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Did some conditioning work this morning.  Admittedly, I haven't been doing as much of that as I should here lately.  Basically did a cardio circuit consisting of: Intervals on the rower, weighted step-ups, and jump rope.  Repeated the circuit 4 times and finished with some core work: Hanging Leg Raises, Landmines, and Good Mornings.


This afternoon, rather than sit in traffic, I stopped by a climbing gym and climbed for an hour.  Climbing is a damn good workout, but feels almost like too much fun to be called work.

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This was one of those days when I didn't really feel like working out so I just did some of my favorite moves: Front Squats, Romanian Deadlifts, Bench Press, Overhead Press, and Farmer's Walks.  Finished up with some steady-state work on the rower and 15 minutes of mobility work.  I started off slow, but eventually got in a good workout.


Have a good weekend everybody.

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I take it back, the yoga was the best ever.....we did it outside!!!!!! Loved it. So chilled and nor being indoors.....getting a wee breeze....with the sun shining. It was fantastic. 

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Did some strength work this morning: Clean and Jerks, Bent-Over Rows, Kettlebell Swings, and Farmer's Walks.  Then some boxing work: 4 rounds on the heavy bag, 2 rounds of footwork and defensive drills, medicine ball throws, and some core work: Hanging Leg Raises, Russian Twists, and Landmines.

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Did some strength work this morning: Clean and Jerks, Romanian Deadlifts, Bench Press, Bent-Over Row, and Farmer's Walks.  Finished up with intervals on the rower and some mobility work.


Spent the afternoon cutting and hauling lumber and debris following the storms that rolled through.  You better believe I'm counting that as a workout.

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After a four-day layoff from formal workouts, got plenty of exercise cutting and hauling lumber and brush, but didn't do a prescribed plan.  Got back after it this morning.


Changed my strength work up a bit this morning: Overhead Squats, Single-Leg Deadlifts, Kettlebell Pullovers, Decline Bench Press, and Kettlebell Walking Lunges.  Did some plyometric box jumps and finished up with some HIIT work (Burpees and Speed Skaters).


If you feel yourself plateauing, change things up for a bit.

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Bodyweight circuit this morning: Pistol Squats, Pull-Ups, Olympic Ring Push-Ups, Hanging Leg Raises, and Olympic Ring Fallouts.  Repeated the circuit five-times and finished up with 15-minutes of steady-state work on the rower.


Taking tomorrow off (Happy Fourth!) but will get back after it on Thursday.

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I was on vacation last week still walked even ran one day, my diet was crap but back on track this week....only gained 6 lbs but have already taken 3 of those off so all is good. Walked today, ran yesterday....what is everyone else doing? Attaching an pic from my 25th wedding anniversary pic which includes a then and now....it was an awesome time.



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Awwww thats lovely lisa thanks for sharing, you both look great.


I did a 30 min core blast class after work. Im especially pleased as i planned to skip it but just thought, just go! And it was really quick as it was circuits, i really enjoyed it. 

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I'm still winging it a bit, but putting together a program.  This morning did some strength work: Clean and Jerks, One-Legged Deadlifts with kettlebells, and a superset consisting of Pull-Ups and Rollouts.  Finished up with 5 rounds on the heavy bag and some mobility work.

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Did 20 minutes steady-state on the rower and 20 minutes of mobility work this morning.


I had some downtime at work this afternoon and put the final touches on the program I'll be starting on Monday morning.  Three days a-week of strength training with the other days being focused solely on "active recovery" like steady-state cardio, mobility work, and outdoor recreation.  My strength work will be on an A,B,A schedule and I'll be doing ladder reps at 80-85% 1RM for every move except Farmer's Walks and Atlas Swings.  Workout A will consist of: Deadlifts(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3), High Boy Rows(2,3,5,2,3,5),  and Farmer's Walk(time).  Workout B will consist of: Front Squats(2,3,5,2,3,5), Incline Bench Press(2,3,5,2,3,5), and Atlas Swings(3x30).


I'll stop now as I realize most of you who are still reading this are bored to tears by what I just wrote.

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  • Haha 1

Started my new program this morning.  Deadlifts, High Boy Rows, and Farmer's Walks.  Felt good after that, so I added a couple of bonus hinge and pull movements: Kettlebell Swings and Inverted Rows on the Olympic rings.

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