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On Oct 6 2017 I quit cold turkey. No gum, no patches, vape, weed, pills, nothing.


I had no idea I would still be quit. I remember thinking, "If I make it even a month..."

I mean honestly, who really thinks they will be able to stick with it? it is scary to think of life deprived of tobacco. Like "Damn, so I just do not get to smoke anymore?" Plus all the propaganda about how hard it is to quit, how you NEED NRT, etc. Bullshit. You know what kept me from using NRT? I was not able to afford it at the time PLUS I am too much a cheap skate to pay for something I can do for free.


I never picked up vape because whenever i saw people do it, it looked stupid. Worse than someone carrying a chew-spit bottle, worse than someone smoking a cigarette. I do not like to look stupid.


it does not seem like my daily life is different until i remember things like -


My cigarette break at work is now a hot chocolate break. I don't like coffee. One time at work we ran out of hot chocolate. I am not sure how I survived.

None of my clothes in the past year were ruined because of cigarette cherries randomly falling apart (happens a lot with roll-your-own's, even in a good machine)

My room and house do not smell like a disgusting ash tray. PLUS it is one less fire hazard.

I do not feel like I am going to puke half the time. Looking back, cigarettes tasted like crap. It is like one imagines it will be some wonderful sensation but in reality, it was nasty.

No more nasty-ass yellowish film all over everything. Soon after i quit, i took some wall pictures down to clean them and the rags went from white to nasty yellow.

No more time wasted sitting there cranking out cigarettes with the top-o-matic machine. Had to make sure I had enough.


But like also my blood pressure has decreased a little since quitting. Doctors say my lungs sound perfect. I can laugh like hell and not have a coughing fit. MY GYOD that was embarrassing to try to laugh and be like "BLAH HACK CHOKE COUGH HACK HOCK WHOAT GURGLE SPAT..." Or trying to fall asleep but being awoken cause my lungs would rattle.  Take a deep breath? For-get it.


How the hell did I not die of smoking? I was one of those who thought smoking was a big joke. I used to call it things like "Having lung sex" or "going out for a roast" or "going out to choke on carbon monoxide" or "ensuring an early grave" or "sexing up the air".


But I thought, "What if I DO die early from this shit? Who will take my place as the forum troll on web places I visit? Where will my room mate live? Who will keep Goodwill in business? Who will keep Pepsico in business? Who will the general public laugh at? They are all depending on me!" I knew it was time to quit.


Now when I see someone smoking, I want to say, "What the heck are you doing? That is nasty!"


Honestly, there are still moments I think I would like one but I do not need that pile of crap back in my life. It's just gross.

Edited by Jet Black
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BAMMM!  @Jet Black thanks for this hopefull, no-nonsense and honest post. ?


I love to read these stories. All different approaches, various attitudes towards quitting/methods/life in general. But with one obvious thing in common: proof that quitting smoking is doable AND desirable! 


Thanks again :)




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Good for you Jet Black!!

I don't miss the rasping choking laugh either!! Or coughing the large black loogies in the morning. ? Man, hindsight on smoking is a kick in the pants...

I'm glad you're free and loving it!

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