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I would like to quit smoking, I tried many times but never succeded more than 5 days.

I was a pack a day smoker for 6 years, and I want to make a change, to quit for good. Yesterday I found this forum , and I was very surprised that it has many active members, so I tought that it would be a great idea to give it one more try and quit smoking.

I am very happy that we can help each other on this journey, I made the decision to quit, but I do not know where to start, I think that I should make a quit plan, could you please help me with some informations on what could I do until I smoke the final ciggarette in order to succed this time? I never had a quit plan.


Before I posted here I tought that it's not a great idea because I am still a smoker in this moment and that could discourage or make someone crave a ciggarette , I am sorry for that, and if someone consider this post to not belong here, I will delete it as soon as posible.


Sorry for my bad english. Thank you guys !

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Hi and welcome Blur..... You certainly do belong here...

Congratulations on making the great decision to taking your life back...OK..let's get you started.

On our main board of discussions..you will find tons of information....

Watch all  Joels videos...they cover most of the subjects ,you will find helpful...

Read Allen Carr the Easy way..on line...this book has helped millions quit...

We are a friendly bunch here...who will support you all the way along your journey...

We have a daily NOPE thread...a great place to start also...it's a promise to yourself ,not to smoke that day..

Stay close ,post often..

You can do it...

Looking forward to getting to know you better...

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18 minutes ago, Doreensfree said:

Hi and welcome Blur..... You certainly do belong here...

Congratulations on making the great decision to taking your life back...OK..let's get you started.

On our main board of discussions..you will find tons of information....

Watch all  Joels videos...they cover most of the subjects ,you will find helpful...

Read Allen Carr the Easy way..on line...this book has helped millions quit...

We are a friendly bunch here...who will support you all the way along your journey...

We have a daily NOPE thread...a great place to start also...it's a promise to yourself ,not to smoke that day..

Stay close ,post often..

You can do it...

Looking forward to getting to know you better...

 Thank you for your support, could you share with me your experience in succesfully making a quit plan?



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Hi Blur,


Welcome, and just because your still smoking for now doesn't mean you don't belong here. I didn't really have a quit plan to start and it depends how you plan to quit. In the end I had a plan to get of NRT gum which I used to help me in the early stages but the key with any plan is to be flexible. I am the sort of person who a rigid plan makes me doomed to fail, I need to be able to have a bit of give and take in any plan of attack.


Doreen gave you the perfect advice. Read or even listen to via You Tube the Alan Carr book. You start this while you are still smoking... it will really help you.

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5 minutes ago, notsmokinjo said:

Hi Blur,


Welcome, and just because your still smoking for now doesn't mean you don't belong here. I didn't really have a quit plan to start and it depends how you plan to quit. In the end I had a plan to get of NRT gum which I used to help me in the early stages but the key with any plan is to be flexible. I am the sort of person who a rigid plan makes me doomed to fail, I need to be able to have a bit of give and take in any plan of attack.


Doreen gave you the perfect advice. Read or even listen to via You Tube the Alan Carr book. You start this while you are still smoking... it will really help you.

I have to admit that I read Allen Carr book 2 times, listened to the 6h audio 1 time and watched the movie another 3 times. Now when I look back, I understand that I had a lack of motivation and now I am looking forward reading/listening to it one more time and maybe note or highlight the most important ideas in order to review them when I get an urge. I have to be more open-minded and embrace those ideas. I will also try Joel Spiltzer videos and library. Also, I am looking forward to reading what have worked for you to stay smoke free and fight with the urges. Thank you for all the support. I hope that after gathering some data and understanding the addiction better I will start being free from tommorow morning.

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You have to want to quit..more than you want to smoke...

We can only give you the tools...the work has to come from you....

You have to make a promise to yourself..never to stick anything in your mouth and set fire to it...ever....NOPE.

Once you've made that decision... It will be easier....

It's doable....and so rewarding....

No time like now....throw them out...why wait ????

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Welcome to QuitTrain, Blur.


I can relate to what you are saying about having had multiple failed attempts to quit smoking.  I had a lot of short quits as well and grew very discouraged.


What finally worked for me was joining and getting involved in a quit smoking forum like this one.  I received a lot of support as well as knowledge about the addiction.  Getting involved in a place like this is also a great way to hold yourself accountable in keeping your quit as well.


Allen Carr really helped me but different things work for different people.  Reading about others' experiences in quitting can really help give you insight and help you prepare for what you might go through.


