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Why do I feel so Blah!


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I'm trundling along at the minute, but I feel so bloody Blah! My whole body is like hurting! Palpitations that are scaring the crap out of me, I want to growl at everyone who even dares look in my direction. I'm morphing into a blob at the minute, my cravings were horrendous yesterday but I kept slapping them down. I think I trawled this page every 2 minutes to distract myself. I just feel like s@@t sod this addiction it can do one, don't want to go through this again. In the fog of my brain I know it gets better but oh my god I feel like blah!

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The early days suck for sure JM. Anger, brain fog, feeling unable to be of any use doing anything is pretty common, among numerous other quit symptoms. They aren't fun to experience but they are just temporary and will lead you to a life where your body and brain will function much better and you will feel pretty darn good all the time. Pay your dues now for a short time and freedom will be yours :) Stay close to the board here while you're going through this stage. It will help you get through. Lots of games to play here too if you just need some fun distraction.

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The early days sure suck eh Jackie !!!

Most of us have been ....just where you are...

Stay strong...this will be the last time ,you will have to go through this...

Keep busy...staying close will help you through the bad times...

The only way is upwards on onwards...

You can do it ...x

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Hi Jackie, I was fortunate enough to write down little snippets of my early quit, so can relate to where you are. Your post just caused me to look back over them.


In those early days I had up and down times, feeling impressed with myself and having light bulb thoughts in one moment and feeling like crap in others. I half remembered it as being irritable all the time, but when I look back at it now, it was only actually 3 or 4 days in that first couple of weeks where I was feeling like ripping everyones head off :)


It really was temporary and quietened to a point that I found some respite after those first few days. Still up and downs, but the balance soon starts to shift!


You are in the middle of the second week now, so keep going, you will get through this and we are here for you. It is so worth it.

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Hi Jackie, when we quit our bodies start right away trying to repair all the damage we did to it by smoking. So it makes sense that we are tired when we first quit. Our bodies need our energy. Be kind to yourself. Let your body dictate what it needs to help it heal. If it's hungry, eat. Tired, sleep. I don't know how many days I said the heck with it and just went to bed hoping tomorrow would be just a little better. You're doing great :) 

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Stay determined Jackie, that little whiny voice will keep belly aching, just tell it to bu$$er off, and then get on here to read and post. I went to bed as much as I could in the early days to pass the time ? it will get better :91_thumbsup:

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36 minutes ago, catlover said:

Stay determined Jackie, that little whiny voice will keep belly aching, just tell it to bu$$er off, and then get on here to read and post. I went to bed as much as I could in the early days to pass the time ? it will get better :91_thumbsup:


Ha yeah, i used to go to bed at 7pm just so i could not suffer anymore that day. I remember those days with fondness now. Funny.

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Keep it going Jackie, at least you are coming here and letting us know what is going on.  These first days are rough but at this point it will start to get better, a little slowly at first then very soon each day will get better.  It is tough but it is so worth it!!!!!!

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Yeah, those early days can really suck.  There's no way to sugarcoat that. 


Still, the reward for making it through this time is huge.  You will start to notice all sorts of positive benefits, some expected and some not expected, and eventually you will realize that you are living such a better quality of life than you did when you were a slave to nicotine.  You just have to make it through these times first but it is definitely worth these early struggles.


Stick with it.  You are doing great, Jacki!

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It helps to remember that the only reason we feel the way we do in those early days is because we smoked.


Smoking is the cause.  Quitting is the cure.


Better days are straight ahead.  Drive on JackiMac.

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Jackie, you’re in the worst possible period of the quit and you’re doing great. You might not believe it, but you’re doing great. Those feelings are normal but they’ll pass and you’ll see all the benefits of not smoking. We are here for you, remember! 

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