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One Day At A Time


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So glad that you're doing this Amy.


You're right, it's tough at times...vent when you feel like this and distraction, distraction, distraction! When it feels tough just remind yourself that you feel like shite, not because you can't smoke, but because you DID start to smoke. That turned my thinking round no end, saw it as a war I would not lose.


The book, read with an open mind. It will put new, true habit ideas in your head so if you feel like crap search your head for the new, true information, it really does help. Your crave/feeling can then pass and you are left about the truth about smoking and can really help with the peace of mind.


I am so pleased for you Amy, you so deserve this. If I can do it anyone can ;)

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How's it going today, Amy?

Hi Nancy- I have to say it is just only okay. But the day is almost over..7 more hours to go.  I am at work and the office is slow so I am sure this does not help- the day kind of drags.

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It is Thursday May 1st- and this is day one again for me.  So I did not smoke for almost 2 days.  I know this is not the way

I am supposed to do it.  It is like groundhog day.  Day 1 over and over again.  

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I think I have to skip the one day at a time- someone posted every second every minute every hour.  Just getting through every hour and not worrying about the day.  This is what I am going to work on. 

every minute and every hour.  Eventually this will lead to a day.

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Amy....am gutted that you are back to day one.


You must just crack on Amy, no matter what, and remove smoking as an option to end the physical and mental craving. I swear, you have my word, that if you crack on with it that it really does become normal not to want to smoke...I swear.


Vent...cry...cheer...dance....whatever you need to do but just don't smoke xx

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Awww, Amy, wish you would stop putting yourself through this...you've got to get it in your mind that smoking is not an option...because you are a non-smoker!

Hi Nancy- I really do have to stop this.  I am not normally a depressed person but this is having a toll.. I am going to get through hour by hour no more worrying about days.  

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Checklist: Amy: Which of these things are you doing the first week? Which are these are you NOT doing?


1. Quit letter to yourself posted here

2. SOS posted and wait for 5 minutes before you smoke.

3. Fruit juice a lot for first 3 days.

4. Plenty of ice water handy when you get a crave, plus black licorice, according to many.

5. Throw ALL paraphanalia out of house. Ashtrays, cigarettes, etc.

6. Avoid for a bit those smoking situations or friends that have made it easy for you to relapse in the past. (Not their fault; your choice.)

7. Reading Alan Carr and Spitzer's books, completely.

8. Watch Joel Spitzer's videos for the first 7 days; all of the above are posted in the Newbie section.

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Did I trade not smoking for eating..my stomach hurts so bad right now I think I had enough food to last 3 days.  Breakfast at work.. sorry about this my left over linguini and meatball ate it all.  Lunch (normally this is not what I eat) Mcdonalds 2 cheesburger meal size large I ate every single freaking french fry ugh.. dinner steak and mushrooms with a side of Scoater I am thinking about apple pie or ice cream but think I really shouldn't my intestines will burst

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Amy - we are here for you.  I know many of us thought there is no way in H-E-double hockey sticks we could quit.  Girl, pretty much everyone who inhales nicotine gets addicted, not addictive personalities.  It's the drug.

But it's the FEAR that keeps us smoking, miserable addicts, terrified of being more miserable ex-addicts. 

Because we have been told over and over and over how hard it is to quit and how such a small % succeed.

So long as we keep (literally) buying into than nonsense, we are lining some fat cat's wallet.

It's not true.  You are no different than any one of us.  And if we can do it, for sure you can too.  :) I want all the best for you, you don't deserve this torture. 

This video struck a real chord with me in the early part of my quit.  I remember how scared I was at the very beginning.  Not overnight, but quickly that fear disappeared.  It does for us all :)


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Amy wonderful to read the above post, the fear will disappear as your quit moves on and you gain more strength, strength to beat the nicotine addict, its such a good feeling too as you overcome each fear and each crave, they are there but your ability to cope with them becomes better and each day you embrace the fact that you have made another day as a non smoker its just amazing, you can do this Amy we all have faith in you Amy and we all are here to help and support you, you go girl well done, proud of you xx

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Hi Ava,


Thanks for the video just finished it- wish I did not start smoking at 13 I am quitting.  Today is day 1.


Same age as me Amy, how on earth did we get away with it?


I imagine you have no memory of being a non smoker? I didn't and that, looking back, was a lot of my mental problem with it all. It can be a 'fear' of who the hell am I as a non smoker, how the hell do I go about day to day as a non smoker. I couldn't imagine it, hence the fear, hence kept on puffing away.


Please just trust me that you will soon adjust to going about day-to-day, to just getting on with living as a non smoker. There are so many benefits but I won't list them, you have no doubt read them a million times anyway. If it's fear Amy just face the ruddy fear, you have my word that you soon adjust to the new improved you. So if it's that you 'can't imagine' just plant new thoughts that you 'can imagine' see yourself happy and free- cause if you keep to NOPE you soon will be- you have my word.


Of course the physical and mental detox doesn't make folk feel 'happy' but it really doesn't last forever- I promise.

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Hi Ava,


Thanks for the video just finished it- wish I did not start smoking at 13 I am quitting. Today is day 1.

I've heard that a lot. I've said it myself too. For me I was able to unravel it to mean that I did not want to be a smoker.... so why did I continue? I was panicking and getting overwhelmed.


Just remember, you wish you hadn't started so you wish that you were a non smoker.


Wishes alone don't cut it though. Minute by minute pull yourself along. In time you'll deal with things better, just let go of your distorted belief in the cigarettes, and ride the train, and believe in the journey that we have all been on before you.


I'm gonna bump my 'where does the train go' thread for you.


It's a process. And a personal journey. Trust in it, trust in yourself.

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Hey Amy - just checking how you are going ? You can do this and remember we are here to support you !

Hi Pippa,


Doing okay- fighting every minute the urge to buy cigarettes.  I am going to go out and pick up lunch in a few minutes.. so I will be signing off.  Will check back in though- definitely helps being here.  Funny I am reading this and this pops out at me " fighting the urge to buy cigarettes not the urge to smoke"  I guess it goes hand in hand If I buy them I smoke them,.

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Amy you can do this, I know you can. You just have to say that you will not smoke today. And for goodness sake, do not buy a pack!!! Keep saying no, scream it if you have to, but do not buy any smokes. I replaced smoking with eating for a while and there is nothing wrong with that. Take deep breathes, take a nap, take a walk, read on the boards, just do not smoke.


If fear is a motivation read below...if your squeamish, don't.


My grandfathers sister ended up with lung cancer from long time use of smoking. Her and her husband were heavy smokers, over a pack a day and smoked in the house, cars...anywhere. She died. The cancer didn't take her, she fell down the stairs and her lungs collapsed. She suffocated before the ambulance arrived. Life as a non smoker is so much better than a smoker. There is a little discomfort getting there but you CAN get there. Dont give up, stay strong and keep fighting.

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