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Happy 80th Birthday Carols by Candelight


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So Melbourne, (and Australia because I know channel nine televises it with everyone) has a tradition on Christmas Eve that turns 80 tonight. In the Alexander Gardens, in the Sydney Myer Music Bowl (an outdoor theatre in a natural ampitheatre) thousands gather to light candles, sing along to famous preforms singing christmas songs and carols and raise money for the Victorian Blind Society. Christmas in Melbourne is defined by 4 things... the Myer Windows, the Town Hall being decorated, the Tree in the City Square and Carols... they are like Christmas magic... and if I don't see them, live or on telly, it just ain't Christmas.


So the story goes....In 1937 Norman Banks, a radio announcer, was walking home on Christmas Eve and much like tonight it was stinking hot, so as he walked home he passed the houses of many people with their windows open .... as he passed one house he heard an elderly woman singing softly along to carols on her radio by candlelight.... he was touched by both the beauty and the sadness of the sight. The image and the sounds stayed with him all year and in November, wanting to alleviate the loneliness some people experienced at Christmas he announced a night of community singing in the Alexander Park in the City, all people had to bring was themselves and a candle... and from that.... a new tradition was born, something purely Australian and something that has stood the test of time and a World War.... technological revolutions and the ever changing times.... after the first few years it grew in popularity and Banks organised for chiors and bands to join in and to sell programs and candles... the proceeds from these were originally donated to the Austin Hospital (the poor peoples hospital).... but when the Austin closed there was some debate about where the funds would go and it was decided to donate them to the Royal Victorian Blind Society... because while they would never see the beauty of thousands of flickering candle lights they could experience the generosity of the people and use it to help kids who were blind. It has grown in popularity so much that now you need a ticket... all our local big name musos perform, for free and with much honor, and rain, hail or shine, thousands of Melbournians sit in a park and sing carols together while the rest of us what on TV..... may Carols never end. Tickets sell out within the first 3 hours... tickets for the grass are $20... tickets in the seats, under cover... nearly $200... I aint ever sittin in there. I've been many times.... I bawl at home when they sing Away in a Manger or Silent Night and pan the crowd for all the itty bitty bubbas, usually asleep in their mum's and dad's arms..... this is my Christmas.


So the CBC Choir ... is completely amature and made up from community and church choirs all over melbourne, they sing together once a year.....and yes we all know this is an Easter Song... but we don't care we want it to be a Christmas song and so it is... come on were Aussies... we can invent awesome things like Carols by Candlelight just don't expect us to be cultured about it.




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