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One Day At A Time


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Hugglemonster and Members,

Thank you - sincerely, thank you!  I will hop back on here and post an intro shortly. I need to wrap up a website for a meeting tonight and then I will be free. I should also say thank you to Amy, as she did inspire me to join, and just reiterating everything gave me a taste of my own medicine and got me past that questionable hour or so. Thank you for having me and will post again soon,


So glad you are here!!

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My goodness - everyone.... I can honestly say I don't think I have ever experienced such a warm and supportive welcome anywhere!! And finding this site has been a blessing today as I have had two pretty wild cravings that made me wonder if I should just go buy a pack because there must be something really great about my disgusting habit (even though I can't put my finger on exactly what that is). Overall though, two cravings and a handful of fleeting thoughts.... I think the sailing is getting smoother by the minute (like Nancy's signature). I hope Amy (and others) also feels this.  I am headed to the intro place now, but before I do I need to add one thing to my long winded post earlier - btw, I am not sure where the ridiculous chattiness is coming from but it's not the norm so please don't be afraid to open my posts. I think I am just in shock and excited that I did it and it was so easy when compared to what I had built up in my mind  :)  Anyway, the one last comment I would like to express to Amy is that once she completes one task that she normally smoked while doing, whether it be driving or folding laundry or sitting outside watching the sunset - do it ONCE without smoking and the brain breaks the connection which then removes the compulsion that you must smoke when you do that task again. Off to the intro area now and then to check out the rest of the site. You are all answers to a prayer, just under different screen names.

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My goodness - everyone.... I can honestly say I don't think I have ever experienced such a warm and supportive welcome anywhere!! And finding this site has been a blessing today as I have had two pretty wild cravings that made me wonder if I should just go buy a pack because there must be something really great about my disgusting habit (even though I can't put my finger on exactly what that is). Overall though, two cravings and a handful of fleeting thoughts.... I think the sailing is getting smoother by the minute (like Nancy's signature). I hope Amy (and others) also feels this.  I am headed to the intro place now, but before I do I need to add one thing to my long winded post earlier - btw, I am not sure where the ridiculous chattiness is coming from but it's not the norm so please don't be afraid to open my posts. I think I am just in shock and excited that I did it and it was so easy when compared to what I had built up in my mind  :)  Anyway, the one last comment I would like to express to Amy is that once she completes one task that she normally smoked while doing, whether it be driving or folding laundry or sitting outside watching the sunset - do it ONCE without smoking and the brain breaks the connection which then removes the compulsion that you must smoke when you do that task again. Off to the intro area now and then to check out the rest of the site. You are all answers to a prayer, just under different screen names.

Welcome Jeanne :)  Stick around a while, you can find your sticky quit.  All you need is the commitment and the support of the Quit Train.  Quitting can be easy, if you commit to NOPE (not one puff ever).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Jeanne,


I am so happy you joined and all of your advise is wonderful.  Welcome aboard  :)  I have not quit although I know I have to.

Congratulations on your quit!  I don't know when I will find my quit- I will be here though when I am ready.

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Hi El Bandito,


Summer is crazy busy!  Still smoking though don't want to say I am going to quit again I feel like I am lying to myself and everybody else...


How are you?

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I'm in great form, thanks. I know what you mean on quitting, when it doesn't stick, it feels a lot like failure, and gets a bit kinda relentless.


It's not of course, every mini quit helps I think, but I'm not going to pile pressure on you.


I smoked for 30 years! So in no position to judge anyone.


I can tell you though that it feels epic to be quit. And just like you, it was one minute at a time to start with.


There is never a right time Amy....the worst that can happen is that you carry on smoking...which you are doing anyway...


So jump in. The water is lovely ;-)

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Hi Marti,


Miss You! Congratulations!!  Social busy..summer everyone makes plans wedding, graduation party, barbacues..

