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Has anyone had these issues after quitting?


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Hi Guys! I am currently 21 days in my quit smoking journey! I had a chest infection 3 weeks ago which scared me off cigarettes, now it’s all good and well but I still have an annoying dry cough sometimes productive producing clear phlegm. But also chest pains/aches, like around the entirety of the lungs area. Has anyone else experienced this? 


Im 23, started 3 years ago only smoked like 8-10 if that a day. 



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Welcome Axyz, congrats on three weeks quit, that's awesome! :)  When we quit the lungs start right away working hard to clear our lungs of all the gunk from smoking. Some of us cough out the phlegm and some of us, like me, don't. But the phlegm does still find a way out if you know what I mean lol. Clear phlegm is a good sign that there's no more infection.

As far as your chest pain, it's probably from all the coughing but if you're really concerned about it you should definitely go see your dr.

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Welcome to Quit Train Axyz! You're doing the best thing you possibly can for yourself by quitting and with three weeks already behind you, you're well on your way - keep going.


As Jillar said, it's pretty common to cough a lot of crap up in the early stages of quitting and the pain could be muscular pain from all the coughing. Do get it checked though if you are concerned or if it persists. 


Also, stick around this forum because there's lots of information about nicotine addiction and quitting and super great support from other quitters who have been through the sames thing you are now experiencing :) 

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Great job on the 3 weeks.  As said above it takes a little time to clear out the lungs but that is a good thing.  Also as said if anything concerns you make sure you contact a medical professional to have it checked out.  Keep strong you are doing an awesome job!!!!

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I am no doc but I cannot imagine 1/2 a pack a day for three years did any real damage.


On 9/23/2019 at 12:07 PM, jillar said:

 When we quit the lungs start right away working hard to clear our lungs of all the gunk from smoking. Some of us cough out the phlegm and some of us, like me, don't. But the phlegm does still find a way out if you know what I mean lol.

Not trying ti put words in Jillar's mouth here, however, I think what she means is the waste products from smoking tend to sneak out the back door eventually.

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