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Whats your favorite poem?


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by Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa) 

Trans. Edwin Honig and Susan M. Brown


I never knew a soul who ever took a licking.
My friends have all been champions at everything.

And I, so often vulgar, so often obscene, so often vile,
I, so deliberately parasitical,
Unforgivably filthy,
I, so often without patience to take a bath,
I, who’ve been so ridiculous, so absurd,
Tripping up in public on the carpet of etiquette,
I, so grotesque and mean, submissive and insolent,
Who’ve been insulted and not said a word,
And when putting a word in growing still more ridiculous,
I who strike chambermaids as laughable,
I who feel porters wink sarcastically,
I who’ve been scanadalous about money, borrowing and not paying it back,
I, who when the time came to fight, ducked
As far as I could out of punching range,
I who go into a sweat over the slightest thing —
I’m convinced no one’s better than I at this sort of game.

No one I know, none of my speaking acquaintances,
Ever acted ridiculous, ever took insults,
Was ever anything but noble — yes, all of them princes, living their lives,
How I’d love to hear a human voice, from any one of them.
Confessing not to sins but to infamies,
Speaking not of violent but of cowardly acts!
But no, each one’s a Paragon, to hear them tell it.
Is there no one in this world who’d confess to me he’s been vile just once?
All you princes, my brothers,
Enough — I’m fed up with demigods!
Where are the real people in this world?

Am I the only scoundrel and bungler alive?

Maybe women don’t always fall for them.
Maybe they’ve been betrayed.  But ridiculous?  Never!
And I, who’ve been ridiculous but never betrayed,
How do I speak before their Highnesses without stammering?
I, who’ve been vile, literally vile,
Vile in the meanest and rottenest possible sense of the word.

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And with this poem i leave the forum. I believe i beated this addiction for good and will always cherish some of you guys. But im leaving a very virtual life, i need to go out and do fun things.


Hope you enjoy the poem, its my soul there... :)

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Seriously? i hope your joking but I kinda feel like you aren't.


If you are serious, I wish you every joy and happiness the future can bring. You go have fun, live your dreams, and don't change for anyone. Thank you so much for being my friend and supporting me on my way through this first year of my quit. I really hope you live life to the limit and whatever items you have on your bucket list make sure you do them all. You go out and grab life by the throat an live it to the max. Set your goals high and fight to achieve them just like you did for your freedom from nicotine and you will be everything you want to be and more.


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20 minutes ago, StewieTech said:

And with this poem i leave the forum. I believe i beated this addiction for good and will always cherish some of you guys. But im leaving a very virtual life, i need to go out and do fun things.


Hope you enjoy the poem, its my soul there... :)


I'm gutted - you were one of my biggest supporters early on Stewie. I don't know if you realize just what great things you have been a major part of on this form. Do what ya gotta do but know you have REAL friends here that care about you. Even though we may be virtual, doesn't mean we aren't real :18_kissing_heart:

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You will be sorely missed, lad !

Thank you for all your support and love and humor.

Please check in when it feels good to you and go out and have a splendid time. You deserve the very best this ol world has to offer, bebe. 

Tudo bem, my beauty


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3 hours ago, StewieTech said:

And with this poem i leave the forum. I believe i beated this addiction for good and will always cherish some of you guys. But im leaving a very virtual life, i need to go out and do fun things.


Hope you enjoy the poem, its my soul there... :)


I hope you have loads of fun.


There is nothing better than the human touch. This (((hug))) can't come close to the real thing. 


Your bestie Reci will be lost without you. Seeing your "I love you pig" posts scattered randomly round the forum always make me laugh. 


I am sure we will see you again but just in case - thanks for the support and for just being such a sweetheart ?





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I get it man.  This modern society with all of its technological interconnection can leave a fella feeling disconnected from the world around him.  Do what's best for you.


That being said...you'll always have a seat here on the Train.


Three cheers for Stewie, aka The Lad, aka MrTitwank, aka BiggusDickus....

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Hey Stewman (did I wait too long to call you that?)


Thanks for being an awesome shoulder which carried so many, helped them stand tall against the mountains of their quit. Thanks for saying it like it is.

Like everyone before me has said, you will be missed, and you'll always have a place on the train and in our hearts.


Peace out!!!

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