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Martian5 is 1 YEAR Smoke Free


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Congratulations @Martian5 for being smoke free for one whole year!


Well done and welcome to the old phartes club. It has been so wonderful to share your journey with you and we are so lucky to have you here on the train. Right from the get go you have paid it forward to those who were January quitters with you and for those who not only came behind but also those ahead. You were in all our corners cheering us on so the queue is going to be pretty big to say thank you, pat you on the back and yell woohoo, well done. Oh and pretty sure we all wanna know... how are you going to celebrate and just what are you doing to do with all that wonderful quit money???


So that gangs all here and its time to party... but please, no earth shattering Ka-Boom.



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Hard to believe it's already 1 year since you quit and joined us here M5! Your dedication to the NOPE thread is legendary and it really did the trick for you, giving you that daily focus needed in the early days to make it through to the next. All the while helping others along too - now that's classy :) Enjoy your day to the max because it only comes once.


Huge congratulations to you Matian5 as you climb onto the Lido Deck. We even built a special flying Lido Deck for this occasion because of course, you're an extraterrestrial right?


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Yay Martian, congratulations on one year quit! It's been a pleasure watching your journey and all the support you've given to your fellow quitters. Thank you for that and I hope you stick around for many years to come. Havens great day and I hope you do something extra special today. 

I heard Jack's serving shots up in Maine so there's one idea he, hee :)



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Congratulations on this super special day M5. I hope you celebrate in a way that suits you, doing something you like. One whole year, whaaaahhh!! Yay yahippie! 


To me, youve been of the trustworthy,  steady factors here on the board. Thanks a lot for that, do you realise your value to others? Better be aware of it and take the credit you earn! 


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Bloody hell Reci, turn my head for 5 mins and all the party catering turns to crud..... but at least it looks like Martian is partying hard....


Mate, there really only a month between our quit dates well a month and 5 days but let me tell you if it wasn't for your wise words and calming influence my journey would have been a whole different kettle of fish. I knew you had this months ago @Martian5 ... knew it the day i looked at your quit date to see how many years you had under ya belt and well blow me you had less time in and than me, WOT THE??.... right from the get go you did this with class and so much care for everyone else around you... every post you make is worth being read, there is always something to gain and learn from. So for all you have done for me and everyone else on the QT hugest thanks, massive thumbs up cos you are grouse mate.

Woofrickin who mate what a ripper rooney of a quit, you frickin did it but there really was never any doubt. So, not sure how many shots you've had, spesh with the lippy comin out but keep partying on my friend.



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^^^^^^^Well yeah taking advantage of what the Lido deck has to offer with out a care.  I have done dood this and am so happy and grateful.


Actually I feel that I could not have done this with out you all.  Coming to the site to read and post to others helped me keep my focus and to educate myself and see the experiences of everyone -- this helped me see that this could be done.  So thank you all for the support and the kind words above from you all has touched me truly.


As to what I am going to do today is take my Son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren out for great meal without worry of the price.  As to the money saved I am leaning to a vacation to the Washington wine country and Casino -- just to splurge and have fun -- then with the leftover something for the house.


Again -- thank you all for the support -- it really helped!!!!!!!!

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Way to go ya little green fella...

You're the most friendly alien I've come across, not to say i've come across many because sshhh... top secret eh...


Your quit has really been phenomenal and your support and encouragement on the forum is such a blessing. Thank you for all you do M5, the Lido Deck shines a little bit brighter with the addition of a new star.



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