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Daily exercise log for everyone :)

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Hahah I don't know how it translated 'people' to 'before.'

Reminds me of when I was half blind and it seemed every auto correct was suggestive :-/



Edited to add: I forgot to mention, mid run, I almost fell off treadmill. So much for feeling like a bad azz, waltzing into new gym like I owned the place. Not my finest moment.

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Yesterday...Triceps extensions, cable rows and upright rows - then 30 mins of a spin class.


Today...Glute machine, leg press, shoulder press, chest press, cable rows, triceps extensions, crunches and lat pull downs.  3 sets of each, except for crunches only did two.

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ran 6.26 miles today for the first time in 3 weeks (been working out at the work gym due to crappy weather and use the adaptive motion trainer instead of the treadmill) feels great it is awesome to know that even though I haven't run outside in three weeks that I am still able to get right into it :) Had to run before the weather gets too hot and muggy to run (cant breathe then) The first mile I had to push myself to not stop which is normal for me kind of like a mental game my body plays on me........started to get pooped out a little at 4.5 miles but pushed on and made the whole way with only one bathroom stop (always have to go halfway through annoying) 

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So, d'ya go running?


Nope. Not yesterday


Went tonight. 9 days off. NINE FARKING DAYS !!


Actually looked at the mileage log and it was 8 days off -  today was the 9th.


Ran a 4-miler with Mrs. Sarge outside.


4 miles @ 33:30 (8:22/mile)




Easy Peasy

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So, this morning went to the gym, sign posted that spin was cancelled b/c the sound system blew during the storm.  Yesterday, we did Okay with a boom box and some cd's.  Was a bit peeved that they cancelled it.  Did my usual weight circuit training.  Left there and went to sign up at a fitness studio owned by one of my spin instructors and signed up there.  Starting my first class there Tuesday morning :)  Later, I made a somewhat pathetic attempt at running, lol

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So Sarge is taking a "100 pullups for 100 days" challenge.


The first three days didn't go so well. 40 the first day (4 sets of 10) 59 the second day (5 sets of 10 and couldn't complete the 6th - only 9 for a total of 59 and the third day was ZERO - Sarge was out on the rock climbing all day in Hocking Hills - there's no pullup bar on the rock and he didn't think to count how many times he did a pullup as he hauled his ass up the wall.


Might be a month or two before he can even do 100 in a day.


So far still on day zero, 'cause, y'know - not even able to squeeze 100 in a single day.


This. Is. Hard.




Party Hardy



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First moderately fast training run of the 2014 season.


It's FARKING JULY ALREADY and Sarge still isn't ready to run fast. The Fall Race Season may be doomed already!


5k (3.1 miles) Dreadmill 1% incline/grade @ 21:19 (6:52/mile)

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15 minute power walk, followed by 25 minute normal pace walk this morning.


x2 25 minute walks this afternoon.


Really happy my car has never left the house today :)  Did the shop and two school runs on foot, feels good and something I never would have considered 4 months ago!

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Gym # 1...seated row 3 sets...then 35 minutes spin class...the instructor was a sub and damn was she tough!  Tomorrow, first day off in 8 days, I don't know if I can handle it...might need to do some planks or something.

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