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Melatonin helps with nicotine withdrawal


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This is great news !

Melatonin treatment attenuates symptoms of acute nicotine withdrawal in humans.


Published 18 years ago...but, I am only recently learning about the benefits of Melatonin.

This link is to The National Center for Biotechnology Information and there are a slew of related articles on the right side of the page.


For sure,  worth further investigation.

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I picked some up yesterday, and used it for the first time last night. I haven't slept well in years (since the military and having babies)

Slept from midnight to 4am like a champ!! Tried to stay in bed but felt rested enough to get up at 5...but I don't feel spaced out like i took "drugs" either.

(I dont know if this is an added benefit but my ear wasn't ringing this morning...I stood on the porch and watched the sun rise and could actually hear birds and crickets!)


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I am very sensitive to Melatonin so I use the liquid form that comes with a dropper. The pills can contain magnesium citrate which is a natural laxative so read the label before purchasing Melatonin. For those who suffer from insomnia with their Quit, Melatonin can be very effective in my experience! I find it helps me get to sleep....for me that’s all I need. If staying asleep all night is an issue you would be best to speak to your Physician. Your Pharmacist can advise you if Melatonin could react adversely with any other meds you may be taking & advise on dosage. Less than 1 mg works for me! 

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So, to update on the Melatonin...I guess during my research I didnt fully comprehend that it is an actual hormone, not a supplement. That being said, I've experienced mood swings that are unusual for me ( I had a crying jag over a fairly normal question).

Also, this may be TMI but for the sake of research I'm pretty by the book 27day cycle but Aunt Flo showed up yesterday (16 days early) for an 11day cycle. Pretty sure this is from the Melatonin even though I can't find conclusive research about this specifically.

1mg also seems too much for me

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I've been on Melatonine 5 mg (I take two capsules around 9pm) for about half a year now. It does miraculous things for my sleep. Opposite to previous quits, this time the sleepless nights only lasted for, say, 10 days.. since I take this, my ('ordinairy', not caused by quitting) moodswings/depression  seem somewhat stabilized. It's hard to say what causes what,  but one thing is for sure, I am infinitely happy about sleeping well. ?

Edited by My life, my recovery
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