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Hi everyone - I'm Christine, been smoking for more than 20 years. I'm totally embarrassed to say that, I have hid my smoking from many people in my life over the years. It's a disgusting habit... Never have felt proud of it, that's for sure. 


Only a few hours into my quit. I quit before, about ten years ago, for 6 months. I wish I had stayed quit then! Already feeling anxious and stressed. Best to all


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Welcome aboard our train Christine and congratulations on quitting today :) You'll have all the support you need or want here so stay close and if you feel yourself caving to a crave post an SOS. We will come running to help you through it. I used it a couple of times myself so I know that if you want this bad enough the SOS works :)

I hope you find like I did that being a part of a forum full of people who know and understand what you're going through will lead you to success from this nasty addiction

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Welcome aboard Christine.  You've made a great decision to quit smoking.


Some nerves and anxiety early in a quit are to be expected.  With time, those feelings will cease and the only regret you will have is that you didn't quit earlier.


Buckle up, knuckle down, and drive on.

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Welcome to our merry band of quitters, Christine !


Much of your stress and anxiety are coming from your addiction to nicotine.

Once you quit, things settle down.  You may have discomfort for a while but, nothing you cannot handle.


You may find this post helpful

10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Help Yourself Quit Smoking

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Welcome aboard ...

You can do it ....vow never to take another puff....

We are addicts we can never have ^ That One ^.....

We will support you all the way to freedom ...

Take our daily pledge ...I found it a powerful tool ...

Read and watch all Joel's video,s it covers most subjects...

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Hi Christine.  I too felt like you for half of my life.  I was so ashamed of smoking that I became a closet smoker.  I became very isolated and depressed and never thought I could quit.

I stumbled across this forum and it changed my life forever.  This wonderful group of people showed me the path to freedom.  They held me up,  when the going got tough, and made sure I crossed the finish line.  They showed me that I had the power to change my life.  Let us help you.  

Yes  there will be a tough couple of weeks, but the rest is just a mind game of redirecting those cravings.  

Educate yourself, play a few games and stay close to the forum.  You can do this.

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Welcome to Quit Train Christine! Don't let the temporary discomfort of your early quit scuttle your efforts. There IS light at the end of the tunnel! Use this site, and all the support from other quitters, to spur you on to realizing your much wanted smoke free status.

Come here often, even if it's just to rant a bit :) 


Lots of good information here. Make good use of it. Knowledge is power!

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Welcome aboard on this journey Christine, glad to have you along.  So happy that you made the choice to quit, it will be a little tough at first but the rewards far outweigh this.  Come here often for education and socialization and do not be afraid to ask for help.  Keep strong!!!!

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Welcome aboard, Christine.


I smoked for 20 years too.  When I first started smoking (back in college), I had quite a few smoking friends and it was a social thing to do (also a stupid thing).  As I grew older, fewer and fewer of my friends smoked and it went from being a social habit to an anti-social one.  It was something I grew ashamed of as well so I get the feeling of isolation that can came from being a smoker in a world that increasingly looks down on smoking.


Life really does become better on many levels once you quit for good.  Not having to worry about how you smell or how other people see you as a smoker is one of the many benefits.


Stick around.  Read up on nicotine addiction and participate in the forums.  The support and knowledge here can really help you quit for good.

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