the past in the past.  Great success stories are often built on a foundation of earlier failures.


4 hours ago, Beachmom23 said:

I really want to smoke yall


But do you want to go back to being a smoker?


You decided to break that cycle for a reason.  Think about why you smoked, why you knew you needed to quit, and be 100% honest with yourself.


Making long-term decisions based on short-term feelings rarely ends well.

Edited by Boo
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You all are AWESOME.  Everything you said was spot on. 

It was beautiful outside today.  I did inspect my honeybee hives and I did it without a smoke.  I did it even better and quicker(less chance for stings) because I didnt have to stop and find where I laid the smokes or to stop and relight the smoke.

I hate the urges but I know that they are a part of me getting well.  Learning with each one that, yes I can still do this and it will be okay.

I Think back to quit day.  Why I quit and why it's still true 9 days later.

  Thank you Saz, Boo, Doreen, Johnny, Jillar and Linda.

Have a wonderful evening.

Nope, Nope, Nope!


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Congratulations on keeping your quit Beachmom.  


You faced down the urge to smoke and stayed true to the commitment you made to yourself.  Those are the moments where rock-solid quits are built.


Good job.

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1 hour ago, Beachmom23 said:

You all are AWESOME.  Everything you said was spot on. 

It was beautiful outside today.  I did inspect my honeybee hives and I did it without a smoke.  I did it even better and quicker(less chance for stings) because I didnt have to stop and find where I laid the smokes or to stop and relight the smoke.

I hate the urges but I know that they are a part of me getting well.  Learning with each one that, yes I can still do this and it will be okay.

I Think back to quit day.  Why I quit and why it's still true 9 days later.

  Thank you Saz, Boo, Doreen, Johnny, Jillar and Linda.

Have a wonderful evening.

Nope, Nope, Nope!




I am so glad you posted an SOS and kept your quit !

You may want to compose a 'Pre-response to your own SOS'

This will help remind you why you quit and also help us help you.


With each crave, each trigger you conquer, the more powerful you become.

You are building a fine and sturdy quit.  Congratulations on quitting smoking.

Reward yourself. It's important.

The Significance of Rewards.


I know we've given you a lot of resources to peruse but, the more you know about nicotine addiction, the easier it will be for you.

Addiction explains so much of what you are feeling.


Here is a batch of Relapse Prevention Resources from our friend, Joel Spitzer.


Have a great evening and a great smoke free day tomorrow.

Let us know how you are.

We are all really excited to witness your quit.



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