It's all fun but tiring as well.  This weekend will be my first weekend for me to stay home without company since June 21.

I am so happy to have a little time to myself.


I hope all is well  :)

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okay- 2nd day back to the Quit Train- not on board yet but definitely on the bench of the platform.

All I have to do is get off my butt stand up and open the door.  I am contemplating am I brave

enough to pick a new date? 

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I think maybe if I pick a date further away- like maybe the end of next month I can work up the strength to try again.  Maybe even try to cut down a lot before the date 

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I think maybe if I pick a date further away- like maybe the end of next month I can work up the strength to try again.  Maybe even try to cut down a lot before the date 

There is quit, and then there is smoking. Cutting down? Sounds like kinda pregnant. . .lol! You can quit now, Amy. Toss the paraphernalia, and stay close to the forum. Get the healthy snacks ready and the licorice. I'm 5 months a non smoker now; 3-4 packs a day for 40 years and I was pretty convinced I was not able to quit. I have 2-3 craves a day right now, which is a bit unusual, but I'm in the middle of moving to a new place and my husband and I are pretty busy trying to get settled, so I'm blaming it on stress right now. The craves are seconds long, then the rest of the day I don't think about smoking much. Overall, life is better than I expected, but then, it usually is. :lol2:


All of that was basically, "if I can do it, then you can, too."


Or, just pop in and chat with us! I like seeing your pretty smiling face!

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Hi Amy. So your still listening to that little monkey, huh ? Yeah, he does sing a pretty good little tune, doesn't he ? Kinda got used to him. Well, he's a liar. And if your gonna wait until your ready, then your gonna die a smoker.


Your not EVER gonna be ready while your still listening to him. And if the day comes that you finally think you are ready, just wait until you don't smoke for a few hours..... You think he's busy now ? Oh noooo, he gets really loud then. I still hear him. Some days, he is louder than my own thinking. But he's getting quieter and quieter. I'm just refusing to give in to him any more. And I like it. I like not smoking. I feel so much better physically. My mind isn't quite there yet but I do believe it will get there. I know I'm willing to give it time. Something I've never done before.


I do know where your coming from though, but I also sure do hope you decide to listen to us one day. I like you. And I would really like to hear that you have made a decision for yourself that not only can extend your life, but improve it dramatically.


Cutting down might work. But I do what will work. And that's finally saying your just gonna jump. No matter what, just jump. And then lean on us as much as you need to.


Either way, I'm glad to see you here. Your desire hasn't completely abandoned you. And that makes me very very happy.

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Hi, Amy!  So good to see you!  You might want to read this article from whyquit.com about cutting down gradually.  What is holding you back?  What are you afraid of?

Hi Nancy,


Okay so if I want to be in withdrawal forever I should just cut down LOL... I am getting there Nancy I have just tried and failed so many times and it is stressful - It is hard and sometimes seems impossible.   I realize that if I don't try it is never going to happen I think I just need a little time 

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Hi Nancy,


Okay so if I want to be in withdrawal forever I should just cut down LOL... I am getting there Nancy I have just tried and failed so many times and it is stressful - It is hard and sometimes seems impossible.   I realize that if I don't try it is never going to happen I think I just need a little time


You have had a little time. Do it now. It will be no different tomorrow, next month, or in 20 years. Except your lungs. They might be different.

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Ok Amy. Set a date. Just set a date. You can always bring it forward but lets start somewhere....


Jump beautiful lady, we will catch you...what have you got to lose??



okay I will start with August 29th and I have my reasons for the date being so far away.. or I should say my excuses

So that is 4 weeks from now I still did not finish the Alan Carr book so that is going to be top on my list I just need some time to myself to do this.  


Hey Marti you are a pushy one.... :)

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I did a lot of reading at whyquit.com to understand nicotine and the quit process.  An educated quit is a strong quit.  All of us can help you with questions or with worries.  Try reading an hour per day.  We'll walk with you. 

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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