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Daily exercise log for everyone :)

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1 hour ago, Doreensfree said:

never mind what's Boo,s doing ...


I understand that you're just joking, but this brings up a serious point for me.


I've debated my continued participation in this thread.  I love working out.  I love the gym.  I love the challenge.  I love the way I feel after a good workout.  And, as I'm prone to do, when I like something I take it to an extreme.  There are many benefits to my workout regimen, but it is a balancing act.  There are also issues I'm dealing with like joint pain and inflammation.  I'm doing a lot with supplementation and CBD oils to combat some of the negative effects of pushing my body the way I do.


My point: Don't feel any need to match or exceed my workouts.  Don't pay attention to the "fitness celebrities" on Instagram.  A majority of the fitness advice on the internet is garbage.


Figure out where you are in your fitness journey and design a program that meets your needs and matches your current abilities.  You're not in a competition with anyone on the internet.  If you are better right now than you were previously, you are winning.

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16 minutes ago, Boo said:

I understand that you're just joking, but this brings up a serious point for me.


I've debated my continued participation in this thread.  I love working out.  I love the gym.  I love the challenge.  I love the way I feel after a good workout.  And, as I'm prone to do, when I like something I take it to an extreme.  There are many benefits to my workout regimen, but it is a balancing act.  There are also issues I'm dealing with like joint pain and inflammation.  I'm doing a lot with supplementation and CBD oils to combat some of the negative effects of pushing my body the way I do.


My point: Don't feel any need to match or exceed my workouts.  Don't pay attention to the "fitness celebrities" on Instagram.  A majority of the fitness advice on the internet is garbage.


Figure out where you are in your fitness journey and design a program that meets your needs and matches your current abilities.  You're not in a competition with anyone on the internet.  If you are better right now than you were previously, you are winning.

I was joshing  with you Boo.  My exercise level is very low these days  I figure you probably are a young stud and I am an old fart.  I was hoping when I quit smoking I might get some of that energy back!  Hasn't happened yet.

Edited by Linda Thomas
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2 hours ago, Linda Thomas said:

I was joshing  with you Boo.  My exercise level is very low these days  I figure you probably are a young stud and I am an old fart.  I was hoping when I quit smoking I might get some of that energy back!  Hasn't happened yet.


Yeah, I know you and Doreen were just joking around.


I certainly wasn't feeling like a "young stud" when I wrote that previous post.  Tired, left shoulder hurting, and a flared up sciatic nerve.  Sometimes you have to reevaluate what you're doing.


I'll stop whinging and moaning now, but I am going to take a few days off from the workout routine.  Probably just spend more time playing with my puppy Cash.  He's turning into a real bundle of energy, so just keeping up with him should provide plenty of exercise.

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2 minutes ago, Boo said:

Probably just spend more time playing with my puppy Cash.  He's turning into a real bundle of energy, so just keeping up with him should provide plenty of exercise.

We have too many of those too.  All puppies right now.   Wish you lived closer and could bring Cash for a play date to wear mine out.  


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4 hours ago, Linda Thomas said:

Oh please......I was a nice wife and helped my husband pick up all the sticks in the yard and clean up leaves.  I sure am feeling it today!

 I'd bet you could out do Boo in the weightlifting department Linda if you really set your mind to it :)



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Ok going to wade in... because as much as i stir your work outs its coming from a place of awe and appreciation and if I am honest jealousy... my body stopped playing the games my  mind still wanted to do many years ago. I get you on the aches and the pains and being in the stage of you life where your mind and your heart say one thing and you joints do the "Yeah-nah fuvck this shit, not doing this anymore"... its a hard time to be, I've been there, its hard to decide if you should give up what you love and enjoy completely or modify "what you want to do" to be "what you can do". That "what I want" to "what I can" adjustment is so much more than just the physical, because in our minds we still can.


Yes to a small extent you should work through pain to get rewards, any athlete however amateur knows this but then there is pain and there is pain... stop everything and the pain gets worse but at the same time push too hard and the pain gets worse. Finding the happy medium is a hard thing to do. For my 2 cents worth... don't give it all up, just have a few days recovery rest, still do your cardio, and maybe drop the weight and still the the work outs just at lower weights... aim for more reps not more mass..... why? because if you give it up now its so hard to take it back up and it will be worse for your joints and what not if you do nothing... I stopped and made my ankle and knees and hip so much worse.... anything I do now is done on borrowed time... its not a joke when I say my body is broken.


OK so some good news.... eat ginger, either fresh ginger sliced into a nice herbal tea (or even one with caffine if you do it) or add fresh to your food or eat one piece of crystal ginger a day, twice a day in winter.... ginger is a wonder 'drug' for joints, helps with healing and with inflammation also helps with circulation. Since i've been having a piece of ginger each day I have been able to stop arthritis medicine and go back to softball and even catching.


