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An account here calms me down , so can i please keep this account ?

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That sounds like a great idea, buying some books. Do you have charity shops where you are? Here in Glasgow there's lots and lots of charity shops filled with really cheap books.

And I think you will find it will get easier for you and you will get less cravings. Wow that's great you are fine in the morning and afternoon! Count yourself lucky there as I'm sure there are some people who crave all throughout the day! 

Welldone you, completing your first week. 

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@WeegieWoman ,


I will get the books from the second hand book store , there are plenty of it here .

I want to read something that is written in my own language , lol



Usually i get the English  books from amazon.com


I like religion and history related books , so i will try to get a few books like that


Sitting alone and spending too much time doing nothing makes me a bit mental


Yes , feeling awesome about getting past the 1 week mark


Smoking kills , you simply have to keep that point in the mind , that is all









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Thanks for the reply WeegieWoman ,


I was reading this right now , I hope it helps you too


Focusing on the Important Stuff in an Age of Distraction


In a world saturated with social media and unlimited interruptions, many of us struggle to focus on what’s in front of us. With so many voices vying for attention, it’s hard to know what’s worth our time



Posted (edited)

11 days 9 hours and i still have not smoked a single cigarette .


Today i had a very unusually strong urge to smoke in the evening but somehow managed to do a triple jump and avoided it .


I am so proud of myself for avoiding that even though i was struggling a lot


God , i know it will go away if you stay strong , sometimes you have to stay very very strong to  avoid cigarettes


That is all .

Edited by redemption3
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I have no idea why every evening at the exact same time , between 7 and 9 , i have to go through hell


I have no idea how i manage myself to get out of that urge to smoke .


I got out of it again somehow , 12 days without smoking and  i still do not know why i have so much cravings for a cigarette at these times .


It must be the gums , but i chew gums to kill some boredom when i stare into the computer screen and forums .


All these cravings leave if i give it enough time , and that time is not an hour or 2 . It takes at least 3 hours for me to feel better


Anyway still continuously fighting addiction even after 12 days .


Is this even normal ?


I really thought it would go away after a week



Posted (edited)

You are doing well not having smoked for almost 2 weeks but I can not wrap my head around how you believe that the cravings would disappear after 1 week. If you have read anything on this forum, you would know that this just is not possible. Yes, the cravings to smoke become less intense and less frequent the longer we go without smoking and without putting nicotine into our bodies but the time frame is certainly not 1 week for any of us. This is why we recommend staying around here for at least 1 year because that's generally the length of time it takes to develop a really solid quit. That doesn't mean you will be having strong cravings for a whole year. It just means you will have gone through all the things you do at different times of the year and those things may bring on cravings the first time you face them as a non-smoker. 


Read the posts from others here and what they have experienced because you will not find even 1 post that says anyone did not have cravings after 1 week. It's a long process Pott! It will happen for you too but you need to give it a lot of time before you will be completely comfortable not smoking. That will also include getting nicotine out of your body at whatever point you feel you can do that. 


Keep fighting the craves you get a night and you'll do fine. Just remember; you are a nicotine addict just like I am. If either one of us ever takes another puff from a cigarette, we will awaken the monster again and will be back to full time smoking very quickly - Don't give up - ever!

Edited by reciprocity
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Thanks for the reply


13 days and holding strong .


I ran out of gums yesterday night , that is why the strange difficulty and craving .


Woke up in the morning , went out and bought a pack of gums and ate one .Feels normal again


Now that i think about yesterdays craving it was a bit weak compared to older ones .


I think the cravings will get weaker and weaker as time passes .


I almost gave up yesterday .


Its so important to sit in a silent place when you have lots of cravings , another point learned


Keep testing yourself without the nicotine gum because yes, the cravings will get weaker the longer you go without smoking. The time frame is different for everyone though so you need to be your own judge as to when to stop the gum completely. You will need to get off the Nicotine gums at some point - once you feel you can deal with the cravings without the gum.


I was nearly 3 months using NRT before I stopped. I know others have been 6 months. Everyone is different and you will know when it is right.


Why have you changed your name again? Just curious.


Also for books online you can try the book depository which has free shipping.




@reciprocity , @notsmokinjo


I am doing alright , some mood swings and i am trying to keep the PC usage to a minimal


The only issues is when i run out of nicotine gums at night


Thanks for the suggestions too


I tried reading some children book at night , it was not that bad .

Must get some books related to history , civilizations and religions .Those books are my favorite


Old name is back too


Thanks for all the reply

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