I don't think I really had a plan.  I just read as much as I could about nicotine addiction in order to understand what I was trying to overcome, sought the support of others, and did what I could do to help others in return.


A key moment for me was accepting that there really is nothing positive at all that comes from smoking.  It is all negative.  I was not giving up anything positive at all.  I was actually making big steps towards living a better life by leaving smoking behind.


Please feel welcome here.  Everyone here has gone through what you are currently experiencing and we are here to help.

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I quit many times, as most of us I think do before they truly quit! Getting involved with a message board and reading Allen Carr's easy way to quit smoking is what helped me ? The first day I made it 1hour!!! Yes I thought let's quit on my brothers birthday (he passed away years ago) but I wasn't giving up on my giving up smoking! Lol day 2 I made it 3 hours I think this went on for days, I even made it to 1 day! Everyone was supportive even though I wasn't completely quit ❤️ I just kept reading and trying finally someone said "you have to want to quit more than you want to smoke" it clicked for the first time. I've been quit for over a year and a half now. Just never give up on quiting until it sticks. It's not easy but it's worth it!

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Welcome blur, when I decided it was time to quit I stopped smoking in my usual places so that I wouldn't associate them with smoking when I was in that area. I also told myself repeatedly that all (good?) things must come to an end. I have outgrown cigarettes just like many other things we outgrow. 

I joined my first forum at three weeks quit also and I'm convinced that this is the reason I've succeeded. Posting, supporting, celebrating milestones and socializing really helped keep my mind off my misery and I met great people from all over the world :)

No one knows better than us what we go through when quitting this nasty habit so stay close and maybe even consider taking the one year pledge, and let's get you quit :)

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Hello Blur,

You communicate very well !

To have a successful quit you must educate yourself about nicotine addiction.

Read all you can here and everywhere and watch all the gory movies.

Commit to NOPE Not One Puff Ever

You may find this thread helpful

10 Ways to Effectively Use This Forum


I look forward to your presence here and will help you in anyway I can.  We all will.  

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Blur, all above have covered the process pretty well.  I too did not have a real plan, I just came to the conclusion that not only did I need to quit -- I really wanted to quit.  Coming to this forum has helped greatly -- the articles to educate yourself, the videos, and then there are the people, all truly helped me get to this point.  Just make the decision to leap and we will be here to help you along the way.

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@Doreensfree @Martian5 @Sazerac @jillar @Niecie @Naughtius Maximus @johnny5 @notsmokinjo


I can't express my happiness because I know that all of you are supporting me on this battle, you are all very kind and it is unbeliveble how you motivated me to do the right thing.

Thank you all for sharing your advices, for all the good words you said. For the first time in many many attempts to quit smoking I am not afraid,  now I am very confident in myself because of what you all said. Not only that I know, but now I really feel that I do the right thing and I make the best decision for myself.

I start now, for the first time happy on this road to quit and I happily get up in the quit-train that will lead me to a better me , and to a free life.

I never imagined how powerful it is when you have so many people keeping you up , motivated and be with you at hard times.


I will do this. I can. I know, and I hope that once I get rid of this addiction I could help others too, like you did with me.


That's it , I smoked my last ciggarette and broke my addiction, I promise me and I promise you that this is the final fight, I won't turn back. Never. And for that I want to thank every one of you very much.

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16 minutes ago, blur said:

@Doreensfree @Martian5 @Sazerac @jillar @Niecie @Naughtius Maximus @johnny5 @notsmokinjo


I can't express my happiness because I know that all of you are supporting me on this battle, you are all very kind and it is unbeliveble how you motivated me to do the right thing.

Thank you all for sharing your advices, for all the good words you said. For the first time in many many attempts to quit smoking I am not afraid,  now I am very confident in myself because of what you all said. Not only that I know, but now I really feel that I do the right thing and I make the best decision for myself.

I start now, for the first time happy on this road to quit and I happily get up in the quit-train that will lead me to a better me , and to a free life.

I never imagined how powerful it is when you have so many people keeping you up , motivated and be with you at hard times.


I will do this. I can. I know, and I hope that once I get rid of this addiction I could help others too, like you did with me.


That's it , I smoked my last ciggarette and broke my addiction, I promise me and I promise you that this is the final fight, I won't turn back. Never. And for that I want to thank every one of you very much.


Great news Blur.

Keep reading and learning... Education will be your weapon to fight the monster...