Don't take this the wrong way  because its not meant as a negative... noone here cares if you stop the SuperBoo work outs, its no skin off our noses ... just don't let it define you, pretty sure we all just want you healthy and in one peace... its the daily work out thread... if your daily work out is taking your active little puppy for a walk down the hill still post about it...none of us are going to judge you for it... I love reading everyone's daily work outs, half the things you do I have looked up on youtube so I can understand what you are talking about... let me live vicariously through them because so much of what they talk about I once did and now can't .... and I mean can't because I gave up too easily when the niggles started and now no matter how much the head wants to row, or lift, or trek the reality for me is those days are passed.


Be healthy but don't cut ya nose off to spit your face (give it all up because the body is saying too much of one thing) your body will thank you for it in the long run.


It sucks getting old... but don't roll over and give in.... keep going. Go watch the Tommy Haffey video again. Don't give up, just change the routine.

Edited by notsmokinjo
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 Yeah, I know you and Doreen were just joking around. 



Of course I was pulling your leg...your my Boo...My Buddy...Who I love to the Moon and Back...

Take Miss Sugar Britches advice...why are you  Killing yourself...just to prove to yourself how fit you are...

Taking  time out with Cash sounds perfect....you both will love the extra time together...

Take it easy Dear friend ...


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13 hours ago, Boo said:


Yeah, I know you and Doreen were just joking around.


I certainly wasn't feeling like a "young stud" when I wrote that previous post.  Tired, left shoulder hurting, and a flared up sciatic nerve.  Sometimes you have to reevaluate what you're doing.


I'll stop whinging and moaning now, but I am going to take a few days off from the workout routine.  Probably just spend more time playing with my puppy Cash.  He's turning into a real bundle of energy, so just keeping up with him should provide plenty of exercise.

Happens, you got a few on this site that im not sure what theyre doing here. Trolling no friends i dunno but its an addiction site and people are trying to bring others down instead of helping with the addiction and or to better people lives. So taking a joke the wrong way can easily happen. Hope that shoulder gets better quick as that hr and a half a day makes us all feel great

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I have been mostly walking outside when I can....havent run in a couple of weeks...the weather makes it hard along with I hate running on the treadmill lol....i joined my gym at work so maybe that will help with the winter months and today I plan on leaving early for work and working out there before....we will see how that goes....


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Well...I inadvertently opened up a Pandora's Box of sorts here yesterday, so I'll just say a bit more and we can all get back to our regularly scheduled programming in this thread.


Stress...we've all got it.  Working out is a form of stress on the body.  Done right, it is the kind of stress that leads to adaptation and becoming stronger.  Over do it and you are just beating the hell out of yourself to a point that not only will you no longer adapt, you will actually start to become weaker.  That's not good.  Working out is not only a source of stress, but it accumulates with all the other stresses in your life (work, family, relationships, etc.).  It would be nice if we could compartmentalize our stresses and keep them separate from one another, but that's not how stress works.  Stress from one area of your life bleeds over into other areas of your life.


I'm not complaining, I'm just saying: Over the last eight months I bought a new house, changed jobs, helped with my parents as they both dealt with health issues among other things.  On top of that, I added more volume and intensity to my workouts while simultaneously getting less sleep or anything resembling rest and recovery.  That was stupid on my part.  Don't do what I did.


Good sleep and adequate recovery time is vital to any health and fitness regimen.  You can program the perfect workout routine, but if you do not allow for recovery eventually you will plateau and then regress.  Know who talks at length about the importance of adequate sleep and rest but never follows his own advice?  This guy...yours truly.


So, in closing: I'm not giving up on the workouts.  I'm not looking to to resign myself to a life on the couch with a family size bag of Doritos and a big ol' jug of Mountain Dew.  What I am going to do is rest this week.  Have a deload week next week and follow that up with a reload week.  From there, train in a more sensible and sustainable manner with more focus on adequate recovery time.  It may not gratify the ego, but it's what I need to do right now.

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9 minutes ago, Boo said:

I'm not complaining, I'm just saying: Over the last eight months I bought a new house, changed jobs, helped with my parents as they both dealt with health issues among other things.  On top of that, I added more volume and intensity to my workouts while simultaneously getting less sleep or anything resembling rest and recovery.  That was stupid on my part.  Don't do what I did.

I hear you but no need to explain, people can joke and you dont have to like their joke... Your input about addiction on this site is 100% ?


17 minutes ago, Boo said:

Good sleep and adequate recovery time is vital to any health and fitness regimen.  You can program the perfect workout routine, but if you do not allow for recovery eventually you will plateau and then regress.  Know who talks at length about the importance of adequate sleep and rest but never follows his own advice?  This guy...yours truly.

You're not alone there...    "Always see what your about to do ... You don’t have to speak about it but make sure you see it then do it" I do this 80% of the time when i should do it 100%

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Started my second month of cardiac rehab last week...so far, so good! I will be going 3x a week until the end of the year as that is what my health insurance initially approved. I also walk every day to get my 200-250 minutes of activity a week in. I do get a bit frustrated that I can no longer do the fall cleanup of my yard as I have done for many years....but I have to give myself time to fully heal from my CABGx3 surgery. Right now, I have to  pay someone to clean up yard for me!


