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Why is your nickname action?

Erm well, my favourite move is Action Jackson. And it just kinda stuck as an internet name :)


In school my nickname was Balboa (Rocky Balboa, Rossy Balboa), and a lot of my mates still just call me that lol

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Is being supportive a personality trait for you, or something related to friends here?

I'm actually a bit rubbish at it in real life, but only because I never know what to say lol. I always at least try to be supportive in real life and online :)


I am good at giving supportive hugs though :)

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Favorite video game? 


Horror or Sci-fi?

Sorry missed this...


Game would be hmmmm... Suikoden or Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Maybe throw in Resident Evil Zero for good measure :p


Now that other question is hard... If I had to chose one it would be horror, but horror/sci-go is where it is at for me :d

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What is your job?

Alas, I am bound to the office... Have a small multilingual team of 6 people I'm responsible for, but mostly I do project management (and not particularly well lol). I've been with the same company 10 years and just working my way up through the ranks (slowly).

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What's the last thing you did that made Mrs. Action really mad.....and how did you make amends?

Really mad? I'm a bit of a saint to be honest so I don't know the last time she was REALLY MAD lol. We have small arguments little and often rather than big ones occasionally. But last time I mad her really mad... Probably I bought her flowers. And then the cat probably ate them and was sick everywhere lol


Actually scrap that, I asked her and she just told me the last time I made her really mad was when I went on the stag do a few months ago. Apparently I did my 'wonder off from my mates while drunk, get lost and phone her trick'. Apparently that made her mad. To make her unmad I promised to catch a cab to the hotel instead of walk. Then apparently I am unable to get a normal taxi so I got on one of those bike things instead. That made her mad again lol.

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Happy Anniversary!

When will you wear a kilt and report back?

Might I suggest a wedding?

Try it and learn.

Hire one. Talk about Scottish ancestry a few generations back. Just trust me.

I might try this if some of my buddies do it with me. Should I go commando or wear some pants? I'm new to this skirt business...

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What are you getting the lovely tasha for her bday/anni and what are you going to do for it???

Ps happy anni pet xxx

I got her some emerald earrings... I hope she likes them because it took me bloody ages to find a pair I think she will like without costing me the earth lol


Then we are going out for a meal then drinks down the pub with friends in the evening, yay :)

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Who is your best friend that is not your wife?


Do you go out every weekend?  If so, with whom do you meet?


Best friend that is not my wife... Well I have 2 best friends in real life, both were best men at my wedding, so I obviously can't choose between them lol.


And virtual best friend? I have one and I am sure she is reading this lol

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1. Live or artificial bait?


2. Spin or baitcast reel?

1. Artificial


2. Bait cast


I actually had an 18lb 6oz mirror carp the other week. Was awesome ;)

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everyone now has a mental picture of you action, do you feel that when you post in the future your  reactions to questions will  already be known as everyone has a deeper understanding of you ?

 do you now somehow feel slightly naked lol

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everyone now has a mental picture of you action, do you feel that when you post in the future your  reactions to questions will  already be known as everyone has a deeper understanding of you ?

 do you now somehow feel slightly naked lol

Well I've already been naked in chat before (more than once), so I think everyone is used to it by now :p

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Hey, I thought you were coming here for the get together?!?!

I wish, don't have the funds for flights etc, far too much to pay for the next few months and I'm out of work ; (

You will have to drink for me xxx

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