Remember we have all been were you are ...

You have a army of people behind you...who want you to find your freedom...

Those that stick close,post often ..are the ones who are more likely to succeed....

There is tons of fun stuff too...to pass the time...we believe quitting doesn't have to be doom and gloom..

Let's get this done...

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Welcome aboard Blur.


12 hours ago, blur said:

I think that I should make a quit plan, could you please help me with some informations on what could I do until I smoke the final ciggarette in order to succed this time? I never had a quit plan.


Some people do well with a detailed plan, but it is not a prerequisite for a successful quit.  For instance: I spent a fair amount of time planning ahead about how I would handle being around other people that still smoke.  After I quit, I wasn't bothered by being around other people smoking.  It really had no effect on me whatsoever.  There are many variables at play when quitting and often you don't know what to expect until you actually begin the process.


Move the big rocks first.  Take time to educate yourself about nicotine addiction and the truth about cigarettes.  There will be times when you feel like smoking a cigarette, look into some coping mechanisms for those moments.  Deep breathing exercises and physical exercise worked well for many of us and there are many other options to choose from.


Above all, commit 100% to taking back your freedom and health.  A steadfast resolve will allow you to sort it out as you go and take whatever the process offers up.


23 minutes ago, blur said:

I will do this. I can.


Absolutely.  Enjoy the ride.

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31 minutes ago, blur said:

I will do this. I can. I know, and I hope that once I get rid of this addiction I could help others too, like you did with me.


That's it , I smoked my last ciggarette and broke my addiction, I promise me and I promise you that this is the final fight, I won't turn back. Never. And for that I want to thank every one of you very much.


Great job, Blur.  Just let us know if you need any help.  As everyone here said, education and support help in a huge way.  You can get both here.


Quitting can be tough but the reward of a life free from nicotine addiction is very much worth it.  You are doing a great thing.

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1 hour ago, blur said:

@Doreensfree @Martian5 @Sazerac @jillar @Niecie @Naughtius Maximus @johnny5 @notsmokinjo


I can't express my happiness because I know that all of you are supporting me on this battle, you are all very kind and it is unbeliveble how you motivated me to do the right thing.

Thank you all for sharing your advices, for all the good words you said. For the first time in many many attempts to quit smoking I am not afraid,  now I am very confident in myself because of what you all said. Not only that I know, but now I really feel that I do the right thing and I make the best decision for myself.

I start now, for the first time happy on this road to quit and I happily get up in the quit-train that will lead me to a better me , and to a free life.

I never imagined how powerful it is when you have so many people keeping you up , motivated and be with you at hard times.


I will do this. I can. I know, and I hope that once I get rid of this addiction I could help others too, like you did with me.


That's it , I smoked my last ciggarette and broke my addiction, I promise me and I promise you that this is the final fight, I won't turn back. Never. And for that I want to thank every one of you very much.



You have made myself and a whole lot of people very happy with your decision to quit smoking

because we know how great it is to be free of nicotine !

You will be amazed at your inner strength and your power !

and this will affect all portions of your life in a beautiful way.


Take each moment at a time....each crave is just another opportunity for you to acknowledge and expose your power.

Commit to NOPE and you will succeed.


I know the first days/weeks/months will have their challenges but, it will all be worth it, I promise you.

Post all of your feelings and thoughts...others will get great inspiration from you.


Thank you so much for joining us, 

now, breathe the nice clean air and treat yourself to something special.

You have just made one of the best decisions in your life.




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12 hours ago, johnny5 said:

How are you doing, @blur?


12 hours ago, garry mhudson said:

I`ll double down on that. How you doing?

I've slipped unfortunatly, I can't believe what a roller-coaster of motivation I go through. I will try something else, reducing to 3/day, smoking alone and conscious and dissociate places and people with smoking.

I feel like garbage now, sincerly.

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Also, I am going to read Allen Carr again while I do all mentioned above, and maybe if the situation requieres it I will use NRT, or 5HTP as one doctor suggested me before ( it stimulates serotonin production that becomes low when quitting )

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Ok you've, smoked...but your here..so that tells me deep down you want to quit...

We have quitters here who used NRT...if it helps...all roads lead to Rome ....

You smoked because you still feel that cigarettes offer you something.....

Please stay around and read ,read and read some more...

Learn all you can about this horrible addiction...a addiction which is killing you slowly....

Once you understand smoking offers you nothing ...you will want to quit for good ...

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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