I plan on continuing my workouts after the rehab ends....Planet Fitness has a special deal until Nov 14th, so I plan on going to the one nearest to me to see what it's like soon.

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I just want to weigh in here

I never saw Boo's posts as trying to prove himself at all.  I found them inspirational and motivating as hell!

I always used this thread for accountability to myself (I would have NEVER completed The Babs Abs 30 day challenge without coming everyday and posting that I did it)

I also felt that this thread was a great motivator. 

  No matter your age, ability, strength or endurance.  Just keep moving!

  Nobody should feel bad for not exercising...but also nobody should have to apologize when they are.  If that makes any sense?  

Obviously we are all here because we wanted to improve our health...and this thread is an extension of that desire... after quitting smoking.


Love you all!


Back to business at hand.....



The holidays are approaching...and so is menopause for me..so I am trying to get a grip on my fitness before I fall back into that black pit of unhealthy habits and deep dark depression.  

When I was in the best shape of my life , i was here daily.

  Once I peaked though, it felt a little futile and repetitive.. so I naturally stopped the daily postings even though I was still working out.

  But......it's creeping back...slowly...and I will be damned if I undo all the hard work I did.


TIme to get a grip!






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7 hours ago, babs609 said:

I just want to weigh in here

I never saw Boo's posts as trying to prove himself at all.  I found them inspirational and motivating as hell!

I always used this thread for accountability to myself (I would have NEVER completed The Babs Abs 30 day challenge without coming everyday and posting that I did it)

I also felt that this thread was a great motivator. 

  No matter your age, ability, strength or endurance.  Just keep moving!

  Nobody should feel bad for not exercising...but also nobody should have to apologize when they are.  If that makes any sense?  

Obviously we are all here because we wanted to improve our health...and this thread is an extension of that desire... after quitting smoking.


Thank you Babs.


That was the point I was trying to get to.  It was never about being offended by a joke.  From time-to-time I will still see one of those guys on the internet..."ASS-TO-GRASS OR IT DONT COUNT!"  "REST DAYS ARE 4 WIMPS!"  "#GoHardOrGoHome"  I avoided the obnoxious cliches, but came to wonder if I wasn't that guy to some extent on here.  


On the one hand, I love strength training and therefor love talking about it.  On the other hand, I didn't want to feed the false narrative that one has to spend countless hours in the gym pushing heavy weights just to get into better shape and feel better.


So, I'll continue participating in this thread and promise not to yell at anyone who's squat doesn't go below parallel.

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46 minutes ago, Boo said:


Thank you Babs.


That was the point I was trying to get to.  It was never about being offended by a joke.  From time-to-time I will still see one of those guys on the internet..."ASS-TO-GRASS OR IT DONT COUNT!"  "REST DAYS ARE 4 WIMPS!"  "#GoHardOrGoHome"  I avoided the obnoxious cliches, but came to wonder if I wasn't that guy to some extent on here.  


On the one hand, I love strength training and therefor love talking about it.  On the other hand, I didn't want to feed the false narrative that one has to spend countless hours in the gym pushing heavy weights just to get into better shape and feel better.


So, I'll continue participating in this thread and promise not to yell at anyone who's squat doesn't go below parallel.



Diplomatic response, impressed Babs 




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I have been trying to stay motivated due to the cold winter weather crap......but have joined the work gym went twice last week ....and used their adaptive motion trainer....in between I walked the dogs. I walked by myself today, it was cold but felt good to at least go outside. Going to the work gym tomorrow. 

So far have been maintaining but have to remain vigilant otherwise I will put it all back on again....it is a struggle. The hardest part is food and boredom but realizing it is half the battle.

Keep on keeping on....


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Got back in the saddle this morning.  Following a week off, I am going to do a three-day full-body split this week: higher reps (8-10) and lower weights (right around 60% 1RM).  This morning did: Front Squats, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Dumbbell Pullovers, and Romanian Deadlifts.  Finished up the workout with twenty minutes of mobility work.

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Booger got his ass handed to him in that woman boxing class. He thought about the wrong box.


side note. Wife joins me at gym some days. I rather she didn't but that's what I signed up for.  So I usually have to wait to go to gym days she wants. Yesterday she was off so no waiting when I got done with work. My schedule changes every week, so this never happens  so happy to go earlier we breeze through the workout with no one holding us up on machines.  Get home and shower, realize I forgot bicept workout all together.  Guns didn't shrink, but had to move arm closer to kiss them.  

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9 hours ago, Doreensfree said:

OH !!Heck ...BOO,s back excersizing....


Just ramping things back up this week.  Get everything moving again.


This morning did twenty-five minutes of steady-state on the rower and twenty minutes of mobility work.


Moderation is a quality that I'm still working on.

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