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Daily exercise log for everyone :)

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I ran 6.55 miles today.....I was thinking about the difference in my running from last year to this year I ran faster last year not a lot faster but a 9/10 minute mile this year I am running 11/12 minute mile BUT last year I stopped every mile to "catch my breath" and only ran 3/4 miles on average. This year I run 6.5 miles on average and I run for 3 miles before I stop to pee/take a breath etc..... then I run the rest of the way with the exception of the last 0,5 mile where I walk/run the last bit home......maybe I am being to hard on myself I am going further and being more consistent but am slower I dont know I would think that is better? 

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The last couple of days did my form of jogging ( read old lady shuffle !). Today some fool agreed to a double session with her trainer ( for fool read Pippa !). - so just had a killer session with running ( I mean real running) kick boxing and killer weights .. It is only Monday here and I already want a wine !

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I quit smoking at the end of March and starting shortly after that, I started to exercise. I gradually increased my exercise to 30 minutes a day 6 days a week and in recent months I have begun to notice an increase in strength and endurance. During that time, I also decided to improve my nutrition and started to make home-cooked meals that were delicious and nutritious without being fattening. I was doing pretty good with that, too, and actually losing a little of the weight I gained when I quit smoking.


Then my mother's condition deteriorated and I had to attend to her medical concerns and all my self-care activities went out the window for a couple or weeks. No exercise, sloppy diet, regained weight, etc. A-a-r-r-g-g-h-h!! That is so FRUSTRATING!!! Why does it take so long to improve our health but we can lose all our victories overnight. I don't get it!  :angry:


Anyway, the good news is that now that my mother is on the mend and I am home again, I am trying once again to get my diet and nutrition back where I want them to be. To that end, today I signed up at our local animal shelter to walk dogs for 1 hour 3 times a week. I love dogs but my husband is allergic to them so we can't own one. Walking these shelter dogs will be fun and good exercise for me and for the dogs. I also take the opportunity to do little training exercises with them (like how to walk on a leash without pulling the person's arm off or how to remain calm when another dog walker passes us) so that they will have a better chance of being adopted. We also had a delicious and nutritious dinner tonight (osso bucco--yum!). 


So having sucked my thumb and felt sorry for myself about the back-sliding, I am now pulling myself back together and trying again. It really IS hard to make these healthful changes a real, immutable part of a  new healthier lifestyle, isn't it? But I'm trying, folks, that I am.

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